6.8.3 Share wealth

Use this domain for words related to sharing wealth with others.

OMC Codes: 
740 Health and Welfare
741 Philanthropic Foundations
747 Private Welfare Agencies
  • What words refer to sharing wealth with others?
    share, hand out, give out, distribute, dish out, dole out, give away, give to charity, give to the poor, donate, make a donation
  • Give, donate

    Use this domain for words referring to giving something to someone, in which there is a transference of ownership.

    OMC Codes: 
    431 Gift Giving
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    57H Give
  • What words refer to giving something to someone?
    give, give away, donate, let someone have, offer, spare,
  • What words refer to officially giving something to someone?
    allocate, allot, award, confer, grant, present,
  • What words refer to giving something to poor people?
    give, give away, donate, go to, make a donation, subscribe to,
  • What words refer to giving many things to someone?
    be generous, lavish something on, shower,
  • What words refer to someone who gives?
    giver, benefactor, donor, philanthropist,
  • What words refer to something that is given?
    gift, present, prize, reward,
  • What words refer to something that is given to poor people?
    charity, donation, handout,
  • Generous

    Use this domain for words related to being generous.

  • What words refer to being generous?
    be generous, be kind, be gracious, be charitable, generosity, charity, charitable giving
  • Stingy

    Use this domain for words related to being stingy.

  • What words refer to refusing to share?
    hoard, parsimony
  • What words describe a person who refuses to share?
    stingy, avaricious, parsimonious, miserly
  • What words refer to a person who refuses to share?
  • Beg

    Use this domain for words related to begging--for a poor person to ask other people to give them money, food, or other things.

  • What words refer to begging?
    beg, beg for, panhandle, bum, mooch off, ask alms
  • What words refer to someone who begs?
    beggar, mendicant, scrounger, parasite, panhandler, bum
  • What words refer to giving to a beggar?
    give alms,
  • What words refer to something someone gives to a beggar?
    alms, contribution, charity,