6.8.5 Borrow

Use this domain for words related to borrowing something.

  • What words refer to borrowing something?
    borrow, have the use of
  • What words refer to borrowing money?
    borrow, take out a loan
  • What words refer to renting something?
    rent, hire, lease, charter
  • What words refer to the money that is borrowed?
    loan, mortgage, debt
  • Lend

    Use this domain for words related to lending something.

  • What words refer to lending something?
    lend, loan, invest
  • Give pledge, bond

    Use this domain for words related to giving a pledge to replay a loan.

  • What words refer to giving a pledge to repay a loan?
    give a pledge, bond, collateral, earnest, put up collateral, promissory note, lien, credit, security, surety
  • Owe

    Use this domain for words related to owing money.

    OMC Codes: 
    426 Borrowing and Lending
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    57R Owe, Debt, Cancel
    57Q Lend, Loan, Interest, Borrow, Bank
  • What words refer to owing money?
    owe, be in debt, have a debt, heavily in debt
  • What words refer to the money you owe?
    debt, indebtedness,
  • Repay debt

    Use this domain for words related to repaying a debt.

  • What words refer to repaying a debt?
    repay, return, restore (to rightful owner)
  • Credit

    Use this domain for words referring to credit--when a lending institution, such as a bank, has some of your money, so they owe you something.

    OMC Codes: 
    452 Credit
  • What words refer to credit?
    credit, account, place to your credit, to the account of, deposit