Share with

Use this domain for words related to sharing with other people.

  • What words refer to sharing with others?
    share, share with, contribute toward, give to, be generous
  • What words refer to two or more people doing something, first one person doing it, then another person doing it?
    take turns, take it in turns, share, alternate,
  • Provide for, support

    Use this domain for words referring to providing someone with what they need to live each day, such as providing for an elderly parent who can no longer earn what they need.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35C Provide For, Support
  • What words refer to providing someone with what they need?
    provide for, support, furnish, supply
  • What words refer to needing someone to provide for you?
    depend on, dependent, rely on
  • What words refer to a person who provides?
    provider, means of support, supplier
  • What words refer to what is provided?
    provisions, support (n), supply (n)
  • Care for

    Use this domain for words related to caring for someone--to do something good for someone, because they need something and cannot do it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35D Care For, Take Care Of
  • What words refer to caring for someone?
    care for, take care of, meet someone's needs
  • What is a person called who takes care of another?
  • Entrust to the care of

    Use this domain for words related to entrusting something to the care of someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35E Entrust To the Care Of
  • What words refer to giving something to someone for him to take care of?
    entrust to the care of, assign, commend, commit, trust with