3.5.9 Mass communication

Use this domain for words related to radio, television, newspapers, magazines and other forms of mass communication.

OMC Codes: 
2010 Internet Communications
202 Transmission of Messages
203 Dissemination of News and Information
204 Press
205 Mail
Postal System
206 Telephone and Telegraph
207 Radio and Television
  • What words refer to different kinds of mass communication?
    radio, television, newspaper, magazine
  • What words refer to programs and messages?
    program, article
  • What words refer to making programs?
  • Radio, television

    Use this domain for words related to radio and television.

    OMC Codes: 
    207 Radio and Television
  • What words refer to different kinds of mass communication?
    radio, television
  • What words refer to programs?
    program, ad
  • What words refer to making programs?
  • What words refer to a person who talks on the radio or television?
    reporter, anchorman, disk jockey
  • What words refer to radio and television stations?
    station, band, frequency, reception,
  • Telephone

    Use this domain for words related to the telephone.

    OMC Codes: 
    206 Telephone and Telegraph
  • What words refer to telephones?
    telephone, phone, cell phone
  • What words refer to talking to someone on the telephone?
    speak/talk on the phone, be on the phone
  • What words refer to beginning a telephone call?
    call (up), ring, phone (v), dial
  • What words refer to ending a telephone call?
    hang up
  • What words refer to a person who works for the telephone company?
  • What words refer to problems with making a telephone call?
    busy signal, go dead, wrong number
  • Newspaper

    Use this domain for words related to newspapers and magazines.

    OMC Codes: 
    203 Dissemination of News and Information
    204 Press
  • What words refer to newspapers and magazines?
    newspaper, paper, magazine, press, periodical
  • What words refer to things written in a newspaper?
    article, editorial, column
  • What words refer to a person who works for a newspaper?
    reporter, editor, newsboy
  • What words refer to an issue of a newspaper?
    issue, edition
  • Movie

    Use this domain for words related to movies and the cinema.

  • What words refer to movies?
    movie, show, film
  • What words refer to a place where movies are shown?
    theater, cinema, movie house, movie theater, drive-in, box office, ticket office, auditorium, aisle, screen, projector
  • What words refer to showing a movie?
    show, screen, intermission
  • What words refer to watching a movie?
    go to the movies, watch a movie, go to the cinema, go to the pictures, audience, moviegoer, ticket
  • What words refer to making movies?
    film, direct
  • What words refer to a person who makes movies?
    director, producer, camera crew
  • What things are used to make movies?
    camera, set, prop, studio
  • Recorded music

    Use this domain for words related to recording music.

    OMC Codes: 
    216 Sound Records
  • What words refer to recording music?
    record, make a recording, cut a record, tape
  • What words refer to music recordings?
    music, record, tape, cassette, CD, compact disc
  • What words refer to playing music?
    play, listen, play back, put on
  • What words refer to machines that play music?
    turntable, tape recorder, tape deck, tape player, CD player, juke box, music system, hi-fi, stereo, amplifier, speaker, boom box, walkman
  • What words refer to changing how loud the music is?
    turn up, turn down, adjust the volume
  • What words refer to a person or company who makes recordings?
    studio, record company
  • Communication devices

    Use this domain for words related to communication devices.

    OMC Codes: 
    202 Transmission of Messages
    203 Dissemination of News and Information
    204 Press
    205 Mail
    Postal System
    206 Telephone and Telegraph
    207 Radio and Television
  • What devices and machines are used to communicate?
    telephone, radio, television, amplifier, megaphone, telegraph, telegram