9.6.3 Discourse markers

Use this domain for conjunctions and particles that function on the discourse level, and whose meaning and function is uncertain.

Louw Nida Codes: 
91 Discourse Markers
  • What discourse markers are in your language?
    just, you know, OK, yeah, like
  • Markers of transition

    Use this domain for conjunctions that simply move the discourse forward without any specific relationship indicated between what comes before and what comes after.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    91A Markers of Transition
  • What words are used to join two clauses or sentences without specifying the relationship between them?
    and, then, but, now, it happened that, it came to pass that, one day, my next topic is, my next point is, now about
  • Markers of emphasis

    Use this domain for words that indicate that the phrase or sentence is particularly important.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    91B Markers of Emphasis
  • What words indicate that a phrase or sentence is important?
    then, indeed, surely, so, certainly, in fact, actually, how, you know, really, sure, just, you know don't you that, how much more, emphatically, absolutely, without question, no way, of course, obviously, you've got to be kidding, it is just that, the only thing is, one thing that, in reality, only that, as it were, just as you can see, as you know, without a doubt, don't you remember, I am convinced that
  • Prompters of attention

    Use this domain for words that are used to get someone's attention or direct the listener's attention to something. These may use a verb meaning 'look' or 'listen'. Some may be a word specifically referring to attention. Others may be a greeting. Others may be words that refer to non-verbal communication such as clearing your throat.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    91C Prompters of Attention
  • What words are used to get someone's attention?
    you, you there, hey you, hello, excuse me, attention, attention please, may I have your attention please, pay attention, listen up everybody, now hear this, and now for an important announcement, and now for a word from our sponsor, just a moment, wait a minute, lend me your ears, look here, ahem
  • What words are used to direct someone's attention to something?
    behold, look, will you look at that, get a load of this, (point)
  • What words are used to warn someone of danger?
    watch out, look out, heads up, hit the dirt, get out of the way, here it comes, oh no, (scream)
  • What non-verbal means are used to get someone's attention
    clear throat, whistle, raise hand
  • Markers of direct address

    Use this domain for words that the speaker uses to refer to the person he is addressing. These words are usually used when you start talking to someone, but can be used during a speech or conversation to refer to the person you are talking to.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    91D Markers of Direct Address
  • What words are used when you start talking to someone?
    O, sir, ma'am, ladies and gentlemen, men and brothers, (look) you, (listen) all of you
  • Markers of identificational and explanatory clauses

    Use this domain for words that begin a clause that identifies a specific case or example of what has just been said, or that explains what has just been said. Specific case: I have just mentioned a general class of things or a general idea and want to give a specific example of what I am talking about. Explanation: I have just said something and I think people might misunderstand, so I want to explain what I mean. Digression: I am talking about a particular topic, but want to say something that does not fit into my topic, so I say something that is about a different topic.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    91E Markers of Identificational and Explanatory Clauses
  • What words are used to identify a specific case?
    that, namely, namely that, that is, i.e.
  • What words are used to introduce an example?
    for example, e.g., as follows, as below, such as, let me give you an example, to illustrate
  • What words are used to introduce an explanation?
    what I mean is, that is to say, let me add, allow me to explain, it's like
  • What words are used to introduce a conclusion?
    which shows that, so we find, so we see
  • What words mark a digression?
    let me just insert, as an aside, this is off the subject, oh by the way
  • Markers of focus

    Use this domain for words indicating that one of several things is in focus.

  • What words focus especially on one of several things?
    especially, particularly, particular, most of all
  • Hesitation fillers

    Use this domain for words that a speaker uses when he hesitates or pauses while he is speaking in order to think about what he is saying.

  • What words are used when a speaker hesitates or pauses to think?
    um, uh, er, hmm, yeah, let's see, hold on a minute, let me see, let me think
  • Honorifics

    Use this domain for words that the speaker uses to show respect or a lack of respect to the person he is addressing. Some languages have elaborate systems of honorifics. Other languages have none. Languages with a stratified social structure often use honorifics. Egalitarian societies generally lack them, but some egalitarian societies may use them. For instance in Nahuatl there are four levels of honorifics. Level 1 is how one addresses intimates, small children, and pets. Level 2 is for strangers and persons treated formally. Level 3 is for respected persons, the dead, and God. Level 4 is for obsequious respect, as for the archbishop in an interview with a priest, and for ritual kin. (Jane H. Hill and Kenneth C. Hill. 1978. Honorific usage in modern Nahuatl: the expression of social distance and respect in the Nahuatl of the Malinche Volcano area, Language 54:123-155.) In Japanese, which has a stratified social structure, a person uses one set of words and affixes when speaking to someone below you in the social hierarchy, such as your wife, children, and pets. A different set of words is used when speaking to peers. Another set is used when speaking to a superior. A fourth set is used when speaking to the emperor. English used to have two pronouns for second person singular. 'Thou' was used for equals and inferiors, and 'you' was used for superiors. Your language may have special honorific words used as (1) pronouns, (2) affixes, (3) particles, (4) terms of direct address, (5) greetings (6) requests, (7) apologies.

  • What pronouns are used to show respect or a lack of respect?
    thou (archaic), you (archaic),
  • What affixes are used to show respect?
    (none in English)
  • What particles are used to show respect?
  • What terms of direct address are used to show respect?
    sir, ma'am, your honor, your majesty,
  • What words are used in greetings to show respect?
    hey, hi, hello, pleased to meet you,
  • What words are used in requests to show respect?
    may, can,
  • What words are used in apologies to show respect?
    sorry, excuse me, I beg your pardon,