3.5.7 Reading and writing

Use this domain for general words related to reading and writing.

  • What general words refer to reading and writing?
    reading and writing, literacy
  • What words refer to whether or not a person can read and write?
    literate, illiterate
  • Write

    Use this domain for words related to writing.

    OMC Codes: 
    212 Writing
    218 Writing and Printing Supplies
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33E Written Language
    6J Instruments Used in Marking and Writing
  • What words refer to writing?
    write, write down, take dictation, spell
  • What words refer to the letters and symbols we use to write?
    orthography, alphabet, letter, punctuation, accent, tone mark, underline, underscore,
  • What words refer to the things used to write?
    writing materials, paper, pen, ink, pencil
  • Written material

    Use this domain for words referring to written material--something that has writing on it.

    OMC Codes: 
    538 Literature
    539 Literary Texts
    900 Texts
    901 Texts in the Language of the Culture or Ethnic Group
    902 Texts Translated in English
    903 Interlinear Translations
  • What words refer to written material?
    written material, literature, writing, book, composition, essay, article, card, document, inscription, envelope, page, passage
  • What words refer to something used to store written material?
    library, bookcase, file cabinet, archive
  • Read

    Use this domain for words related to reading.

  • What words refer to reading?
    read, decipher
  • What words refer to a person who reads?
    reader, readership, circulation
  • What words refer to reading aloud or silently?
    aloud, out loud, silently, recite
  • What words refer to reading quickly?
    scan, skim, browse, read over, look through
  • What words refer to reading carefully?
    study, read up on, pore over
  • Publish

    Use this domain for words related to publishing books.

    OMC Codes: 
    214 Publishing
    213 Printing
  • What words refer to making books?
    publish, engrave, in print, out of print, copyright, censor, censorship, desktop publishing
  • What words refer to something that has been published?
    publication, edition, issue
  • What words refer to a person who publishes?
  • What words refer to getting a book ready to publish?
    edit, draft, proofread, proofreader
  • What words refer to printing a book?
  • What words refer to the time when a book is published?
    publication date, appear, come out
  • Record

    Use this domain for words related to a record--something written because people need to remember it.

    OMC Codes: 
    210 Records
    126 Recording and Collecting In the Field
    211 Mnemonic Devices
    217 Archives
  • What words refer to making a record?
    record, keep a record, put on record, chart, document, register
  • What words refer to a record?
    record (n), chart (n), document (n), register (n), archives, chronicle
  • List

    Use this domain for words related to a list of things.

  • What words refer to a list of things?
    list, checklist, inventory, catalog
  • What words refer to a list of people?
    register, roll, roster
  • What words refer to a list of things in a book?
    table of contents, index
  • What words refer to a list of events?
    program, schedule, agenda
  • What words refer to making a list?
    list (v), make a list, compile a list, catalog (v)
  • What words refer to giving a list?
    list, reel off
  • Letter

    Use this domain for words referring to letter--a written message that is sent to someone.

  • What words refer to a letter?
    letter, note, memo, correspondence, epistle,
  • What words refer to letters that are delivered to you?
    mail (n), post,
  • What words refer to sending a letter?
    send, mail (v), post,
  • What words refer to someone who delivers a letter?
  • What words refer to the government agency that delivers letters?
    post office, postal service,