4.5 Authority

Use this domain for words related to authority.

  • What words refer to authority?
    authority, power, dominion, hegemony, control, right
  • 4.5.1 Person in authority

    Use this domain for words related to a person in authority.

    OMC Codes: 
    622 Community Heads
    624 Local Officials
  • What words refer to a person in authority?
    person in authority, authority, authority figure, person in charge, leader, boss, captain, director, chairman, chairperson, head, figurehead, master
  • 4.5.2 Have authority

    Use this domain for words related to having authority.

  • What words refer to having authority?
    have authority, be in authority, be in charge
  • 4.5.3 Exercise authority

    Use this domain for words related to exercising authority.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37C Exercise Authority
  • What words refer to exercising authority?
    exercise authority, use authority, authorize, strict, severe
  • Lead

    Use this domain for words referring to one person leading or controlling other people because they have authority over them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    36 Guide, Discipline, Follow
    36A Guide, Lead
  • What words refer to leading?
    lead, direct, control, guide
  • What words refer to the ability to lead?
    leadership, charisma, stewardship, guidance, chieftainship
  • What words refer to someone who leads?
  • Command

    Use this domain for words related to commanding someone to do something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33F' Command, Order
  • What words refer to commanding someone to do something?
    command, order, direct, impel, prescribe,
  • Discipline, train

    Use this domain for words related to disciplining someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    36B Discipline, Train
  • What words refer to disciplining someone?
    discipline, train, drill, prepare, train, control, strict, severe
  • Appoint, delegate

    Use this domain for words related to appointing someone to a position of authority, or delegating authority to someone.

    OMC Codes: 
    676 Agency
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37E Assign to a Role or Function
  • What words refer to appointing someone to a position of authority?
    appoint (someone to a position), appointment, assign (someone to a position), place (someone in authority), designate (someone as), delegate (authority to), give (authority to), entrust (someone) with (something)
  • What words describe someone in a position of authority?
  • 4.5.4 Submit to authority

    Use this domain for words related to submitting to authority.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39D Yielding
    33U Profess Allegiance
  • What words refer to submitting to authority?
    submit to authority, obey, law abiding
  • Obey

    Use this domain for words related to obeying someone.

  • What words refer to being obedient?
    obey, abide by the law, submit, comply
  • What words refer to a person who obeys?
    law-abiding citizen
  • What words describe a person who obeys?
    obedient, law-abiding, submissive, compliant
  • Disobey

    Use this domain for words related to disobeying someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    36C Obey, Disobey
  • What words refer to being disobedient?
    disobey, break the law, refuse to submit, rebel
  • What words refer to a person who disobeys?
    law breaker, criminal, rebel
  • What words describe a person who disobeys?
    disobedient, law breaking, unsubmissive, rebellious
  • Serve

    Use this domain for words related to serving someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35B Serve
  • What words refer to serving someone?
    serve, service, attend to, wait on,
  • What words refer to a servant?
    servant, manservant, maidservant,
  • What words refer to a servant who works in a house?
    butler, maid, chambermaid, housemaid, houseboy,
  • Slave

    Use this domain for words referring to a slave--a person owned by another and obligated to work without wages.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    87E Slave, Free
  • What words refer to a slave?
    slave, bondservant, serf
  • What words refer to the condition of being a slave?
    slavery, bondage, servitude
  • Follow, be a disciple

    Use this domain for words related to being a disciple of someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    36D Follow, Be a Disciple
  • What words refer to a disciple following someone?
    follow, be a disciple
  • What words refer to a disciple?
    disciple, adherent, devotee, follower, imitator, learner, proselyte
  • Rebel against authority

    Use this domain for words related to rebelling against authority.

    OMC Codes: 
    669 Revolution
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39G Rebellion
  • What words refer to rebelling against authority?
    rebel, revolt, resist, rise up, rise against, mutiny, overthrow
  • What words refer to the act of rebellion?
    rebellion, revolt, revolution, sedition, insurrection, insurgency, mutiny, civil disobedience, coup, coup d'etat, counterrevolution, putsch, takeover, uprising,
  • What words refer to the process of rebellion?
    rebel cause, rebel movement
  • What words refer to an instance of rebelling?
    act of rebellion, rebellious act, revolutionary act, demonstration, riot, disorder, sabotage
  • What words refer to a person who rebels?
    rebel, activist, agitator, anarchist, belligerent, conspirator, extremist, guerrilla, insurgent, liberationist, militant, mutineer, rabble-rouser, radical, rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, terrorist
  • What words describe a rebel?
    rebellious, revolutionary, defiant, mutinous, radical
  • What words describe a revolution?
    violent, peaceful
  • What is the leader of a rebellion called?
    leader of a rebellion, rebel leader, revolutionary leader
  • What does the leader of a rebellion do?
    lead a rebellion, organize a rebellion,
  • What do the authorities do to stop a rebellion?
    put down, suppress,
  • Independent

    Use this domain for words related to being independent.

  • What words describe a country that is independent?
    independent, sovereign, self-governing
  • 4.5.5 Honor

    Use this domain for words related to honoring someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    87B Honor or Respect in Relation to Status
  • What words refer to honoring someone?
    show respect, respectful, honor, glorify, praise, magnify, lift up, worship
  • What words refer to a posture of giving honor?
    bow, prostrate
  • Title, name of honor

    Use this domain for words related to a title of honor.

  • What words refer to a title used to address a person?
    title, terms of address,
  • What words are used to speak to a person in authority?
    your honor, your majesty, your grace, sir, mister, madam, ma'am
  • Lack respect

    Use this domain for words related to lacking respect.

  • What words refer to a lack of respect?
    lack respect, show disrespect, disrespectful, dishonor, despise
  • 4.5.6 Status

    Use this domain for words related to a person's social status.

    OMC Codes: 
    550 Individuation and Mobility
    554 Status, Role, and Prestige
    555 Talent Mobility
    557 Manipulative Mobility
    558 Downward Mobility
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    87 Status
    87A Position, Rank
  • What general words refer to a person's status?
    status, rank, position,
  • What words refer moving to a higher status or position in an organization?
    be promoted, move up the ladder, move on to higher things, promotion, rise, advancement,
  • What words refer to giving someone a higher position?
    promote, upgrade, elevate,
  • High status

    Use this domain for words related to high social status.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    87C High Status or Rank
  • What words describe high status?
    high status, high rank, privilege, promote, raise in status, raise in rank, important person, aristocracy, prominent, grand, great
  • What titles of address are used to refer to or speak to a person of high status?
    sir, my lord, gentleman, lady
  • Low status

    Use this domain for words related to low social status.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    87D Low Status or Rank
  • What words refer to being low in status?
    be low down, be at the bottom, be at the bottom of the pile,
  • What words refer to low status?
    low status, low estate
  • What words describe someone who is low in status?
    junior, low-ranking,
  • What words refer to being lower in status than someone else?
    assistant, subordinate, under,
  • What words are used of lowering someone's status?
    be reduced in status, humble, reduce in rank, bust (in rank), debase, degrade, demote