7.2.2 Move in a direction

Use the domains in this section for words referring to moving in a direction related to the orientation of the person's body (not in relation to the position of the destination).

  • What general words refer to moving in a direction?
    head (in a direction), go (in a direction)
  • What words refer to the direction in which a person is moving?
    direction, heading, way, course
  • Move forward

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a forward direction--in the same direction the person is facing.

  • What words refer to moving forward?
    move forward, advance, move ahead, go ahead
  • Move back

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a backward direction--the person is facing one direction, but moving toward their back--to move in the opposite direction from the direction the person is facing.

  • What words refer to moving backwards while still facing forward?
    move back, back up, move backwards, move in reverse
  • Move sideways

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a sideways direction--the person is facing one direction, but moving toward their side.

  • What words refer to moving sideways?
    move sideways, make room for, move aside, move out of the way, get out of the way, move over, budge, shift
  • Move up

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in an upward direction or to moving to a higher place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15I Come/Go Onto
    15J Come/Go Up, Ascend
  • What words refer to moving up?
    move up, go up, arise, hop up, lift yourself up, pull yourself up, jump, surge, go higher, get higher, levitate,
  • What words refer to moving up through the air?
    rise, ascend, gain height,
  • What words refer to moving up into the air quickly?
    fly up, soar, shoot up,
  • What words refer to climbing?
    climb, scale, clamber, shin up, shinny up,
  • What words refer to moving onto something?
    climb onto, get on, mount, embark, hop onto, jump onto,
  • What words refer to climbing over something?
    climb over
  • What words refer to the sun or moon moving up in the sky?
    come up, rise,
  • What words refer to an airplane moving up?
    leave the ground, take off, lift off, blast-off, launch,
  • What words refer to the act of moving up?
    rise (n), ascension, ascent,
  • What words refer to someone who moves up?
    climber, mountaineer, mountain climber, rock-climber,
  • What words refer to the sport of climbing?
    climbing, mountaineering, go climbing, rock-climbing,
  • Move down

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a downward direction or to moving to a lower place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15K Come/Go Down, Descend
  • What words refer to moving down slowly or purposefully?
    move down, go down, lower oneself, climb down, jump down, descend, descent
  • Fall

    Use this domain for words referring to something falling--for something to move down under the influence of gravity.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15L Fall
  • What words refer to falling?
    fall, drop, fall on,
  • What words refer to accidentally falling from a high position?
    fall off, take a fall, tumble, be thrown,
  • What words refer to falling from a very high position?
    plunge, plummet,
  • What words refer to falling from a standing position?
    fall down, fall over, have a fall, fall flat on your face, collapse, topple over, keel over, go head over heels, fall headlong,
  • What words refer to almost falling?
    trip, slip, stumble, lose your balance, lose your footing, keep your balance, stay up,
  • What words refer to falling off of something?
    fall from, fall out, come off,
  • What words refer to the act of falling?
    fall (n), avalanche,
  • What words refer to slowly falling?
    sink slowly, float down, drift down, settle,
  • What words refer to something like rain or leaves falling through the air?
    fall, drop, come down, parachute,
  • What words refer to letting something fall?
  • What words refer to something falling onto its side?
    fall over, topple over, tip over,
  • What words refer to a building falling?
    fall down, collapse, fall in, cave in,
  • What words refer to causing someone to fall?
    knock down, push over, trip, knock someone to the ground, bring down,
  • What words refer to causing something to fall?
    knock over, upset, tip over, overturn,
  • What words refer to water falling?
    cascade, cataract, pour, precipitate, shower,
  • What words refer to falling into water?
    sink, fall overboard, plunge into, fall into, plop, plunk,
  • What words refer to the force that causes things to fall?
  • What words refer to keeping something from falling?
    hold up, prop up, brace,
  • Turn

    Use this domain for words referring to turning and changing the direction in which one is moving.

  • What words refer to turning?
    turn, change direction/course, deviate, go off at an angle, swerve,
  • What words refer to turning around and moving in the opposite direction?
    turn around, reverse direction, retreat, go back, retire to the rear
  • Move in a circle

    Use this domain for words referring to continually changing the direction you are facing in until you are once again facing in the same direction, e.g. moving in a circle, moving around something, or rotating.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15R Go Around, Surround
    15I' Roll
  • What words refer to moving around in a circle?
    move in a circle, curve, circulate, turn around, swing, cycle
  • What words refer to moving around something?
    move around, surround, encircle, revolve, swivel, pivot
  • What words refer to rotating?
    rotate, spin, wheel, twirl, whirl, gyrate, roll, gyrate, revolve, swivel
  • What words refer to rolling something?
    roll, turn, rotate, spin
  • Move back and forth

    Use this domain for words related to moving back and forth.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    16 Non-Linear Movement
  • What words refer to moving back and forth?
    move back and forth, rock, rock back and forth, wave, swing
  • What words refer to something moving back and forth quickly?
    flutter, shake, quiver, tremble
  • What words refer to shaking oneself?
    shake, shiver, wiggle, wriggle, squirm, writhe
  • Move straight without turning

    Use this domain for words referring to moving straight without changing direction.

  • What words refer to moving straight?
    go straight, in a straight line, direct, as the crow flies