8.1.5 All

Use this domain for words related to all.

Louw Nida Codes: 
59C All, Any, Each, Every
  • What words refer to all of a group of things?
    all, everything, the lot, every, each, without exception, altogether, total, a hundred percent, whatsoever, whichever,
  • What words refer to all of something?
    all, whole, entire, the lot, every bit of, every inch of, every drop of, in its entirety, from start to finish, the whole of, totality,
  • What words refer to all of what you want?
    whatever, anything, everything but the kitchen sink, you name it,
  • What words describe something that affects or includes everything?
    total, blanket, overall, global, all-embracing, universal, all-pervading, complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, full, general, indiscriminate, sweeping, thorough, thoroughgoing, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, widespread, worldwide
  • What words refer to all people?
    everyone, everybody, anybody, whoever, whomever, whomsoever, whosoever,
  • What words refer to all times?
    always, every time, any time, everyday,
  • What words refer to all places?
  • What words refer to all ways?
    every way, all-out,
  • Some

    Use this domain for words related to some--a number or amount of things or people when the number is not stated; an indefinite number or amount.

  • What words indicate some of a group of things or people?
    some, any, several, a number of,
  • What words indicate some of an amount of something?
    some, any, a certain amount of, a measure of,
  • None, nothing

    Use this domain for words that nothing, no one, never, and nowhere.

  • What words refer to no thing?
    none, not any, no, nothing, not anything, be nil, bugger all,
  • What words refer to not any of a number of things?
    none, not any, no, not one, not a, nothing,
  • What words refer to no person?
    no one, nobody,
  • What words refer to no time?
    never, no time,
  • What words refer to no place?
    nowhere, no place,
  • What words refer to the number zero?
    zero, nil, naught, o,
  • Both

    Use this domain for words referring to both of two things.

  • What words refer to both of two things?
    both, the two of, the pair of, each, mutual, share, either, neither,
  • Most, almost all

    Use this domain for words related to most--more than half and less than all of something.

  • What words refer to most of something?
    most, almost all, nearly all, the majority, the bulk of, the better part of, the best part of, the lion's share, the biggest slice of the cake,
  • What words describe something that is done by most people?
    generally, broad,
  • What words indicate that most of a group is of one kind.
    mostly, mainly, largely, predominantly, predominate, be in the majority, a preponderance,
  • What words indicate that something happens or someone does something more than anything else?
    mostly, mainly, in most cases, most of the time,
  • What words refer to less than half of something?
  • Most, least

    Use this domain for words related to the most--the largest number or amount; or the least--the smallest number or amount. Most/least may refer to the largest/smallest number possible or needed. If there are several groups being counted, most/least may refer to the largest/smallest group.

  • What words refer to the largest amount of something?
    maximum, most,
  • What words refer to the smallest amount of something?
    the least, minimum, the fewest, the lowest,
  • What words refer to the largest group?
    the most,
  • What words refer to the smallest group?
    the least,
  • What words refer to an amount being the largest it has ever been?
    an all-time high, record high, high water mark,
  • What words refer to an amount being the smallest it has ever been?
    an all-time low, record low, lowest ebb,
  • Almost

    Use this domain for words related to a number or amount that is almost the same as another number.

  • What words indicate that something is almost a particular number or amount?
    almost, nearly, close to, close on, approaching, nearing, not quite, be pushing, pretty well,
  • What words indicate that someone has almost reached a place?
    almost, nearly, just about,
  • What words indicate that something has almost reached a particular state?
    almost, nearly, very nearly, just about, practically, virtually, all but, as good as, to all intents and purposes, nearing, approaching, near to, close to, verging on, bordering on, more or less, pretty much, not quite,
  • What words indicate that something is almost finished?
    almost, nearly, just about, practically, as good as, more or less, not quite,
  • What words indicate that someone almost does something?
    almost, nearly, very nearly, come close to, be on the verge of, come within an inch of,
  • What words indicate that something almost happens?
    almost, be near to, be on the brink of, come within an inch of,
  • What words indicate that something is almost the best or worst example of some quality?
    almost, nearly, practically, virtually, just about, verging on, bordering on,
  • What words indicate that something is so similar to something that it is almost the same thing?
    almost, practically, virtually,
  • What words indicate that something is almost some quality (such as some color or shape)?
    almost, more or less, practically, virtually, not quite,
  • What words indicate that something is true of or has happened to almost all of something?
    almost, nearly, practically, virtually, pretty well, more or less, just about,
  • Only

    Use this domain for words referring to only a particular number or amount of people or things--no more than one, or no more than a particular number or amount.

  • What words describe the only person or thing?
    only, sole, the one, lone, solitary, alone, one and only, single,
  • What words indicate that there is only a particular number or amount of something?
    only, just, no more than, all,
  • What words indicate something is true of only one thing or one group of things, and not true of others?
    only, just, exclusively, nothing but, nothing else, be limited to, be restricted to, be confined to, be unique to, be peculiar to, exclusive,
  • What words indicate that something is only what you say it is, and not something more?
    only, just, purely, merely, mere, nothing but,
  • Exact

    Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is exact--not more and not less.

  • What words describe a number or amount that is exact?
    exact, precise,
  • What words indicate that a number or amount is exact?
    exactly, precisely,
  • What words indicate that something happens at an exact time?
    exactly, precisely, on the dot, sharp,
  • What words indicate that something happens at an exact place?
    right, bang, smack, plumb,
  • What words describe something that is exactly the same as another thing?
    exact, accurate, faithful, strict, literal, word for word, just
  • What words indicate that something is done in exactly the right way?
    exactly, strictly, religiously, to the letter,
  • Approximate

    Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is approximate.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    78C About, Approximately, Almost, Hardly
  • What words describe a number or amount that is approximate?
    approximate, rough,
  • What words describe something that is not exact?
    inexact, inaccurate, sort of, kind of,
  • What words indicate that a particular number or amount is approximate?
    about, approximately, roughly, give or take, at a guess, somewhere in the region of, an estimated, some, something like, in round numbers, close to,
  • What words indicate an approximate number when the actual number is possibly more?
    or so, odd, or more, at least, and maybe more, barely, hardly, little more than, scarcely,
  • What words indicate an approximate number when the actual number is possibly less?
    at most, as much as, short of,
  • What words refer to determining the approximate number of amount of something?
    approximate (v), estimate (v), overestimate, underestimate,
  • What words refer to estimating a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, etc?
    rounded to the nearest ten/hundred/thousand, round up, round down,
  • What words refer to a number that is approximate?
    estimate (n), approximation, ballpark figure, round figure,
  • What words indicate that something happens at an approximate time?
    about, around, approximately, round about, or thereabouts, circa, some time,
  • What words indicate that something happens at an approximate place?
    about, around, in the vicinity of, near, close to,
  • What words describe something that is approximately the same as another thing?
    loose, vague, hazy, impressionistic, broad,
  • What words indicate that something is done in approximately the right way?
    roughly, more or less, somewhat,
  • Average

    Use this domain for words related to an average number.

  • What words refer to an average number?
    average (n), mean, medium, median,
  • What words describe an average number?
    average (adj), mean (adj), medium (adj), medial, on average,
  • What words refer to calculating the average?
    average (v), average out,