5.2.2 Eat

Use this domain for words related to eating.

OMC Codes: 
260 Food Consumption
262 Diet
264 Eating
Louw Nida Codes: 
23A Eat, Drink
  • What general words refer to eating food?
    eat, consume, ingest, partake
  • What words refer to licking with the tongue?
  • What words refer to swallowing?
    swallow, gulp
  • What words refer to difficulty in swallowing?
    choke, gag
  • What words refer to feeding someone?
    feed (someone), force-feed
  • Bite, chew

    Use this domain for words referring to biting and chewing with the teeth.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    23B Processes Involving the Mouth, Other Than Eating and Drinking x
  • What words refer to biting something?
    bite, bite into, bite off, take a bite, chomp down on, champ, crunch,
  • What words refer to biting someone?
    give someone a bite, sink your teeth into, snap at,
  • What words refer to a wound caused by an animal biting you?
  • What words refer to chewing?
    chew, gnaw, masticate
  • What refer to grinding your teeth together?
    grind your teeth, gnash, clench your teeth,
  • What words refer to swallowing?
  • Meal

    Use this domain for words related to a meal.

  • What general words refer to a time when people eat?
    meal, mealtime
  • What words refer to a meal eaten at a particular time of day?
    breakfast, lunch, supper, brunch, mid afternoon snack, midnight snack, tea, luncheon,
  • What words refer to the main meal of the day?
  • What words refer to a small meal?
    snack, light breakfast, light meal
  • What words refer to a meal eaten outside?
  • What words refer to eating a meal?
    dine, breakfast (v), lunch (v), snack (v)
  • What do people say at the beginning of a meal?
    Let's say grace. Let's thank the Lord for the food. Let's eat. Dig in.
  • What do people say when they want something?
    (Please) pass (the salt). May I have (the salt, please).
  • What do people say when they are done eating?
    Thank you. May I be excused.
  • Feast

    Use this domain for words related to a feast.

  • What words refer to a large or important meal?
    dinner, banquet, feast
  • What are the parts of a feast?
    first course, main course
  • Who is the leader of a feast?
    host, master of ceremonies
  • Who is invited to a feast?
    guest, dinner guest, guest of honor
  • What happens at a feast?
    propose a toast
  • Manner of eating

    Use this domain for words describing the manner in which a person eats.

  • What words refer to eating before others?
    eat before others, eat early
  • What words refer to tasting a little food to see if it tastes good?
    taste, test, sample
  • What words refer to eating a little?
    eat a little, nibble, snack, go on a diet, to diet, diet (n)
  • What words refer to eating a lot?
    eat a lot, eat too much, be a glutton, gluttony, eat like a pig, pig out
  • What words refer to eating fast?
    gobble, inhale, wolf down, devour, eat fast
  • What words refer to eating more than your share?
    eat more than your share, be greedy
  • What words refer to eating two things together?
    (no words in English, but some in North American Indian languages)
  • Hungry, thirsty

    Use this domain for words related to being hungry or thirsty.

    OMC Codes: 
    261 Gratification and Control of Hunger
    271 Water and Thirst
  • What words refer to being hungry?
    hungry, hunger, famished, starved, ravenous,
  • What are the symptoms of hunger?
    hunger pains, stomach is growling
  • What words refer to being thirsty?
    thirsty, thirst, dying of thirst, parched
  • What words refer to how much you can eat or want to eat?
    appetite, big appetite, small appetite
  • What words refer to not wanting to eat?
    lack of appetite, no appetite, not hungry
  • Satiated, full

    Use this domain for words related to being full of food.

  • What words refer to being full of food?
    be full, have had enough, couldn't eat another thing, bloated, stuffed, on a full stomach, satisfied, satiated, no more room,
  • What words describe food that makes you feel full?
    filling, heavy, stodgy,
  • Drink

    Use this domain for words related to drinking.

    OMC Codes: 
    271 Water and Thirst
  • What general words refer to drinking?
    drink, drunk, take a drink
  • What words describe the manner in which a person can drink?
    guzzle, gulp, gulp down, swig, sip, suck, pour down your throat, inhale, to down (something)
  • What words refer to what is drunk?
    drink (n)
  • What expressions are used to ask for a drink?
  • What expressions are used to offer a drink?
  • Eating utensil

    Use this domain for words related to eating utensils.

    OMC Codes: 
    415 Utensils
  • What words refer to the utensils used to cut and move food?
    eating utensil, knife, butter knife, steak knife, fork, dessert fork, spoon, teaspoon, soup spoon, spatula, serving spoon, chopsticks,
  • What words refer to a dish for food?
    plate, dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, cereal bowl
  • What words refer to a dish for drinking?
    cup, glass, mug, goblet
  • What utensils are used for catching spilled food?
    bib, napkin (serviette), placemat
  • What words refer to the utensils used by one person?
    place setting
  • What words refer to preparing the table for eating?
    set the table
  • Fast, not eat

    Use this domain for words related to fasting--to not eat for a period of time.

  • What words refer fasting?
    to fast, fast (n), not eat, go without food
  • What words refer to different kinds of fasts?
    neither eat nor drink, liquid diet, daytime fast, total fast
  • What words refer to stopping a fast?
    break a fast