8.1.6 Whole, complete

Use this domain for words describing a whole thing--all of something with no parts missing.

Louw Nida Codes: 
63 Whole, Unite, Part, Divide
63A Whole
  • What words indicate that something is whole?
    complete, full, whole, in full, in its entirety, be all there, all of, entire, intact, undivided, united,
  • What words refer to making something complete?
    complete, make up, assemble,
  • What words indicate that something is not whole?
    incomplete, partial, missing something,
  • Part

    Many things have parts. Use this domain for words referring to a part of something, and for words that express the idea that something has parts, that something is a part of something, or that link the whole with a part.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    63D Part
  • What words refer to a part of something?
    part, bit, portion, section, segment, sample, cross-section, member,
  • What words refer to the parts that something is made from?
    component, element, piece, ingredient, constituent
  • What words refer to the parts of a process?
    stage, phase, round,
  • What words refer to the parts of an organization?
    branch, department, division, section, sector, wing, end, subdivision,
  • What words refer to the parts of a story?
    episode, installment, chapter, scene, part, extract, excerpt, clip,
  • What words refer to the parts of a situation?
    aspect, side, dimension, facet, factor, feature, detail,
  • What words refer to being a part of something?
    be part of, form a part of, inherent,
  • What words indicate that something has parts?
    have, of, -'s, consist of, be made of, be made up of, be composed of, comprise, be divided into, include
  • Piece

    Use this domain for words referring to a part of something that has been broken or cut off.

  • What words refer to a piece of something?
    piece, bit,
  • What words refer to a piece that has flat sides?
    block, cube, slab, bar,
  • What words refer to a piece that is irregular in shape?
    chunk, hunk, lump, dollop,
  • What words refer to a thin piece?
    sheet, slip, pane, slice,
  • What words refer to a very small piece?
    grain, flake, speck, fleck, crumb, morsel, tidbit, dot, mote,
  • What words refer to a small piece that is left after something has been broken?
    fragment, scrap, splinter, chip, shard,
  • What words refer to a part of something that has been made by dividing it in some way?
    pinch (of salt), cut (of meat), slice (of bread), bite (of cake)