Mature in behavior

Use this domain for words related to acting maturely--to act like an adult rather than a child.

Louw Nida Codes: 
88M Mature Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is mature?
    mature, adult (adj), responsible,
  • What words refer to doing something maturely?
    be mature, act like an adult, act your age,
  • What words refer to the quality of being mature?
  • What words refer to something someone does that is mature?
  • What words describe something someone does that is mature?
  • What words refer to becoming mature?
    mature (v), grow up,
  • Immature in behavior

    Use this domain for words related to behaving in an immature way--for either a child or an adult to act like a child.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88M Mature Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is immature?
    immature, babyish, boyish, callow, childlike, childish, girlish, inexperienced, infantile, irresponsible, naive, puerile, rookie, sophomoric, spoiled,
  • What words refer to an immature person?
  • What words refer to doing something immature?
    be immature, act like a child
  • What words refer to the quality of being immature?
  • What words describe something someone does that is immature?
    immature, childish, infantile, juvenile, puerile, silly,
  • What words describe a bad child?
    naughty, badly-behaved, mischievous, spoiled,
  • What words refer to a bad child?
    brat, nuisance, pest, bully,
  • Sensible

    Use this domain for words related to being sensible--to think about what you do.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88L Sensible Behavior, Senseless Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is sensible?
    sensible, thoughtful, astute, calculating, cautious, circumspect, discreet, discriminating, foresighted, judicious, logical, practical, pragmatic, prudent, rational, realistic, reasonable, sagacious, sane, sensible, sensibly, sensitive, sound, thoughtful, wholesome