8.4.4 Telling time

Use this domain for words related to telling time.

  • What words refer to telling time?
    tell time, keep time, mark time, measure time, beat time, register the time, to chronicle
  • What is a written record of times and events called?
    chronology, chronicle, record, history
  • What is a person called who keeps time?
  • What words indicate a particular time?
    (In written English we use a semicolon to separate the hour from the minute: 5:00.)
  • Plan a time

    Use this domain for words referring to planning the time of an event.

  • What words refer to planning the time of an event?
    plan a time, set a date, schedule something, time something
  • What words refer to the time of an event?
    time, date, timing
  • What words refer to a plan for the time of an event?
    schedule, timetable, program
  • Clock, watch

    Use this domain for machines that indicate what time it is.

  • What words refer to machines for telling time?
    timepiece, watch, clock, alarm clock, digital watch, analog watch, electric clock, sundial, pendulum, hourglass