4.9.5 Practice religion

Use this domain for words related to practicing religion.

OMC Codes: 
780 Religious Practices
781 Religious Experience
786 Ecstatic Religious Practices
Louw Nida Codes: 
53 Religious Activities
53A Religious Practice
  • What words refer to practicing religion?
    practice your religion, serve God
  • Devout

    Use this domain for words related to being devout.

  • What words describe someone who practices his religion with devotion?
    devout, devoted, devotion, committed, pious, religious, zealous, saintly, holy
  • What words describe someone who is not devout?
    uncommitted, nominal, lukewarm
  • Pray

    Use this domain for words related to praying--talking to God.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33M Pray
  • What words refer to praying to God?
    pray, talk to God, beseech
  • What words refer to prayer?
    prayer, supplication, intercession, petition, thanksgiving, grace, benediction
  • What actions or postures symbolize prayer?
    bow your head, kneel, fold your hands
  • Worship

    Use this domain for personal expressions of devotion to God, in whatever ways the religion defines and expresses it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53G Worship, Reverence
  • What words refer to relating to God or to the spirits?
  • What words refer to acts of worship toward God?
    worship, adore, revere, reverence, lift up your heart, pay homage
  • What words refer to the act of worship?
    worship, adoration, devotion, homage, service, reverence, veneration, deification, idolization
  • What actions or postures symbolize worship?
    bow, kneel, genuflect, prostrate oneself
  • What types of actions make up worship?
    prayer, singing hymns, praising God
  • Religious ceremony

    Use this domain for words related to religious ceremonies.

    OMC Codes: 
    796 Organized Ceremonial
    788 Ritual
    786 Ecstatic religious practices
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33S Preach, Proclaim
  • What words refer to performing a religious ceremony?
    perform a religious ceremony, hold communion
  • What words refer to a religious ceremony?
    religious ceremony, worship service, church service, time of prayer, prayer meeting, Bible study, liturgy, invocation
  • Offering, sacrifice

    Use this domain for words related to offering a sacrifice.

    OMC Codes: 
    782 Prayers and Sacrifices
    782 Propitiation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53B Offering, Sacrifice
  • What words refer to offering a sacrifice?
    sacrifice, offering, devotion, consecration
  • What words refer to what is sacrificed?
    sacrifice, offering, burnt offering, votive offering, gift
  • What words describe a sacrifice?
    sacrificial (giving, lamb), devoted, consecrated
  • Religious purification

    Use this domain for words related to religious purification.

    OMC Codes: 
    783 Purification and Atonement
    Purification and Expiation
    783 Purification and Expiation
    688 Religious Offenses
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88C Holy, Pure
    53C Purify, Cleanse
    53D Defiled, Unclean, Common
    53E Baptize
  • What words refer to purifying someone or something for religious purposes?
    purify, purification, cleanse, cleansing, wash, washing, sprinkle, sprinkling, baptize, baptism,
  • What words describe something that has been purified?
    be pure, undefiled, unpolluted, washed, sprinkled
  • What words describe something that has not been purified?
    be impure, defiled, polluted, unwashed
  • What words refer to something that causes impurity?
    impurity, defilement, pollution
  • Taboo

    Use this domain for words referring to things that are taboo--something to be avoided; a religious, social, or cultural restriction on behavior, as opposed to a government law.

    OMC Codes: 
    784 Avoidance and Taboo
  • What words refer to a cultural restriction on behavior?
    taboo, prohibition
  • What words refer to making something taboo?
    make taboo, forbid, prohibit, ban
  • What words describe something that is taboo?
    taboo, forbidden, prohibited, untouchable, inviolable, banned, off-limits, avoided
  • Salvation

    Use this domain for the primary goal or goals of a religion, for instance in Christianity salvation from sin, death and Hell. Each religion has different beliefs about salvation. Our purpose here is not to preach or argue, but to list those words that people use to talk about this topic.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    21F Save in a Religious Sense
  • What words refer to what God does to save a person?
    save, salvation, sanctify, redeem, justify, regenerate
  • What words refer to a person who saves another?
  • What words refer to what a person does to be saved?
    believe, repent, return (to God), receive, work, earn
  • Dedicate to religious use

    Use this domain for words related to dedicating someone or something to religious use.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53F Dedicate, Consecrate
  • What words refer to dedicating something to religious use?
    dedicate, consecrate, anoint, sanctify, devote, hallow, baptize, circumcise
  • What words describe something that has been dedicated?
    holy, consecrated, sanctified, sacred, devoted, baptized
  • What words describe something that has not been dedicated?
    unholy, common
  • What words refer to improperly using something that has been dedicated?
  • Fasting

    Use this domain for words related to fasting--to not eat for a period of time.

    OMC Codes: 
    785 Asceticism
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53H Fasting
  • What words refer to not eating for a period of time?
    fast, deny (oneself)
  • What words refer to a person who denies himself for religious purposes?
  • What words refer to the general practice of denying oneself something?
  • What words refer to a time when a person fasts or denies himself in some other way?
    fast, Lent, Ramadan