6.6.5 Art

Use this domain for words related to art.

OMC Codes: 
530 Fine Arts
531 Decorative Art
5311 Visual Arts
532 Representative Art
543 Exhibitions
  • What words refer to art in general?
  • What types of art are there?
    paint, draw, sculpture, carve, design
  • What words refer to producing art?
    paint, draw, design, composition, brush, painting, medium
  • What words refer to an artist?
    artist, painter
  • What types of paintings are there?
    portrait, landscape, seascape, still life
  • Draw, paint

    Use this domain for words related to drawing and painting pictures.

  • What words refer to drawing or painting?
    draw, paint, sketch, doodle, scribble, trace,
  • What words refer to a person who draws or paints?
    painter, artist,
  • What words refer to something that has been drawn or painted?
    picture, painting, drawing, sketch, illustration, study, portrait, landscape, cartoon, caricature,
  • What tools and materials are used to draw a picture?
    pencil, charcoal, eraser, paper
  • What tools and materials are used to paint a picture?
    paint, brush, palette, easel, canvas, medium, tempera, distemper,
  • Photography

    Use this domain for words related to photography.

    OMC Codes: 
    215 Photography
  • What words refer to photography in general?
    photography, picture taking
  • What words are used of taking a picture?
    to photograph, take a picture, to film
  • What words refer to a photograph?
    photograph, photo, picture, shot, mug shot, snap, portrait, landscape,
  • What words refer to a camera?
    camera, video camera
  • What are the parts of a camera?
    lens, body, shutter, filter, film, film canister, tripod, flash
  • Sculpture

    Use this domain for words related to sculpture.

  • What words refer to carving something?
    carve, sculpt, carve a sculpture, mold a figurine
  • What words refer to a person who carves something?
    carver, sculptor
  • What words refer to something that has been carved?
    carving, sculpture, model
  • What tools and materials are used to carve a sculpture?
    chisel, hammer, marble, clay