4.1.4 Neighbor

Use this domain for words referring to a neighbor--someone who lives nearby.

  • What words refer to someone who lives nearby?
    neighbor, neighbor, next door neighbor
  • What words describe a good neighbor?
    good neighbor, neighborly
  • What words indicate that someone lives nearby?
    be neighbors, live next to each other, live near each other, live in the same neighborhood, live on the same street, live nearby
  • What words refer to the area around your house?
    neighborhood, community, our street, our area, subdivision, housing development, compound, apartment complex, district, vicinity, environs
  • Social class

    Use this domain for words related to social class.

    OMC Codes: 
    560 Social Stratification
    561 Age Stratification
    562 Gender Status
    Sex Status
    563 Ethnic Stratification
    564 Castes
    565 Classes
    566 Serfdom and Peonage
    567 Slavery
  • What words refer to social class?
    class, caste, background, status, social standing, strata
  • What words refer to a person belonging to a higher class?
    upper class, aristocracy, privileged, elite, titled, posh, your betters, rich,
  • What words refer to a person belonging to the middle class?
    middle-class, bourgeois, the bourgeoisie, white-collar
  • What words refer to a person belonging to a lower class?
    working class, lower class, the masses, blue-collar, humble, popular, underclass, your inferiors, poor,
  • What words refer to a person belonging to the same class as you?
  • What words refer to moving into a higher social class?
    move up in the world, upwardly mobile, social climber
  • What words describe a society that is not divided into classes?