6.7 Tool

Use this domain for general words for tools and machines. The domains in this section should be used for general tools and machines that are used in a variety of tasks. Specialized tools and machines should be classified under the specific work or activity for which they are used.

OMC Codes: 
410 Tools and Appliances
412 General Tools
413 Special Tools
414 Miscellaneous Hardware
417 Apparatus
Louw Nida Codes: 
6 Artifacts
6A Artifacts
6W Miscellaneous
  • What general words refer to tools?
    tool, implement, utensil, device, instrument, gadget, hardware, paraphernalia,
  • What words refer to a set of tools?
    kit, tool kit
  • What words refer to a container for tools?
    toolbox, tool cabinet
  • What tools are used for climbing?
    ladder, stepladder, rope ladder, rung, step,
  • What words refer to all the tools and other things you need to do a job?
    equipment, apparatus, gear, kit, things, stuff, tools,
  • 6.7.1 Cutting tool

    Use this domain for words related to cutting tools.

  • What types of cutting tools are there?
    knife, paring knife, butcher knife, jackknife, pocketknife, hunting knife, ax, hatchet, saw, blade, razor blade, scissors, wire-cutters
  • Poking tool

    Use this domain for words related to poking tools--tools used to make holes in things.

  • What words refer to tools used for poking holes in things?
    awl, drill, punch, pin
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
    poke, dig, jab, pierce, prick, stick
  • Digging tool

    Use this domain for words related to digging tools.

  • What types of digging tools are there?
    hoe, pick, shovel, spade
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
  • 6.7.2 Pounding tool

    Use this domain for words related to pounding tools.

  • What types of pounding tools are there?
    hammer, mallet, club, pestle
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
    pound, hit, smack, club
  • 6.7.3 Carrying tool

    Use this domain for words related to carrying tools.

  • What tools are used for carrying things?
    pole, pack, backpack, suitcase, case, briefcase, sling, stretcher, tray, grass ring for head, carrying basket for back, rope, string, liana
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
  • 6.7.4 Lifting tool

    Use this domain for words referring to tools used to lift things.

  • What tools are used for lifting things?
    lever, pulley, block and tackle
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
  • 6.7.5 Fastening tool

    Use this domain for words related to fastening tools.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6D Instruments Used in Binding and Fastening
  • What words refer to something used to join things together?
    adhesive, band, belt, binder, binding, bolt, bond, brace, bracket, brad, buckle, button, cable, cement, chain, cinch, clamp, clasp, clip, clothespin, cord, cotter, coupler, dowel, fastener, fastening, fetter, glue, gum, guy, handcuff, hasp, hemp, hinge, hitch, hook, knot, lace, lacing, lariat, lashing, lasso, latch, line, linkage, lock, loop, manacle, mooring, nail, nut, padlock, paste, peg, pin, safety pin, straight pin, plaster, putty, rivet, rope, screw, shackle, shoelace, shoestring, snap, solder, staple, stay, stitch, stocks, strap, string, tack, tape, thong, thread, thumbtack, truss, twine, wedge, wire, wrap, wrapping, yarn, zipper
  • What words refer to a tool used to join things together?
  • 6.7.6 Holding tool

    Use this domain for words related to holding tools--tools used to grip and hold things so that they don't move, and tools used to hold things that you can't hold with your hand, such as very hot things.

  • What tools are used for holding things?
    clamp, vise, pliers, tongs, tweezers, hot pad,
  • 6.7.7 Container

    Use this domain for words related to containers.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6P Containers
  • What words refer to a container?
    container, vessel, bowl, pot, receptacle, bottle, box, crate, barrel, bucket, can, case, suitcase, chest, chamber pot,
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
    contain, hold, carry
  • What words refer to what is in a container?
  • What words refer to the parts of a container?
    lid, lip, neck
  • Bag

    Use this domain for words related to bags.

  • What words refer to bags?
    bag, purse
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
  • Sheath

    Use this domain for words related to a sheath--a container for a weapon.

  • What words refer to sheaths?
    sheath, holster
  • What words are used to describe the actions done with these tools?
  • 6.7.8 Parts of tools

    Use this domain for words referring to parts of tools and machines. You need to think of different tools and machines, and think of each part.

  • What words refer to parts of tools?
    shaft, head, gear, lever, fulcrum, switch, key, spring
  • What are the parts of a knife?
    handle, hilt, guard, blade, edge, tip, back, flat
  • What are the parts of a hammer?
    handle, neck, head, claw
  • What are the parts of a saw?
    handle, blade, teeth
  • 6.7.9 Machine

    Use this domain for words referring to machines.

    OMC Codes: 
    400 Machines
    401 Mechanics
    402 Industrial Machinery
    403 Electrical Machines and Appliances
    404 Household Machines and Appliances
    405 Weighing, Measuring, and Recording Machines
    406 Weight-moving Machinery
    407 Agricultural Machinery
    408 Computer Technology
    416 Appliances
  • What words refer to machines?
    machine, mechanics, machinery, apparatus, engine, motor
  • What words refer to types of machines?
    pump, generator, grinder, mill, computer,
  • What words refer to machines used in homes?
    appliance, refrigerator, stove, oven
  • What words refer to when a machine is working?
    be on, run, operate, work
  • What words refer to when a machine is not working?
    be off, break down, broken
  • What words refer to starting a machine?
    start, turn on, switch on, ignition
  • What words refer to stopping a machine?
    stop, turn off, shut down