6.2.6 Process harvest

Use this domain for words related to processing the harvest.

OMC Codes: 
250 Food Processing
251 Preservation and Storage of Food
  • What words refer to processing the harvest?
    process harvest, shell groundnuts, shell beans, remove beans from pods, husk corn, remove leaves from maize cob, remove maize from the cob, dry, separate bad from good
  • Winnow grain

    Use this domain for words related to winnowing grain--to separate the chaff from the grain.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What words refer to winnowing grain?
    winnow, winnowing basket, winnowing fork, winnowing floor, chaff, grain
  • Mill grain

    Use this domain for words related to milling grain.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What words refer to milling grain?
    mill (v), grind
  • What things are used to mill grain?
    mill (n),
  • What crops are milled?
    rice, wheat, maize
  • Thresh

    Use this domain for words related to threshing grain.

  • What words refer to threshing grain?
    thresh, beat
  • What crops are threshed?
  • Where is grain threshed?
    threshing floor
  • Store the harvest

    Use this domain for words related to storing the harvest.

    OMC Codes: 
    253 Meat Packing Industry
    254 Refrigeration Industry
    255 Canning Industry
    256 Cereal Industry
    257 Confectionery Industries
    258 Miscellaneous Food Processing and Packing Industries
  • What words refer to storing the harvest?
    store the harvest, store food, put in sacks, tie together, heap of grain, haystack, sheaf of grain
  • What buildings and containers are used to store the harvest?
    barn, granary, silo, grain sack