7.7 Physical impact

Use this domain for general words referring to making a physical impact on something, including the words for the action itself and the result of the action.

Louw Nida Codes: 
19 Physical Impact
  • What general words refer to making an impact on something?
    impact (v), affect, change (v), impinge
  • What words refer to the effect on the object?
    impact (n), effect, change (n), impression
  • 7.7.1 Hit

    Use this domain for words related to hitting something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    19A Hit, Strike
  • What words refer to one thing hitting another?
    hit, strike, bang into, smack, bump (into), crash into
  • What words refer to a person hitting something?
    hit, strike
  • What words refer to hitting another person?
    box, beat up, punch, hit out at, strike out at
  • What words refer to hitting something with your fist or hand?
    hit, slap, smack
  • What words refer to hitting something with a tool?
    hammer, pound, club, whip
  • What words refer to hitting two things together?
    (no words in English)
  • What words refer to striking someone in order to cause injury?
    (no words in English)
  • What words refer to striking something repeatedly?
    hit over and over, beat
  • What words refer to each time something is hit?
    stroke, blow, beat, punch,
  • What words refer to the speed or force with which something is hit?
    force, impact
  • What words describe hitting something with not much force?
    light hit, tap, knock
  • What words describe hitting something with a lot of force?
    hit hard, whack, smash into, wallop, cream
  • What words refer to two things moving so that they hit each other?
    collide, hit each other, run into each other
  • What words refer to something hitting and then bouncing?
    bounce, rebound, glance off, ricochet, recoil,
  • 7.7.2 Aim at a target

    Use this domain for words referring to aiming at a target, and for hitting or missing the target.

  • What words refer to aiming at a target?
    aim, point, direct, line up on, set your sights on, sight along, focus on
  • What words refer to hitting a target?
    hit, on target
  • What words refer to missing a target?
    miss, fall short, overshoot, off center, wild shot
  • What words refer to the target?
    target, goal
  • What words refer to the center of a target?
    bull's-eye, dead center
  • What words refer to a person who is good at hitting a target?
    sharpshooter, marksman, good aim, good eye
  • 7.7.3 Kick

    Use this domain for words referring to kicking--to hit something with your foot. The words in this domain may be distinguished by the way in which the foot moves, either in a swinging motion, or by first bending the leg and then quickly straightening it. They may also be distinguished by whether the foot moves horizontally or vertically, whether the effect is to move something or damage it, or how hard the person kicks.

  • What words refer to kicking something?
    kick, give something a kick, kick in (a door), boot, punt, stamp, stomp on, stub your toe on something
  • 7.7.4 Press

    Use this domain for words referring to pressing something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    19E Press
  • What words refer to pressing something?
    press, push on, apply pressure
  • 7.7.5 Rub

    Use this domain for words referring to rubbing--to move something smooth against something else, in order to make it smooth or clean.

  • What words refer to rubbing something?
    rub, chafe, rasp,
  • What words refer to rubbing something to make it clean?
  • What words refer to rubbing something to make it smooth?
  • What tools and materials are used to rub something?
  • 7.7.6 Grind

    Use this domain for words referring to grinding--to rub something rough against something else, while applying force, in order to break it or remove its surface.

  • What words refer to grinding something?
    grind, grate, scrape, scratch
  • 7.7.7 Mark

    Use this domain for words related to making a mark on something.

  • What words refer to making a mark on something?
    mark, stain
  • What words refer to a mark on something?
    mark, stain, spot, smudge, fingerprint