7.9 Break, wear out

Use this domain for words related to something breaking or wearing out, especially for things that people make and use.

  • What words refer to something breaking?
    break, bust, give out,
  • What words describe something that has broken?
    broken, broken down, busted
  • What words refer to something wearing out?
    wear, wear out, deteriorate,
  • What words describe something that is worn?
    used, well used, worn, well worn, is past its prime, second hand
  • What words describe something that has been used so much that it is no longer useful?
    worn out, has had it, is past it,
  • 7.9.1 Damage

    Use this domain for words referring to damaging something--to do something bad to something, but not completely ruin it so that it can't be used any more.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    20 Violence, Harm, Destroy, Kill
    20B Harm, wound
  • What words refer to damaging something?
    damage, do damage, cause damage, break, bust, chip, corrode, corrupt, deface, dent, erode, harm, do harm, hurt, impair, injure, maltreat, mar, mess up, nick, sabotage, score, scratch, spoil, vandalize,
  • What words refer to deliberately damaging something?
    vandalize, vandal, smash up, sabotage, tamper with, deface, desecrate,
  • What words refer to something being damaged over a long period of time?
    wear away, corrode, erode,
  • What words refer to using something for a long time until it is damaged?
    wear away, wear out,
  • What words refer to the act of damaging something?
    corrosion, detriment, erosion, maltreatment, mischief, vandalism,
  • What words refer to the damage done to something?
    damage (n), scar, wear (n), wear and tear,
  • What words refer to a person who damages things?
    vandal, saboteur, bull in a china shop,
  • What words refer to something that damages things?
  • What words describe something that damages things?
    harmful, toxic, toxicity, unwholesome, dangerous,
  • What words refer to something that has been damaged?
    breakages, damaged goods,
  • What words describe something that has been damaged?
    spoiled, broken, busted, messed up, damaged, crumbling, moth-eaten,
  • What words describe something that can be damaged easily?
  • 7.9.2 Tear down

    Use this domain for words referring to tearing down buildings and other structures.

  • What words refer to tearing something down?
    tear down, demolish, dismantle, take apart, take down
  • 7.9.3 Destroy

    Use this domain for words referring to destroying something--to damage something so that it is beyond repair and cannot be used.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    20 Violence, Harm, Destroy, Kill
    20C Destroy
  • What words refer to destroying something?
    destroy, blow up, hose (v), ruin, total (v), wreck, blow up, burn down,
  • What words refer to something being destroyed?
    fall down, collapse, be blown down,
  • What words refer to the act or process of destroying something?
    destruction, ruin,
  • What words refer to someone or something that destroys things?
  • What words describe someone of something that destroys things?
  • What words refer to something that has been destroyed?
    ruin, wreck, wreckage, shipwreck,
  • What words describe something that has been destroyed?
    destroyed, ruined, wrecked, be in ruins,
  • 7.9.4 Repair

    Use this domain for words related to repairing something.

  • What words refer to repairing something?
    repair, fix, mend, restore, restoration, undo, correct, rebuild, right, put to rights