
Use this domain for words referring to a person's voice and the way it sounds--the kind of sound a person makes when they speak or sing.

  • What words refer to a person's voice?
  • What words describe the quality of a person's voice?
    soft, harsh, loud, quiet,
  • What words describe a sound or voice that is high on the musical scale?
    high, high-pitched, piercing, shrill, squeaky, tinny,
  • What words describe a sound or voice that is low on the musical scale?
    low, deep, bass, rich, resonant,
  • What words describe a voice that is rough?
    rough, throaty, husky, gruff, hoarse,
  • Shout

    Use this domain for words related to shouting--to speak loudly.

  • What words refer to speaking loudly?
    shout, speak loudly, yell, scream, talk in a loud voice, holler, call out, project your voice, aloud, exclaim, exclamation, vociferate,
  • Speak quietly

    Use this domain for words that describe a person speaking quietly.

  • What words refer to speaking quietly?
    speak quietly, talk softly, whisper, murmur, mumble,
  • What words refer to speaking without making any sound?
    mouth the words,
  • What words do you use when you want someone to speak quietly?
    tone it down,
  • Speak a lot

    Use this domain for words related to speaking a lot.

  • What words refer to speaking a lot?
    speak a lot, talkative, loquacious, verbose,
  • What words refer to speaking for a long time?
    loquacious, verbose, wordy, run on, longwinded, compendious, interminable,
  • Speak little

    Use this domain for words related to speaking a little, either because you do not like to talk, or you think you should not talk.

  • What words refer to speaking a little?
    speak little, taciturn, shy, man of few words, uncommunicative, reticent, hold your tongue
  • What words refer to saying something in a short time?
    brevity, brief, concise, curt, pithy, succinct, synopsis, synoptic, terse,
  • Say nothing

    Use this domain for words related to being silent--to say nothing for some time.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33H Keep Silent
  • What words refer to not talking?
    keep silent, keep quiet, say nothing, zip your lip, shut up, refrain from talking
  • What words describe someone who is silent?
    silent, quiet, close-mouthed, mum, mute, speechless, wordless
  • What words refer to stopping someone from talking?
    gag, hush, muffle, silence (v),
  • What words refer to a time when everyone is silent?
  • Speech style

    Use this domain for words describing the way a person talks in a particular social situation.

    OMC Codes: 
    195 Sociolinguistics
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33D Language Levels
  • What words refer to your style of speaking?
    style, register, formal, informal, colloquial, humorously, seriously, pronunciation
  • Speak well

    Use this domain for words related to speaking well.

  • What words refer to speaking well?
    speak well, be eloquent, be a good speaker, be an excellent speaker, be fluent, speak clearly, articulate,
  • Speak poorly

    Use this domain for words related to speaking poorly.

  • What words refer to not being able to speak correctly?
    slow of speech, not fluent, poor speaker, stutter, stammer, have a speech impediment
  • What words refer to speaking so that people can't understand you?
    speak incoherently, speak irrational, say nonsense, speak gibberish, No one could understand him. I can't understand you. I can't understand a word you are saying.
  • What words refer to making a mistake when speaking?
    stumble, misspeak, gaff, speak ungrammatically
  • What words are used for speaking inappropriately?
    speak inappropriately, be rude, crude, socially unacceptable, filthy speech, out of place, not fit for mixed company, shocking speech
  • What words refer to not knowing what to say?
    not know what to say, be speechless, tongue-tied, cat's got your tongue
  • What words refer to speaking too long?
    speak for too long, go over the time allotted, be long winded, speak forever
  • What words refer to when a person wants to speak but hesitates?
    hesitate, pause, false start
  • What words describe something that has been said so often that people think it is stupid?
    trite, over-used, stale, banal, be wearing thin, threadbare, clichéd, corny, hackneyed, shopworn, stereotyped, commonplace