
Use this domain for words referring to debating--for two or more people to discuss some issue and try to persuade the other person to accept one's view.

Louw Nida Codes: 
33X' Dispute, Debate
  • What words refer to debating with someone?
    debate, argue, dispute, discuss, contend, negotiate,
  • What words refer to saying something in reply to something someone said?
    reply, contradict, say in rebuttal, rebuttal, refute, rejoinder
  • Demonstrate

    Use this domain for words referring to demonstrating something--to do something that shows the truth of a statement, or shows how to do something.

  • What words refer to demonstrating something?
    demonstrate, show, show how, substantiate, prove, give proof, verify, authenticate, confirm, corroborate, give evidence, establish, make good
  • What words refer to an event when you demonstrate something?
  • Quarrel

    Use this domain for words related to quarreling--to fight with words.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33Y' Argue, Quarrel
  • What words refer to quarreling?
    quarrel (v), altercate, argue, bicker, clash, contend with, differ, disagree, dispute (v), dissent, feud (v), fight (v), quibble, row (v), scrap, squabble (v), wrangle (v), find fault with,
  • What words refer to a quarrel between people?
    quarrel (n), altercation, arguing, argument, bickering, contention, controversy, disagreement, dispute (n), feud (n), fight (n), fracas, row (n), ruckus, rumpus, spat, squabble (n), tiff, wrangle (n), wrangling, friendly argument, heated debate,
  • What words refer to something someone says in an quarrel?
    argument, argumentation, angry words, disputation,
  • What words refer to something people quarrel about?
    bone of contention,
  • What words describe someone who quarrels often?
    quarrelsome, contentious, argumentative, combative, pugnacious, faultfinding