Talk about a subject

Use this domain for words related to talking about a subject.

  • What words refer to talking about a subject?
    talk about, dwell on, discuss, address, treat, cover,
  • What words refer to the thing being talked about?
    subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing,
  • What words refer to a part of a subject?
    point, aspect,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about something?
    bring up, raise, broach, introduce, launch into,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about a different subject?
    change topics, switch topics, turn to, get onto,
  • What words refer to talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking about?
    get to the point, stick to the point, to the point,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about something else instead of what you are supposed to be talking about?
    get off the subject, digress, get sidetracked, stray from, ramble, lose the thread, where was I?
  • Announce

    Use this domain for words related to announcing something--communicating something to many people.

  • What words refer announcing something?
    announce, declare, proclaim, publicize, publish, broadcast, make something public, make known, promote, advertise, inform, post
  • What words refer to what is announced?
    announcement, publicity, propaganda
  • What words describe something that has been communicated to many people?
    well publicized
  • Describe

    Use this domain for words related to describing something--to say some things about something.

    OMC Codes: 
    105 Cultural Summary
  • What words refer to describing something?
    describe, give a description of, portray, depict, paint a picture, characterize, define, redefine, represent, treat
  • What words refer to describing an event?
    describe, talk about, write about, give an account of, tell of
  • What words refer to what you say when you describe something?
    description, descriptive, portrayal, profile, account, report, commentary, characterization, definition, redefinition, depiction, representation,
  • Explain

    Use this domain for words related to explaining something--to help someone to understand something.

  • What words refer to explaining something?
    explain, throw light on, shed light on, enlighten, elucidate, by way of explanation,
  • What words do people use when they start to explain something?
    in other words, let me explain, that is, to put it another way, put it like this, put it this way, let me rephrase that,
  • What words refer to explaining how something works or how to do something?
    tell, explain, demonstrate, give instructions,
  • What words refer to explaining something difficult using simple language?
    simplify, demystify,
  • What words refer to explaining something completely?
    set out,
  • What words refer to what you say when you explain something?
    explanation, account, instructions, directions,
  • Mention

    Use this domain for words related to mentioning something--to talk about something but without saying much about it.

  • What words refer to mentioning something?
    mention, refer to, allude to, touch on, say briefly,
  • Introduce

    Use this domain for words related to introducing a new subject--to start talking or writing about something new for the first time.

  • What words refer to talking about something for the first time?
    introduce, lead into, bring up, raise, broach a subject,
  • What words refer to what is said when you introduce something?
    introduction, lead-in, introductory
  • Repeat

    Use this domain for words related to repeating something--saying something a second time.

  • What words refer to saying something a second time?
    repeat, repeat yourself, say again, iterate, recapitulate, reiterate, reaffirm
  • What words refer to saying something many times?
    say it over and over, keep saying
  • What words refer to repeating an important part of a speech?
    go over, recap, review
  • What words refer to repeating what someone else said?
    repeat, quote, echo, parrot, regurgitate
  • What words refer to what is said a second time?
    repetition, recapitulation
  • What do you say when you want someone to repeat something?
  • Summarize

    Use this domain for words referring to summarizing what you have said or what someone else has said.

  • What words refer to repeating what someone has said, but saying it in fewer words?
    summarize, summary, review, recap
  • What words refer to a brief description of the major points or features of something?
    summarize, summary, synopsis, overview
  • Emphasize

    Use this domain for words related to emphasizing something--to say something in a way that other people know that you think this thing is important.

  • What words refer to the placing of importance on something?
    emphasize, stress
  • What words refer to the importance placed on something?
    emphasis, stress, importance
  • What words describe something that is emphasized?
    important, stand out, be conspicuous, be prominent
  • Be about, subject

    Use this domain for words that express the idea that something (said, written, thought, or made) depicts or is about a subject, or that something is logically related to some topic. Also use this domain for words that mark the topic or subject of what is being thought about, talked about, or written about. Verbs of thinking, knowing, or speaking (including other types of expression) can take a 'topic' role. We can think of a 'topic' as the main idea. Use this domain also for the important thing in a picture.

  • What words refer to being about something or someone?
    be about something, concern, deal with, be concerned with, center on, focus on, address, cover, depict, discuss, dwell on, present, portray, treat,
  • What words indicate what something is about?
    about, on, concerning, on the subject of, regarding, re, with regard to, in, of,
  • What words refer to the thing something is about?
    subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing,