6.9 Business organization

Use this domain for words related to business organization.

OMC Codes: 
470 Business and Industrial Organization
471 Ownership and Control of Capital
472 Individual Enterprise
473 Corporate Organization
474 Cooperative Organization
475 State Enterprise
476 Mutual Aid
477 Competition
  • What general words refer to business?
    business, organization, company, industry, industrial, enterprise, establishment, firm, institution
  • What words refer to part of a business?
    office, department
  • What words refer to the place where a business works?
    office, factory, plant
  • What words refer to the way an organization is organized?
    system, structure, network, framework, apparatus, mechanism, set-up
  • 6.9.1 Management

    Use this domain for words related to managing something.

    OMC Codes: 
    429 Administration
  • What words refer to managing something?
    organization, management, administration, direct, manage, regulate,
  • 6.9.2 Work for someone

    Use this domain for words related to working for someone.

    OMC Codes: 
    460 Labor
    461 Labor and Leisure
    462 Division of Labor by Gender
    Division of Labor by Sex
    463 Occupational Specialization
    464 Labor Supply and Employment
    465 Wages and Salaries
    466 Labor Relations
    467 Labor Organization
    468 Collective Bargaining
    890 Gender Roles and Issues
  • What words refer to working for someone?
    work for, be employed, have a job, be in the employ of,
  • What words refer to a person who works for someone?
    employee, hired hand, worker, labor,
  • What words refer to hiring someone?
    hire, employ
  • What words refer to a person who hires someone?
    employer, boss, management
  • What words refer to getting a job?
    get a job, find work,
  • What words refer to a person's job?
    job, employment
  • What words refer to the money a person receives for his work?
    wages, salary, income, benefits
  • What words refer to the practice of having people work at special jobs?
    division of labor, specialization, specialist
  • What words refer to an organization of workers?
    labor union, farmers cooperative, collective bargaining, labor relations
  • What words refer to firing an employee?
    fire someone, send packing, dismiss, show the door to, give the sack to, lay off, discharge, let go
  • What words refer to being fired from a job?
    get the sack, get the ax, lose your job, be laid off
  • What words refer to going on strike?
    strike (v), go on strike, strike (n), striker,
  • 6.9.3 Marketing

    Use this domain for words related to the promotion of trade and sales.

    OMC Codes: 
    440 Marketing
    441 Mercantile Business
    442 Wholesale Marketing
    443 Retail Marketing
    444 Retail Businesses
    445 Service Industries
    446 Sales Promotion
    447 Advertising
  • What words refer to a person who tries to get people to buy something?
    salesman, merchant
  • What words refer to trying to get someone to buy something?
    marketing, advertisement, sales promotion, slogan, wholesale, retail, service, mercantile, commerce, salesmanship, merchandising
  • What words refer to an organization of sellers?
    guild, trade association, chamber of commerce
  • 6.9.4 Commerce

    Use this domain for words related to commerce--taking something to a place and trying to sell it there.

    OMC Codes: 
    438 Domestic Trade
    439 Foreign Trade
  • What words refer to commerce?
    trade (v), trade (n), domestic trade, foreign trade, commerce, commercial
  • What words refer to a person who takes something somewhere to sell it?
    merchant, trader, salesman
  • 6.9.5 Economics

    Use this domain for words related to economics--the study of the money, trade, and industry of a country.

    OMC Codes: 
    179 Economic Planning and Development
    433 Production and Supply
    434 Income and Demand
    454 Saving and Investment
    455 Speculation
    458 Business Cycles
  • What words refer to the study of money and wealth?
  • What words refer to the economic system of a country?
  • What words refer to a person who studies the economy?
  • What words refer to different kinds of economic systems?
    capitalism, capitalist, socialism, socialist, communism, communist, free enterprise, private enterprise, free-market economy
  • What words refer to how much money a country has?
    gross national product
  • What words describe a good economy?
    boom, prosper, prosperous, prosperity, bull market
  • What words describe a bad economy?
    depression, recession, inflation, crash, slump, bear market
  • 6.9.6 Insurance

    Use this domain for words related to insurance.

    OMC Codes: 
    456 Insurance
  • What words refer to insurance?
    insure, insurance, premium