9.7 Name

Use this domain for general words referring to proper nouns--the name given to a particular person or thing to distinguish it from other things like it. Proper nouns are often not included in a dictionary, or are included in an appendix at the front or back of a dictionary. This is because there are so many of them, they are sometimes difficult to define, and it saves space in the dictionary. For instance place names can be included in a map. So it might be good to type the proper nouns into a special file.

Louw Nida Codes: 
93 Names of Persons and Places
  • What general words refer to the name of a person, place, or thing?
    name, proper noun,
  • What words refer to giving a name to someone or something?
    name (v), call, christen,
  • 9.7.1 Name of a person

    Use this domain for words related to the name of a person. Each culture has a system of personal names to identify individuals and kin groups. The subcategories under this heading should reflect the cultural system. If your language has a special set of names that do not fit any of they domains given here, then set up a special domain.

    OMC Codes: 
    551 Personal Names
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    9E Persons For Whom There Is Affectionate Concern
    93A Persons
  • What words refer to the name of a person?
    name, proper name, proper noun, first name, given name, personal name, middle name, last name, family name, father's name, surname, maiden name, initial, title, identity,
  • What words refer to a name your family or friends use for you that is not your real name?
    nickname, pet name
  • What words refer to a name you use for yourself that is not your real name?
    false name, pseudonym, pen name, stage name, alias, a.k.a. (also known as), under the name of, under an assumed name, go by the name of,
  • What words are used to refer to someone when you can't remember what they are called?
    what's his/her name, whatchamacallit, whatsit, so and so,
  • What words describe someone whose name is not known?
    anonymous, unnamed, unidentified, incognito, unknown, nameless,
  • What words refer to discovering or stating the name of someone whose name has not been known?
    name, identify,
  • What words are used to indicate a person's name?
    someone's name is, be called, be known as, named,
  • What words refer to giving someone a name?
    name (v), call, be christened, give a name to, choose a name, pick a name, call him/her 'name'
  • What words refer to the reason why someone is given a name?
    be named for, be named after, namesake
  • When is a name given?
    naming ceremony, christening
  • What words refer to writing your name?
    sign (your name), signature
  • Personal names

    Use this domain for those names that are given to people, that people use to call to each other and to talk about each other.

  • What are the given names used by people in the language group?
    John, David, Mary, Elizabeth
  • Family names

    Use this domain for the proper names of the families that exist within the language community. If your culture does not use family names, just leave this domain empty.

  • What names are used by all the members of a family?
    Smith, Jones, MacDonald, Johnson
  • Clan names

    Use this domain for the proper names of the clans that exist within the language community. The distinction between family, clan, tribe, and nation is based on politics and emotion. Our purpose here is not to make political statements, but merely to list the names. There may be no distinction between family and clan, in which case ignore this domain and use the domain 'Family names'.

  • What are the proper names of the clans?
    Hatfields, McCoys, Bear Clan
  • Tribal names

    Use this domain for the proper names of the tribes that exist around the language community, including the name of your own tribe. These tribal names may or may not correspond with the names of countries.

  • What are the proper names of the neighboring tribes?
    Saxons, Scots, Welsh, Picts, Irish, Normans, Vikings, Brits, Americans, Aussies, Kiwis, Sioux, Cherokee
  • Names of languages

    Use this domain for the proper names of the languages that are spoken in the area around the language community, including the name of your own language. These language names may or may not correspond with the names of countries. Do not try to include every language name in the world, only the neighboring and important ones. For instance you might want to include the languages that border your own and the national language. Give the form that you use. For instance the German people call their language 'Deutsch', but in English we call it 'German'.

    OMC Codes: 
    101 Identification
  • What are the names of the languages spoken in the area?
    English, Gaelic, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Pidgin English
  • Nickname

    Use this domain for common nicknames--an additional name given to a person later in life, often descriptive. Also include general names used to call or refer to someone when you don't know their name

  • What are the common nicknames?
    buddy, buster, guy, gal, bro, sis
  • What names are used to refer to someone when you don't know their name.
    John Doe, Jane Doe, Joe Blow, GI Joe
  • Terms of endearment

    Use this domain for terms of endearment--a name used by lovers or spouses to express love or intimacy. Some languages may have special names used by close friends.

  • What are the terms of endearment?
    sweetheart, honey, dear
  • 9.7.2 Name of a place

    Use this domain for words referring to the name of a place.

    OMC Codes: 
    103 Place Names
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    93B Places
  • What words refer to the name of a place?
    place name
  • Names of countries

    Use this domain for the proper names of the countries that exist around the language community, especially those countries where your language is spoken. Include the name of your own country. Do not list every country in the world, unless your language has developed special names or pronunciations for those countries. Include any country that you refer to in your language, especially those names whose pronunciation you have adapted to fit your language. Give the form of the name that you use, rather than the official spelling. For instance the Japanese refer to their country as 'Nihon', but in English will call it 'Japan'. So
    'Japan' is an English word and should go into an English dictionary. But 'Nihon' is not an English word and should not go in the dictionary.

  • What are the proper names of the countries where your language is spoken?
    Great Britain, United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland
  • What are the proper names of the neighboring countries?
    Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Mexico
  • What words are used to refer to a citizen of these countries?
    Brit, the English, American, Canadian, Aussie, Kiwi
  • Names of regions

    Use this domain for the proper names of the regions within your country or language area. Some of these may be political regions. Others may be informal terms. Give the local pronunciation, rather than some foreign spelling. You may want to limit this domain to just those areas within your language area. However if you have special names for areas outside of your language area, for example 'the Mideast', you should include them.

  • What are the names of the regions in the area?
    Yorkshire, California, Midlands, Midwest, the South, outback
  • Names of cities

    Use this domain for the proper names of cities, towns, and villages in the language area. Include the names of important cities outside of the language area if your language has a special name for the city or a different pronunciation for it. It might be good to use a map for this. In fact it is good to include a map of the language area in a published dictionary. If your language area is very large, there may be hundreds or thousands of cities, towns, and villages. In this case you will have to decide which should be included in the dictionary. Or you could decided to list them in a special section.

  • What are the names of the cities in the language area?
    London, Washington D.C.
  • What are the names of districts within a city?
    Westminster, Chelsea
  • Names of streets

    Use this domain for the proper names of highways, roads, streets, and trails in the language area. If there are many such names, only include the important names (e.g. King's Highway) or commonly used names (e.g. Main Street).

  • What are the names of the streets in the language area?
    King's Highway, Highway 66, Main Street, Piccadilly Square, Oregon Trail
  • Names of heavenly bodies

    Use this domain for the proper names of the heavenly bodies.

  • What are the names of the planets?
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  • What are the names of the constellations?
    Milky Way, Big Dipper, Orion, Pleiades, Southern Cross
  • What are the names of the stars?
    North Star, Morning Star, Betelgeuse, Alpha Centauri
  • What are the names of other heavenly bodies?
    Halley's Comet
  • Names of continents

    Use this domain for the proper names of the continents. Only include the names of continents if your language has borrowed or adapted the name and you talk about them in your language.

  • What are the names of the continents?
    Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America,
  • Names of mountains

    Use this domain for the proper names of the mountains in the language area. Only include the names of mountains outside the language area if your language has borrowed or adapted the name and you talk about them in your language.

  • What are the names of the mountains in the language area?
    Mount Rainier, Mount McKinley
  • What are the names of the mountain ranges in the language area?
    Rocky Mountains, Sierras, Appalachian Mountains
  • Names of oceans and lakes

    Use this domain for the proper names of the oceans and lakes in the language area. Only include the names of oceans and lakes outside the language area if your language has borrowed or adapted the name and you talk about them in your language.

  • What are the names of the oceans?
    Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea
  • What are the names of the lakes in the language area?
    Lake Superior, Lake Michigan
  • Names of rivers

    Use this domain for the proper names of the rivers in the language area. Only include the names of rivers outside the language area if your language has borrowed or adapted the name and you talk about them in your language.

  • What are the names of the rivers in the language area?
    Thames, Mississippi, Missouri, Hudson
  • 9.7.3 Name of a thing

    Use this domain for words related to the name of a thing. Many cultures give names to particular buildings, ships, airplanes, organizations, companies, schools, and other things. If your language has hundreds of names for some kind of thing, it is best to not try to list them all. But if there are a few important names for one kind of thing, set up a domain for them.

    OMC Codes: 
    553 Naming
    552 Names of Animals and Things
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33I Name
  • What words refer to a name for something?
    name, proper name, designation, label, nomenclature, tag, title,
  • What words are used to indicate the name of something?
    be called, be known as, be entitled, be termed, go by the name of, so-called,
  • What words are used to refer to something when you can't remember what it is called?
    what's its name, thingy, thingamajig, whatchamacallit, whatsit, such and such
  • What words refer to a name that is not correct?
  • What words describe something that has the name of something but not its qualities?
    nominal, in name only,
  • What words refer to giving something a name?
    call, name, rename,
  • Names of animals

    Use this domain for words referring to the name of an animal. Some cultures give names to domesticated animals or to animals in stories. Think through each kind of domesticated animal.

  • What words refer to the name of an animal?
    Br'er rabbit
  • What names are given to dogs?
    Lassie, Fifi, Toto
  • Names of buildings

    Use this domain for words referring to the name of a building.

  • What words refer to the name of a building?
    White House, Capitol