Travel by water

Use this domain for words related to traveling by water.

OMC Codes: 
500 Water and Air Transport
501 Boats
502 Navigation
503 Waterways Improvements
504 Port Facilities
505 Water Transport
Louw Nida Codes: 
54 Maritime Activities
  • What words refer to traveling on water?
    sail, ship (v), cross (the river, lake)
  • What words refer to getting into a boat?
  • What words refer to leaving in a boat?
    set sail, sail off
  • What words refer to arriving in a boat?
    land, make land, landfall
  • What words refer to getting out of a boat?
  • What words refer to a ship hitting the land?
    run aground, shipwreck, maroon
  • What words refer to the places a ship can go?
    waterway, sea-lane
  • What words refer to a place where a ship comes to land?
    harbor, port, landing, dock, wharf, water break
  • Boat

    Use this domain for words related to a boat.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6H Boats and Parts of Boats
  • What types of boats are there?
    ship, boat, canoe, raft, life raft, lifeboat, ship's boat, surfboard, submarine,
  • What are the parts of a boat?
    bow, stern, starboard, port, deck, gunwale, below decks, mast, spar, crow's nest, figurehead, rudder, helm, superstructure,
  • What equipment is used in a boat?
    oar, paddle, sail, rigging, plank, compass, signal flag
  • What words are used of operating a boat?
    row, paddle, sail, push a boat with a pole, pole a boat, bale out water
  • What words refer to a person who uses a boat?
    sailor, captain
  • Swim

    Use this domain for words related to swimming.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15H' Swim
  • What words refer to swimming?
    swim, dog paddle, stroke, kick, breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, swim underwater, tread water, wade
  • Dive

    Use this domain for words referring to moving under the water.

  • What words refer to diving into water?
    dive, plunge, belly flop, jump in
  • What words refer to sinking under the water?
    sink, go down, go under, submerge
  • What words refer to moving while underwater?
    run submerged, swim underwater
  • What words refer to coming to the surface of the water?
    rise to the surface, surface (v), float to the surface
  • What words refer to drowning?