
Use this domain for words referring to something falling--for something to move down under the influence of gravity.

Louw Nida Codes: 
15L Fall
  • What words refer to falling?
    fall, drop, fall on,
  • What words refer to accidentally falling from a high position?
    fall off, take a fall, tumble, be thrown,
  • What words refer to falling from a very high position?
    plunge, plummet,
  • What words refer to falling from a standing position?
    fall down, fall over, have a fall, fall flat on your face, collapse, topple over, keel over, go head over heels, fall headlong,
  • What words refer to almost falling?
    trip, slip, stumble, lose your balance, lose your footing, keep your balance, stay up,
  • What words refer to falling off of something?
    fall from, fall out, come off,
  • What words refer to the act of falling?
    fall (n), avalanche,
  • What words refer to slowly falling?
    sink slowly, float down, drift down, settle,
  • What words refer to something like rain or leaves falling through the air?
    fall, drop, come down, parachute,
  • What words refer to letting something fall?
  • What words refer to something falling onto its side?
    fall over, topple over, tip over,
  • What words refer to a building falling?
    fall down, collapse, fall in, cave in,
  • What words refer to causing someone to fall?
    knock down, push over, trip, knock someone to the ground, bring down,
  • What words refer to causing something to fall?
    knock over, upset, tip over, overturn,
  • What words refer to water falling?
    cascade, cataract, pour, precipitate, shower,
  • What words refer to falling into water?
    sink, fall overboard, plunge into, fall into, plop, plunk,
  • What words refer to the force that causes things to fall?
  • What words refer to keeping something from falling?
    hold up, prop up, brace,