4.3.2 Admire someone

Use this domain for words related to admiring someone--to feel good about someone because you think that he is a good person.

  • What words refer to admiring a person?
    admire, be an admirer of, accept, approve of, esteem (v), hold in someone in high esteem, look up to, have a high opinion of, hold someone in high regard, respect, respectful, think highly of, think well of, hold in honor,
  • What words refer to admiring someone very much?
    idolize, revere, worship, put someone on a pedestal, hero-worship,
  • What words refer to what someone thinks of a person, either good or bad?
    estimation, opinion, regard,
  • What words refer to the thought or feeling that someone is good?
    admiration, adulation, esteem (n), respect,
  • What words refer to a person who is admired?
    idol, hero, heroine,
  • What words describe someone who is admired?
    admirable, estimable, honorable, idolized,
  • Despise someone

    Use this domain for words related to despising someone--to feel bad about someone because you think they are not as good as you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88Y Despise, Scorn, Contempt
  • What words refer to despising someone?
    despise, disdain, disregard, rebuff, reject, repudiate, scoff, scorn, shun, slight, sneer at, snub, spurn, be contemptuous of, hold in contempt, feel contempt for, feel superior, think someone is worthless, think poorly of, feel superior to, look down on, spit on, be cliquish, turn up your nose at,
  • What words describe someone who despises someone?
    contemptuous, disdainful, disrespectful, haughty, scornful, snobbish, superior,
  • What words refer to a person who despises someone?
  • What words refer to the feeling of despising someone?
    contempt, disdain, disregard, disrespect, hate, irreverence,
  • What words refer to something you do that shows you despise someone?
    rebuff (n), slight (n), snub (n),
  • What words describe something someone does to show they despise someone?
    withering (look), derisive (laugh),
  • What words describe someone who is despised?
    contemptible, despicable, pitiable, pitiful, despised,
  • Humble

    Use this domain for words related to being humble--to not think that you are better than other people, or to not think that you are better than you really are, and to not talk or act as if you were better than other people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88F Modesty, Propriety
    88G Humility
  • What words describe someone who is humble?
    humble, lowly, meek, mild, modest, self-deprecating, self-effacing, simple, timid, timorous, unassuming, unpretentious
  • What words refer to doing something humble?
    be humble, humbly, condescend,
  • What words refer to the quality of being humble?
    humility, humbleness, condescension, debasement, lowliness, modesty, self-abasement, self-deprecation, timidity,
  • What words describe something someone does that is humble?
  • What words refer to becoming humble?
    humble yourself,
  • What words refer to one person causing another to be humble?
    to humble someone, humiliate, debase,
  • What words refer to being too humble?
    put yourself down, run yourself down, sell yourself short, underestimate yourself,
  • Proud

    Use this domain for words referring to being proud--to think that something or someone is very good and to feel very good about them, especially to think and feel very good about yourself--to think that you are better than others, to think that you are better than you really are, or to talk and act as if you were better than other people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88A' Arrogance, Haughtiness, Pride
  • What words refer to being proud of something or someone?
    be proud of, be pleased with, be delighted with, be thrilled with, take pride in, pride yourself on,
  • What words refer to being proud of yourself?
    be proud of yourself, be full of yourself, fancy yourself, let something go to your head,
  • What words refer to being satisfied with yourself?
    self-satisfied, smug, pleased with yourself, complacent,
  • What words refer to thinking you are more important than you really are?
    self-important, pompous, jumped up, have delusions of grandeur, get too big for your boots/britches,
  • What words refer to thinking you are better than other people?
    snobbish, snobby, haughty, snooty, snotty, superior, stuck-up, class-conscious,
  • What words describe someone who is proud?
    proud, aloof, arrogant, bigheaded, boastful, brash, conceited, contemptuous, egocentric, egotistic, egotistical, hoity-toity, imperious, inflated, lofty, ostentatious, pretentious, prideful, proud hearted, puffed up, self-aggrandizing, self-confident, uppity, vain,
  • What words refer to behaving in a proud way toward other people?
    look down on, look down your nose at, be beneath you, think you're too good for,
  • What words refer to the quality of being proud?
    pride, sense of achievement, aloofness, arrogance, audacity, conceit, egotism, flashiness, haughtiness, hauteur, loftiness, ostentation, pretension, self-importance, self-respect, self-will, showiness, snobbery, snobbishness, vanity,
  • What words refer to a proud person?
    snob, prig,
  • What words refer to something or someone you are proud of?
    be someone's pride and joy, be the pride of, be a credit to,
  • What words refer to something making someone proud?
    go to your head,
  • What words refer to stopping someone from behaving proudly by criticizing them?
    put someone in their place, wipe the smile off someone's face, cut someone down to size,
  • Show off

    Use this domain for words referring to showing off--to behave in a way that attracts people's attention because you want them to admire you.

  • What words refer to showing off?
    show off, flash your money around, put on airs, vaunt yourself,
  • What words refer to someone who shows off?
    show-off, poseur, exhibitionist, flamboyant, dramatic,
  • What words describe someone who shows off?
    showy, ostentatious, ostentatiously, flashy, pretentious, pretentiously, proudly,
  • What words refer to the quality of showing off?
    showiness, flashiness, ostentation,