8.4.2 Take time

Use this domain for words referring to taking time to do something.

Louw Nida Codes: 
67E Duration of Time without Reference to Points or Units of Time: Time, Spend Time, Always, Eternal, Old, Immediately, Young
  • What words refer to how people relate to time?
    take time, spend time, use time, make time, find time
  • A short time

    Use this domain for words referring to a short time.

  • What words indicate that something happens for a short time?
    take a short time, be for a short time, brief, briefly, briefness
  • What words indicate that something happens for a very short time?
    moment, instant, point in time, instantaneous, instantaneously
  • What words refer to taking a short time to do something?
    be brief, be quick,
  • What do people say when they want someone to do something in a short time?
    be brief, don't take long, get it over with
  • A long time

    Use this domain for words referring to a long time.

  • What words indicate that something happens for a long time?
    take a long time, be for a long time, go long, go over the time allotted, take forever, last a long time, went on forever, kept going and going, lengthy, enduring
  • What do people say when they want someone to do something for a long time?
    take your time, make it last, we want this to last a long time
  • Forever

    Use this domain for words referring to something happening forever.

  • What words are used to indicate that an event or state that will continue forever?
    forever, always, ever, eternally, incessantly, unceasingly, forever and ever, in perpetuity, for all eternity, for all time
  • What words are used to describe something will continue forever?
    eternal, infinite, everlasting, constant, perpetual, unending, endless, never-ending, unceasing, ceaseless, incessant, undying, immortal, imperishable, deathless, boundless, indefinite, unlimited, immeasurable, never failing, unfailing, timeless
  • What words are used to indicate that something will continue forever?
    be forever, last forever, go on forever, always be there, never fail/end/die/stop
  • What words are used to refer to all time or a time that will never end?
    eternity, infinity, all times
  • Temporary

    Use this domain for words referring to something being temporary.

  • What words indicate that something will only last for some time and then end?
    temporary, transient