2.6.6 Die

Use this domain for words related to dying.

OMC Codes: 
165 Mortality
760 Death
763 Dying
Louw Nida Codes: 
23G Live, Die
  • What general words refer to dying?
    die, expire,
  • What words refer to dying as a result of illness or old age?
    pass away, pass on, go, kick the bucket, snuff it,
  • What words refer to dying as a result of an accident or violence?
    be killed, accidental death, death by misadventure, violent death, lose your life, perish, suffer heavy losses,
  • What euphemisms and idioms are used to refer to death?
    go to your reward, be wasted, fall asleep, croak, depart, breathe your last, defunct, grim reaper
  • What words are used to describe the manner in which someone dies?
    drop dead, keel over, slow death, sudden death, painful death, excruciating death, gruesome death, horrible death, die quietly, die peacefully, die with boots on, die fighting, fade away, succumb (to illness), drown, drowning, asphyxiate, suffocate, choke to death, sacrifice, succumb (to a disease), suffocate, suffocation, starvation, starve, starve to death, burn to death, freeze to death,
  • What words refer to dying when you are still young?
    die young, be cut off in your prime, untimely death,
  • What words refer to dying to save someone?
    die for, give your life, lay down your life, martyr,
  • What words describe someone who is almost dead?
    dying, be close to death, about to die, on death's doorstep, be at death's door, have one foot in the grave,
  • What words refer to the event of dying?
    death, demise, mortality,
  • What words refer to someone who has died?
    deceased, dead person, goner, dearly departed, casualty, fatality, the dead,
  • What words describe someone who is dead?
    dead, deceased, stone-dead, dead as a doornail, late, lifeless,
  • What words refer to the number of people who die from the same cause?
    death toll, fatalities, loss of life,
  • What words refer to losing someone in death?
    lose (someone), loss, bereaved, be widowed, be orphaned,
  • What words describe an illness or wound that will cause the person to die?
    fatal, terminal,
  • Kill

    Use this domain for words related to killing someone--to cause someone to die.

    OMC Codes: 
    762 Suicide
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    20D Kill
  • What general words refer to killing someone?
    kill, murder, assassinate, bump off, do away with, finish someone off, take someone's life, dispatch, dispose, finish, eliminate, liquidate, commit murder, waste, zap, slay, snuff, send to Davy Jones locker, lynch, silence, terminate,
  • What words describe the manner of killing someone?
    shoot, gun down, blow someone away, stab, stab someone to death, butcher, behead, decapitate, beat someone to death, asphyxiate, choke, garrote, strangle, suffocate, throttle, smother, stifle, crucify, drown, electrocute, hang, hanging, poison, stone, starve,
  • What words refer to the act of killing someone?
    murder (n), homicide, killing, assassination, foul play, capital crime, beheading, bloodshed, butchery, crucifixion, decapitation, electrocution, fratricide, immolation, infanticide, liquidation, manslaughter, martyrdom, matricide, patricide, regicide, shooting, slaying, strangulation, smothering, suffocation, terrorism,
  • What words refer to the government killing someone because they committed a crime?
    execute, put someone to death, sentence someone to death, capital punishment, the death penalty, capital offence, capital crime, punishable by death, execution, condemned, be on death row,
  • What words refer to killing many people?
    massacre, slaughter, exterminate, annihilate, wipe out, bloody,
  • What words refer to the killing of many people?
    massacre (n), slaughter, carnage, genocide, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, annihilation, blood-bath, extermination, holocaust, pogrom,
  • What words refer to killing yourself?
    kill yourself, commit suicide, take your own life, end it all, suicide, suicidal, be a suicide, do away with yourself,
  • What words refer to trying to kill someone?
    attempted murder, attempt on someone's life,
  • What words refer to someone who kills another person?
    murderer, killer, assassin, hitman, slayer, executioner, hangman, liquidator, murderess, slaughterer, slayer, terrorist, strangler,
  • What words describe someone who wants to kill someone?
    homicidal, murderous,
  • What words refer to the person who was killed?
    martyr, murdered man/woman, victim, fatality,
  • What words refer to a person killed in war?
    killed in action, casualty, casualty of war, civilian casualty, collateral damage,
  • What words refer to something used to kill someone?
    murder weapon,
  • What words describe something that can kill someone?
    fatal, killer, mortal, lethal, deadly, poisonous, toxic,
  • What words refer to something such as an accident or disease killing someone?
    kill, kill off, cause death, be a killer, destroy, decimate, wipe out,
  • What words refer to doing something that might result in your death?
    risk your life,
  • What words refer to doing something that results in your death?
    cost you your life,
  • What words refer to killing an animal?
    slaughter, destroy, put down, put away, put something out of it misery,
  • Corpse

    Use this domain for words referring to a corpse--the body of a person who has died.

  • What words refer to a dead body?
    body, dead body, corpse, cadaver, stiff, carcass, carrion, mummy,
  • What words refer to a dead body decaying?
    decay, decompose, rot, return to dust, eaten by worms, corrupt, putrid, putrefy,
  • What words refer to a body after it has decayed?
    remains, bones, skeleton,
  • Funeral

    Use this domain for words related to a funeral and other things that are done after a person dies.

    OMC Codes: 
    764 Burial Practices and Funerals
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    52 Funerals and Burial
  • What words refer to a funeral?
    funeral, wake, graveside service, burial service, last rites
  • What words refer to holding a funeral?
    perform a funeral, hold a memorial service,
  • What words refer to notifying people that someone has died?
    death notice, send death notice,
  • What words refer to something someone says about a dead person?
    obituary, eulogy, epitaph,
  • What are the parts or stages of a funeral?
    eulogy, dirge, fire a salute, lower the flag, half mast, play taps, toll the bell
  • What words refer to something that is made or done to remind people of the person who died?
    memorial, monument, in memory of,
  • Mourn

    Use this domain for words related to mourning a death--to feel bad because someone died and to show this feeling in various ways. Include whatever cultural practices are used.

    OMC Codes: 
    765 Mourning
    768 Social Readjustments to Death
    769 Cult of the Dead
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25L Laugh, Cry, Groan x
  • What words refer to mourning a death?
    grieve, be in mourning, mourn, lament, bemoan, mourning, lamentation, grief, sorrow,
  • What noises do people make to show they are mourning?
    bewail, crying, groan, moan, sigh, wail, weep,
  • What special music is played?
    death chant, dirge, funeral march,
  • What words refer to someone who is mourning?
  • What special clothes are worn?
    dress in black, funeral clothes, black veil
  • What do people do to show they are mourning?
    beat their breast, tear their clothes, shave their head, put ashes on their head
  • Bury

    Use this domain for words related to disposing of a dead body. Different cultures have practices other than burying a body in the ground. Include words for all practices used by the culture.

    OMC Codes: 
    766 Special Burial Practices and Funerals
    Deviant Mortuary Practices
    767 Mortuary Specialists
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    52 Funerals and Burial
  • What words refer to burying a dead body?
    bury, burial, inter, interment, lay to rest, entomb
  • What steps are involved in preparing a body for burial?
    burial arrangements, wash (the body), wrap, anoint
  • What words refer to a person who prepares a body for burial?
    embalmer, undertaker, mortician, gravedigger, funeral director,
  • Where are bodies prepared for burial?
    morgue, mortuary, crematorium,
  • What is used to protect a body?
    grave clothes, shroud, coffin, casket, sarcophagus, urn
  • What is used to carry a body?
    pall, bier, hearse
  • What words refer to burning a body?
    cremate, cremation, pyre, ashes
  • What words refer to leaving a body outside?
    expose (a body), funeral platform, left to rot
  • What words refer to preserving a dead body?
    embalm, mummify, mummy,
  • Grave

    Use this domain for words related to a grave--the place where a dead body is put.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What words refer to the place where a body is placed?
    grave, tomb, burial plot, sepulcher, vault, crypt, barrow,
  • What words refer to a place where many bodies are buried?
    cemetery, churchyard, graveyard, mausoleum, mass grave, burial ground, charnel house,
  • What words refer to a marker of a grave?
    grave marker, gravestone, headstone, tombstone, slab, memorial, monument, epitaph
  • Inherit

    Use this domain for words related to inheriting something from your parents after they die.

    OMC Codes: 
    428 Inheritance
  • What words refer to inheriting something?
    inherit, receive an inheritance, succeed to,
  • What words refer to someone who inherits something?
    heir, heiress, beneficiary,
  • What words refer to something that is inherited?
    inheritance, estate, legacy,
  • What words refer to a will?
    will, last will and testament, probate
  • What words refer to the process of making a will?
    make a will, draw up a will, plan your estate, estate planning, testate, intestate,
  • What words refer to someone who makes a will?
  • What words refer to giving something to someone in your will?
    leave, bequeath, will (v), hand down,
  • What words refer to the person who distributes the property?
  • What words refer to the right to inherit something?
  • Life after death

    Use this domain for words related to life after death.

    OMC Codes: 
    769 Cult of the Dead
  • What words refer to life after death?
    life after death, afterlife, immortality, the life beyond, life beyond the grave,
  • What words refer to person after they die?
    ghost, spirit,
  • What words refer to the place where dead people are?
    netherworld, heaven, hell,
  • What words refer to caring for the spirit of a dead person?
    offer a sacrifice, pray for the dead, keep someone's memory alive,
  • What words refer to not living on after death?
    oblivion, end of existence, finality of death,