Use this domain for words related to spending money.
Louw Nida Codes:
57K Spend, Waste
What words refer to spending money?
spend, pay, give
What words refer to spending lots of money?
spend a lot, go to great expense, spare no expense, shell out, go through, eat up
What words refer to spending money carelessly?
squander, blow, waste, scatter
What words describe someone who spends lots of money carelessly?
extravagant, spendthrift, big spender
What words refer to not spending a lot of money?
economize, scrimp and save, budget, tighten your belt, live on a shoestring
What words describe someone who does not spend a lot of money?
thrifty, economical, frugal, careful with your money
What words describe how much you spend?
expenses, expenditure, spending, outlay, overhead, costs, budget