4.9 Religion

Use this domain for general words referring to religion and the supernatural.

OMC Codes: 
770 Religious Beliefs
771 General Character of Religion
Louw Nida Codes: 
12 Supernatural Beings and Powers
  • What words refer to the system of belief and practice related to God?
    religion, religious system, faith
  • What words refer to what is beyond our senses or ability?
    supernatural, magic, miracle, miraculous, paranormal
  • What words describe something having to do with religion?
    religious, sacred, spiritual
  • What words refer to those areas of life outside of religion?
    secular, profane
  • What words refer to the world of gods and spirits?
    spirit world, spiritual realm, the supernatural, the unseen
  • 4.9.1 God

    Use this domain for words related to God--the supreme being in the universe. Each theological system will have different beliefs concerning the existence and nature of God. Our purpose here is to collect and define the terms used to refer to the supreme deity. If there is no such person in the theological system, then use this domain for other terms for the pantheon of gods, ultimate reality, nirvana, and similar concepts. However most theological systems, even atheism, have the concept of a supreme God and use words to refer to him.

  • What words refer to the supreme being in the universe?
    God, the Lord, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, Theos, Deus, Sky God, supreme being, supreme deity
  • What words refer to what people believe about God?
    theology, monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, atheism
  • What words describe something to do with God?
  • 4.9.2 Supernatural being

    Use this domain for words referring to supernatural beings--gods, spirits, other types of beings, which normally cannot be seen and do not belong to this world. Some people accept the existence of certain supernatural beings and not others. Mythological beings are those that were believed in during previous times but that are no longer believed in. Fictional beings are those that no one has ever believed in. An indication of whether most people believe in the supernatural being should be put in the definition.

    OMC Codes: 
    776 Spirits and Gods
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    12 Supernatural Beings and Powers
    12A Supernatural Beings
  • What general words refer to supernatural beings?
    supernatural being, spirit
  • What words refer to lesser gods?
    god, goddess, the gods, pantheon, deity,
  • What types of good supernatural beings are there?
    angel, angelic being, cherub, seraph, saint
  • What types of evil supernatural beings are there?
    demon, devil, Satan, the Devil, Beelzebub
  • What words refer to the spirit of a dead person?
    spirit, ghost, specter, apparition, phantom, shade, ghoul
  • What words refer to supernatural beings that are considered to be mythological or fictional and not real?
    Santa Claus, elf, fairy, giant, dwarf, sprite, genie, dragon, monster, Cyclops, vampire, alien
  • What words describe something like or related to a supernatural being?
    divine, angelic, demonic, Satanic, devilish, diabolical, ghost like, ghoulish, monstrous, alien,
  • 4.9.3 Theology

    Use this domain for words related to theology--the study of God and what people believe about God.

    OMC Codes: 
    779 Theological Systems
    770 Religious Beliefs
    772 Cosmology
    773 Mythology
    774 Animism
    775 Eschatology
  • What words refer to the study of God and religion?
  • What words refer to something you believe about God?
    doctrine, tenet, dogma, belief,
  • What words refer to disagreement over doctrine?
    heterodoxy, sect, denomination, dissent
  • What words refer to foolish or ignorant beliefs about religion?
  • Sacred writings

    Use this domain for words related to sacred writings. Examples are only given for the Christian sacred writings. However you should include words referring to the holy books of all religions .

  • What words refer to sacred writings?
    sacred writings, Scripture, Bible, the Good Book, Gospel
  • What words refer to a part of the sacred writings?
    chapter, verse, text, Old/New Testament, Law, Prophets, Gospels, Epistles, Apocalypse
  • What words refer to God's role in producing sacred writings?
    inspire, inspiration, revelation
  • What words describe the sacred writings or a text from the sacred writings?
    inspired, holy, scriptural, biblical, sacred, prophetic, apostolic
  • What words describe whether or not a book should be considered a part of the sacred writings?
    canon, canonical, apocryphal
  • What words refer to a book that is revered but not considered part of the sacred writings?
  • What words refer to the interpretation of sacred writings?
    interpretation, exegesis
  • What words refer to a book that interprets the sacred writings?
  • 4.9.4 Miracle, supernatural power

    Use this domain for words related to miracles--the use of supernatural power to do something good.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    12B Supernatural Powers
  • What words refer to supernatural power?
    supernatural power, miraculous power, might, force, omnipotence, almighty, all-powerful,
  • What words refer to performing a miracle?
    perform a miracle, produce a miracle, do a miracle
  • What words refer to the event of a miracle?
    miracle, miraculous event, sign, wonder, magic
  • What words describe a miracle?
  • What words refer to a person who can perform miracles?
    miracle worker, prophet
  • Sorcery

    Use this domain for words related to sorcery--the use of supernatural power to do something bad.

    OMC Codes: 
    789 Magic
    754 Sorcery
    755 Magical and Mental Therapy
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53J Magic
  • What words refer to doing something using sorcery?
    practice sorcery, do magic, work magic, cast a spell, put a spell on, put a curse on, bewitch, conjure, invoke, enchant, bedevil, entrance (v), mesmerize, wave a wand, jinx,
  • What words refer to the practice of sorcery?
    sorcery, magic (n), witchcraft, black magic, voodoo, voodooism, witchery, wizardry, occult, necromancy,
  • What words refer to something that someone does using sorcery?
    spell, curse, hex, enchantment, charm, incantation,
  • What is a person called who practices sorcery?
    sorcerer, magician, witch, wizard, shaman, witchdoctor, conjuror, necromancer, warlock, charmer, medicine man, alchemist, medium,
  • What words describe someone or something that can do magic?
    have magical powers, magic (adj), magical, supernatural, occult, mystic, weird,
  • What words describe someone who has been bewitched?
    charmed, bewitched, spellbound, haunted,
  • What words refer to protecting someone from sorcery?
    ward off,
  • What things are used when performing sorcery?
    charm, amulet, evil eye, talisman, fetish, wand, rod, divining rod, magic ring, philosopher's stone, magic carpet, cauldron,
  • What words are used when performing sorcery?
    abracadabra, open sesame,
  • What words refer to malevolent supernatural power?
    malevolent power, evil force, Satanic force, demonic power, black magic
  • Demon possession

    Use this domain for words referring to demon possession--when a demon or spirit influences or controls the behavior of a person. Use this domain for all words related to the relationship between spirits and people, including communication between people and spirits. Also use this domain for words referring to casting out demons--causing a demon to stop influencing or controlling a person.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53K Exorcism
  • What words refer to being influenced or controlled by a demon?
    be possessed, be demonized, go into a trance,
  • What words refer to what demons do to people?
    possess, inhabit, demonize, torture, haunt, trouble
  • What words refer to casting out a demon?
    cast out a demon, exorcise, drive out, expel, deliver/free/release from demonic power/influence
  • What words refer to a person who casts out demons?
  • Bless

    Use this domain for words related to blessing someone--saying something that causes something good to happen, or requests God to do something good to someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33C" Bless, Curse
  • What words refer to blessing someone?
    bless, pronounce a blessing, give a blessing, bestow a blessing, invoke,
  • What words refer to what is said in blessing?
    blessing, benediction,
  • Curse

    Use this domain for words related to cursing someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33C" Bless, Curse
  • What words refer to cursing someone?
    curse, put/place a curse on, be under a curse, be cursed
  • What words refer to the curse place on someone?
    curse, anathema,
  • Destiny

    Use this domain for words related to destiny--decisions and actions by God, spirits, or by impersonal forces that determine or influence what happens to a person.

    OMC Codes: 
    777 Luck and Chance
  • What words refer to the decisions God makes concerning what happens to a person?
    God's will, providence
  • What words refer to an impersonal force that determines what happens to a person?
    destiny, fate, fortune, luck, chance, throw of the dice
  • What words refer to something to which a person or thing is destined?
    destiny, fate
  • Prophecy

    Use this domain for words referring to speaking for God, including foretelling the future through divine knowledge.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33A" Prophesy
    33X Foretell, Tell Fortunes
  • What words refer to being able to speak for God or deliver a message from God?
    prophesy, foretell the future, predict the future
  • What words refer to what is said?
    prophecy, prediction, prophetic utterance
  • What is a person called who speaks for God or foretells the future?
    prophet, prophetess
  • What words describe something said in prophecy?
  • Omen, divination

    Use this domain for words related to supernatural knowledge.

    OMC Codes: 
    787 Revelation and Divination
  • What words refer to supernatural knowledge?
    supernatural knowledge, foreknowledge, supernatural insight, ability to interpret dreams,
  • What words refer to being able to divine secrets?
    divine, read the signs, foretell the future
  • What words refer to the practice of divining secrets?
    divination, palmistry, fortune telling, astrology
  • What is a person called who can divine secrets?
    diviner, fortuneteller, astrologer
  • What words describe someone who can divine secrets?
  • What words refer to something showing what will happen in the future?
    augur, betoken, bode, forebode, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, ominous, portend, prefigure, presage,
  • What words refer to something that shows or tells a secret?
    omen, sign, harbinger, portent, presage, foreshadowing, message from the beyond
  • What methods are used to divine secrets?
    interpret dreams, read palms, read tea leaves, read cards, read the stars, consult your horoscope, look into a crystal ball, play with a Ouija board, examine the entrails of an animal
  • 4.9.5 Practice religion

    Use this domain for words related to practicing religion.

    OMC Codes: 
    780 Religious Practices
    781 Religious Experience
    786 Ecstatic Religious Practices
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53 Religious Activities
    53A Religious Practice
  • What words refer to practicing religion?
    practice your religion, serve God
  • Devout

    Use this domain for words related to being devout.

  • What words describe someone who practices his religion with devotion?
    devout, devoted, devotion, committed, pious, religious, zealous, saintly, holy
  • What words describe someone who is not devout?
    uncommitted, nominal, lukewarm
  • Pray

    Use this domain for words related to praying--talking to God.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33M Pray
  • What words refer to praying to God?
    pray, talk to God, beseech
  • What words refer to prayer?
    prayer, supplication, intercession, petition, thanksgiving, grace, benediction
  • What actions or postures symbolize prayer?
    bow your head, kneel, fold your hands
  • Worship

    Use this domain for personal expressions of devotion to God, in whatever ways the religion defines and expresses it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53G Worship, Reverence
  • What words refer to relating to God or to the spirits?
  • What words refer to acts of worship toward God?
    worship, adore, revere, reverence, lift up your heart, pay homage
  • What words refer to the act of worship?
    worship, adoration, devotion, homage, service, reverence, veneration, deification, idolization
  • What actions or postures symbolize worship?
    bow, kneel, genuflect, prostrate oneself
  • What types of actions make up worship?
    prayer, singing hymns, praising God
  • Religious ceremony

    Use this domain for words related to religious ceremonies.

    OMC Codes: 
    796 Organized Ceremonial
    788 Ritual
    786 Ecstatic religious practices
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33S Preach, Proclaim
  • What words refer to performing a religious ceremony?
    perform a religious ceremony, hold communion
  • What words refer to a religious ceremony?
    religious ceremony, worship service, church service, time of prayer, prayer meeting, Bible study, liturgy, invocation
  • Offering, sacrifice

    Use this domain for words related to offering a sacrifice.

    OMC Codes: 
    782 Prayers and Sacrifices
    782 Propitiation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53B Offering, Sacrifice
  • What words refer to offering a sacrifice?
    sacrifice, offering, devotion, consecration
  • What words refer to what is sacrificed?
    sacrifice, offering, burnt offering, votive offering, gift
  • What words describe a sacrifice?
    sacrificial (giving, lamb), devoted, consecrated
  • Religious purification

    Use this domain for words related to religious purification.

    OMC Codes: 
    783 Purification and Atonement
    Purification and Expiation
    783 Purification and Expiation
    688 Religious Offenses
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88C Holy, Pure
    53C Purify, Cleanse
    53D Defiled, Unclean, Common
    53E Baptize
  • What words refer to purifying someone or something for religious purposes?
    purify, purification, cleanse, cleansing, wash, washing, sprinkle, sprinkling, baptize, baptism,
  • What words describe something that has been purified?
    be pure, undefiled, unpolluted, washed, sprinkled
  • What words describe something that has not been purified?
    be impure, defiled, polluted, unwashed
  • What words refer to something that causes impurity?
    impurity, defilement, pollution
  • Taboo

    Use this domain for words referring to things that are taboo--something to be avoided; a religious, social, or cultural restriction on behavior, as opposed to a government law.

    OMC Codes: 
    784 Avoidance and Taboo
  • What words refer to a cultural restriction on behavior?
    taboo, prohibition
  • What words refer to making something taboo?
    make taboo, forbid, prohibit, ban
  • What words describe something that is taboo?
    taboo, forbidden, prohibited, untouchable, inviolable, banned, off-limits, avoided
  • Salvation

    Use this domain for the primary goal or goals of a religion, for instance in Christianity salvation from sin, death and Hell. Each religion has different beliefs about salvation. Our purpose here is not to preach or argue, but to list those words that people use to talk about this topic.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    21F Save in a Religious Sense
  • What words refer to what God does to save a person?
    save, salvation, sanctify, redeem, justify, regenerate
  • What words refer to a person who saves another?
  • What words refer to what a person does to be saved?
    believe, repent, return (to God), receive, work, earn
  • Dedicate to religious use

    Use this domain for words related to dedicating someone or something to religious use.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53F Dedicate, Consecrate
  • What words refer to dedicating something to religious use?
    dedicate, consecrate, anoint, sanctify, devote, hallow, baptize, circumcise
  • What words describe something that has been dedicated?
    holy, consecrated, sanctified, sacred, devoted, baptized
  • What words describe something that has not been dedicated?
    unholy, common
  • What words refer to improperly using something that has been dedicated?
  • Fasting

    Use this domain for words related to fasting--to not eat for a period of time.

    OMC Codes: 
    785 Asceticism
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53H Fasting
  • What words refer to not eating for a period of time?
    fast, deny (oneself)
  • What words refer to a person who denies himself for religious purposes?
  • What words refer to the general practice of denying oneself something?
  • What words refer to a time when a person fasts or denies himself in some other way?
    fast, Lent, Ramadan
  • 4.9.6 Heaven, hell

    Use this domain for words related to heaven and hell--the place where people go after they die.

    OMC Codes: 
    772 Cosmology
    775 Eschatology
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    1C Regions Below the Surface of the Earth
  • What is the place or home of God called?
    Heaven, the highest heaven, the abode of God, the throne of God
  • What is the place called where dead people are?
    Hades, Sheol, the place of the dead, the grave, the other side, the beyond, underworld, nether world,
  • What is the place called where believers (good people) go when they die?
    heaven, paradise, your reward
  • What is the place called where unbelievers (bad people) go when they die?
    hell, the pit, fire and brimstone, eternal damnation
  • What words refer to going to heaven or hell?
    pass on, go to heaven, go to hell
  • What words describe something belonging to heaven or hell?
    celestial, heavenly, hellish
  • Resurrection

    Use this domain for words related to resurrection--life after death, or living again after dying.

  • What words refer to coming back to life?
    come back to life, come back from the grave, come to life, resurrection
  • What words refer to causing someone to come back to life?
    resurrect, raise from the dead, bring back to life, bring back from the dead
  • What words refer to the condition or state of living forever?
    live forever, (have) eternal life, life everlasting, immortality, life after death,
  • What words refer to reincarnation?
    reincarnation, reincarnated,
  • 4.9.7 Religious organization

    Use this domain for words referring to official religions, groups within a religion, and religious meetings. Each religion will have different names for its groups. Answer each question for each religion.

    OMC Codes: 
    779 Theological Systems
    790 Ecclesiastical Organization
    794 Congregations
    795 Religious Denominations
    797 Missions
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    11B Socio-Religious
  • What general words refer to an official religion?
    religion, faith
  • What are the names of the official religions?
    Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, animism, paganism,
  • What words refer to a group within a religion?
    sect, denomination, party,
  • What are the names of the sects?
    Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist
  • What words refer to a group of believers in a particular place?
    church, congregation, diocese, parish
  • What words refer to beginning to believe in a religion or changing from one religion to another?
    convert, conversion
  • Religious person

    Use this domain for words referring to religious practitioners--people who practice a religion, who are members of the religion, believe in the religion, leaders of the religion, and followers of the religion. Each religion has its own terms for religious practitioners. List these terms separately for each religion. The examples given below are for the Christian religion.

    OMC Codes: 
    791 Magicians and Diviners
    792 Prophets and Ascetics
    Holy Men
    793 Priesthood
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31J Be a Believer, Christian Faith
    53I Roles and Functions
  • What is a person called who believes in a religion?
    believer, member (of the faith), adherent, follower, practitioner
  • What is a person called who believes in the (Christian) religion?
    Christian, brother, fellow believer, saint
  • What is a leader of the (Christian-Protestant) religion called?
    pastor, minister, parson
  • What is a leader of the (Christian-Catholic) religion called?
    priest, father, bishop, archbishop, Cardinal, pope, man of the cloth
  • What words refer to the profession of being a religious leader?
    pastorate, priesthood, ministry
  • What words refers to all religious leaders?
  • What words refer to followers of a religion who are not leaders?
    laity, layperson, flock
  • Christianity

    Use this domain for words used in Christianity.

  • What words are used to talk about Christianity?
    Christian, Christianity, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Trinity, the Father, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, Lord, cross, crucify, crucifixion, resurrection, Bible, Biblical, Scripture, Old Testament, New Testament, Gospel, apostle, church, chapel, churchgoer, priest, vicar, minister, pastor, service, Communion, Mass, sacrament, baptize, baptism, christen, christening, Christian name, confession, Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, crucifix, make the sign of the cross, saint, patron saint, Roman Catholic, Catholic, Pope, papal, Orthodox Church, Reformation, Protestant Church, Protestant, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian
  • Islam

    Use this domain for words used in Islam.

  • What words are used to talk about Islam?
    Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Allah, Mohammed, the Prophet, Koran, Kaaba, mosque, sharia, Ramadan, hajj
  • Hinduism

    Use this domain for words used in Hinduism.

  • What words are used to talk about Hinduism?
    Hinduism, Hindu, New Age, Vishnu, Vedic, guru, reincarnation
  • Buddhism

    Use this domain for words used in Buddhism.

  • What words are used to talk about Buddhism?
    Buddhism, Buddhist, Buddha, temple, pagoda, nirvana, enlightenment, monk
  • Judaism

    Use this domain for words used in Judaism.

  • What words are used to talk about Judaism?
    Judaism, Jew, Jewish, Israel, Torah, Mishna, rabbi, synagogue, kosher, Passover, Hanukkah, Messiah, Mosaic Law
  • Animism

    Use this domain for words used in Animism--the belief in spirits.

    OMC Codes: 
    774 Animism
  • What words are used to talk about Animism?
    Animism, paganism,
  • What words refer to someone who believes in Animism?
    Animist, pagan,
  • 4.9.8 Religious things

    Use this domain for words related to a religious object.

    OMC Codes: 
    778 Sacred Objects and Places
  • What types of religious objects are there?
    altar, altar of sacrifice, altar of incense, censer, candle, church bells, totem pole,
  • What words refer to objects with supernatural power?
    amulet, charm, fetish
  • What words refer to clothes worn by priests and other religious people?
    (priest's) robes, habit, cloth, vestments, frock, cassock, cowl, hood, clerical collar, skullcap, surplice, miter,
  • Idol

    Use this domain for words related to idols and their use.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6M Images and Idols
  • What words refer to an object that represents a god?
    idol, image, icon
  • What words refer to the practice of making and worshiping idols?
  • Place of worship

    Use this domain for words related to places of worship. Each religion has different types of places of worship. These questions must be answered according to the practices of each religion and for each separate type of place.

    OMC Codes: 
    778 Sacred Objects and Places
    346 Religious and Educational Structures
  • What words refer to a place that is dedicated to God?
    house of God, church, temple, synagogue, mosque, shrine, god house, sanctuary, tabernacle,
  • What are the parts of a church?
    pew, altar, pulpit, choir loft, baptismal font, stained glass window, steeple
  • What are the parts of a temple?
    courtyard, holy place, holy of holies, altar, laver, lamp stand
  • Where are idols placed?
    god shelf, shrine
  • Where do religious leaders live?
    monastery, convent, parsonage
  • 4.9.9 Irreligion

    Use this domain for words related to thinking and acting against God or religion.

    OMC Codes: 
    798 Religious Intolerance
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    53L Sacrilege
  • What is a person called who does not believe in a religion?
    unbeliever, pagan, gentile, heathen, atheist, agnostic, irreligious, godless
  • What words refer to a religious group, which the official religion considers to be false?
    false religion, sect
  • What words refer to a belief, which the official religion considers to be false?
    heresy, heretical, heretic, false doctrine/teaching
  • What words refer to thinking against God?
    disbelieve, unbelief, lack of faith, doubt, skepticism, agnosticism, atheism, paganism
  • What words refer to speaking against God?
    blaspheme, scoff, profane, irreverent
  • What words refer to acting against God?
    sin, impiety, ungodly, godlessness, desecrate, sacrilege
  • What words describe someone who is against God?
    impious, irreligious, profane
  • What words refer to turning away from God?
    apostasy, backsliding, reprobate
  • What words refer to pretending to be religious?
    hypocrisy, hypocrite
  • What words refer to extreme beliefs that are evil?
    fanatic, fanaticism, bigot, bigotry
  • What words refer to religious practices that are done in ignorance?
  • What words refer to allowing other people to practice their religion?
    tolerance, intolerance