Use this domain for words related to clothing.
Use this domain for words related to clothing.
Use this domain for words related to men's clothing.
Use this domain for words related to women's clothing.
Use this domain for words related to traditional clothing.
Use this domain for words referring to special clothes worn on special occasions. It is necessary to think through all the various special occasions in the culture and think of any special clothes worn on those occasions. Two examples are given below for work and graduation, but there are many others.
Use this domain for special clothes worn by special people. It is necessary to think through all the various special types of people in the culture and think of any special clothes worn by them. Several examples are given below, but there are many others.
Use this domain for words related to parts of clothing.
Use this domain for words related to wearing clothing.
Use this domain for words related to being naked--not wearing any clothes, and for words referring to how a person feels about being naked. It is a part of universal human experience that people do not want to be naked. So there are words that refer to feeling bad if one does not have enough clothes on (shame). Other words refer to wanting to have enough clothes (modest). Other words refer to how people feel about other people who do not wear enough clothes
Use this domain for words related to clothing styles.