3.4.1 Feel good

Use this domain for general words related to positive emotions.

  • What words refer to feeling good?
    feel good, feel up,
  • What words refer to good feelings?
    good feelings, positive emotions, good attitude,
  • What words describe someone who feels good?
    up, high,
  • What words refer to feeling very good?
  • What words refer to feeling good for a long time?
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel good?
    cheer, hearten, entertain, brighten your day,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel good?
    cheerful (thought),
  • Like, love

    Use this domain for words related to liking something or someone, or liking to do something.

  • What words refer to liking something?
    like, have a liking for, adore, enjoy, be fond of, proud of someone, fancy something, have a fancy for, take a fancy to, care for, have affection for, admire, look up to, think highly of, approve, pleased, admire, appeals to you, be to your liking, go down well, savor (v), luxuriate, be happy with, feel good toward, feel good about,
  • What words refer to liking someone?
    like, be fond of, be attached to, have a soft spot for, see something in someone, a man/woman after your own heart
  • What words refer to the feeling of liking something?
    liking, admiration, adoration, affection, approval, enjoyment, fondness for, pleasure, pride, affinity,
  • What words refer to liking something very much?
    love, adore, delight, enthusiastic about, enthusiasm for, be mad about, be crazy about, be attached to, have a passion for
  • What words describe something that is liked?
    likable, lovable, lovely, tasteful, admirable, delightful, charming, endearing, engaging, pleasing, pleasurable, enjoyable, nice, likes and dislikes, love of your life, passion
  • What words refer to a person who likes something?
    admirer, fan, (art)-lover, lover of, enthusiast, devotee
  • What words describe someone who likes something?
    adoring, affectionate,
  • What words refer to liking something and wanting to have it?
    aspire, hanker for, have a hankering for, long for, relish (n), relish (v), covet, crave, desire (v), desire (n), fancy (v), pine for, want (v), yearn,
  • What words refer to something causing someone to like a person or thing?
    beguile, bewitch, charm, dazzle, delight, enchant, enthrall, fascinate, gladden, gratify, impress, please, thrill, tickle, wow,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to like a person or thing?
    charm, enchantress,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to like a person or thing?
    beguiling, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delightful, enchanting, enthralling, fascinating, gratifying, impressive, pleasing, thrilling,
  • Enjoy doing something

    Use this domain for words related to enjoying doing something.

  • What words refer to enjoying something?
    like, enjoy, love, be fond of, get a lot of pleasure out of, savor, with relish, exhilarate,
  • What words refer to feeling happy when you are doing something?
    enjoy yourself, have a good time, have fun, have the time of your life, have a whale of a time, have a blast, be in your element, live it up, let your hair down,
  • What words refer to the feeling you get when you enjoy doing something?
    enjoyment, pleasure, ecstasy, exhilaration, satisfaction,
  • What words describe someone who enjoys doing something?
    keen, avid, great,
  • What words refer to causing someone to enjoy himself?
    amuse, entertain,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to enjoys something?
    amusement, entertainment,
  • What words describe something that people enjoy doing?
    enjoyable, fun, good fun, great fun, pleasurable, pleasure, be a delight, the joys of, the delights of, be a blast, be a good laugh, satisfying, amusing, entertaining, treat,
  • What words describe someone that other people enjoy being with?
    be good company, fun, be a good laugh,
  • What words refer to enjoying something bad?
    revel in, get a kick out of, take delight in, relish, gloat, take pleasure in, delight in, wallow in,
  • What words refer to doing something just because you enjoy it?
    for fun, for a laugh, for the hell of it,
  • What words refer to enjoying being praised?
    bask in, lap something up,
  • What words describe someone who is only interested in enjoying themselves?
    self-indulgent, hedonist,
  • What words refer to something you do to enjoy yourself?
    recreation, leisure,
  • What words refer to someone who does not want other people to enjoy themselves?
  • Self-esteem

    Use this domain for words related to feeling good about yourself.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25S Pride
  • What words refer to feeling good about yourself?
    feel good about yourself,
  • What words refer to the feeling of self-esteem?
    pride, self-esteem, self-respect,
  • What words describe someone who feels good about himself?
  • What words refer to feeling very good about yourself?
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel good about himself?
    build up, encourage, bolster, boost, congratulate,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel good about himself?
    encouragement, boost, congratulations,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel good about himself?
  • Prefer

    Use this domain for words related to preferring one thing over another--to like something more than something else.

  • What words refer to preferring something?
    prefer, preferably, in preference to, favor, like something better, like this more than that, have a preference, give me something any day!, be partial to
  • What words refer to preferring to do something?
    prefer to do something, prefer doing something, would prefer to do something, would rather do something, would sooner do something, be in favor of doing something,
  • What words refer to wanting someone to do something more than something else?
    would prefer, would rather,
  • What words describe something that you prefer?
    preferable, preferred, favored,
  • What words refer to something you like more than any others?
    favorite (n), favorite (adj), first choice, preference, number one,
  • What words refer to someone who is liked more than others?
    favorite (n), teacher's pet, favored,
  • What words refer to unfairly favoring one person over another?
    favoritism, bias, biased
  • What words refer to not unfairly favoring one person over another?
    unbiased, impartial, impartially, impartiality,
  • Popular

    Use this domain for words describing something that many people like.

  • What words describe someone that many people like?
    popular, well-liked, be in favor,
  • What words describe something that many people like?
    popular, be in demand, sought-after, be big, best-seller, blockbuster, hit
  • What words refer to how popular something is?
  • What words refer to making something popular?
  • What words describe someone or something that is not popular?
    unpopular, be out of favor, go out of favor with, there's no demand for
  • Fashionable

    Use this domain for words describing something that many people like.

  • What words describe something that is fashionable?
    fashionable, be in fashion, be the fashion, in, be the in thing, chic, cult, designer, be the latest thing, be all the rage, trendy, be in vogue,
  • What words describe someone who has fashionable things?
    fashionable, trendy,
  • What words refer to something becoming fashionable?
    come into fashion, come in, make a comeback,
  • What words refer to making something fashionable?
    set the fashion, set the trend, bring in,
  • What words refer to something that is fashionable?
    fashion, trend, vogue, the latest thing,
  • What words refer to something that is fashionable for a short time?
    fad, craze,
  • What words refer to the business of making fashionable things?
  • What words describe something that is not fashionable?
    be out of fashion, out, unfashionable, old-fashioned,
  • What words refer to something becoming unfashionable?
    go out, date,
  • Contentment

    Use this domain for words related to feeling contented.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25G Content, Satisfied
  • What words refer to feeling good about your present conditions?
    be content, be happy with your lot, feel satisfied
  • What words describe when a person feels bad about his conditions or situation?
    discontent, discontented, dissatisfied, dissatisfaction, discontent,
  • What words refer to not being satisfied?
    be displeased with, be unhappy with, not happy, dissatisfied, discontented, disgruntled,
  • Happy for

    Use this domain for words related to feeling happy for someone--to feel good because something good happened to someone. The opposite is jealousy and envy.

  • What words refer to feeling good about someone's good fortune?
    be happy for, rejoice with, be glad for
  • What words refer to expressing your joy about someone's good fortune?
    cheer for, applaud, congratulate
  • Pleased with

    Use this domain for words related to feeling pleased with someone--to feel good because someone did something good.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25H Acceptable To, To Be Pleased With
  • What words refer to being pleased with someone?
    be pleased with, happy with, satisfied with, approve of, delight in, be favorable toward, impressed with, thrilled with, tickled with, respect,
  • Happy

    Use this domain for words related to feeling happy--to feel good when something good happens (such as receiving a gift, hearing good news, or watching something good happening).

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25K Happy, Glad, Joyful
    25H Acceptable To, To Be Pleased With
    25J Enjoy, Take Pleasure In, Be Fond of Doing
  • What words refer to feeling happy?
    rejoice, feel good, be in a good mood
  • What words refer to the feeling of happiness?
    happiness, bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, delight, elation, euphoria, gladness, good feelings, joy, mirth, pleasure, satisfaction
  • What words describe someone who feels happy?
    happy, happily, cheerful, cheerfully, chipper, content, contented, contentedly, glad, gladly, jaunty, merry, mirthful, pleased, satisfied
  • What words refer to feeling very happy?
    exult, delight in, ecstasy, be on top of the world, be over the moon, rapture,
  • What words describe a person who is very happy?
    blissfully happy, overjoyed, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, joyful, jubilant, radiant, thrilled
  • What words describe a person who usually feels happy?
    happy, cheerful, contented, jolly, jovial, have a happy/cheerful/sunny disposition
  • What words describe a person who feels good while doing something?
    enjoy, take pleasure in, be fond of doing
  • What words refer to feeling good about someone's behavior?
    be pleased with
  • What words describe how a person feels when something good happens to someone else?
    feel happy for, rejoice with
  • What words refer to feeling good when something bad happens to someone?
    exultant, glee, gleeful, gloat
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel happy?
    make someone happy, cheer someone up, comfort, console, delight, gladden, please, satisfy, put someone in a good mood, make someone's day, raise someone's spirits, lift someone's spirits
  • What words refer to feeling happy again after feeling sad?
    brighten up, cheer up, perk up, be cheered, be heartened, take heart
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel happy?
    delight, joy, happy ending
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel happy?
    happy, cheering, cheerful (thought), heartening, heartwarming, pleasing, satisfying
  • What words describe a time period when you feel happy?
    happy, blissful, delightful (time), idyllic, joyous (occasion), pleasant
  • Relaxed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling relaxed--to feel good when you are not working and nothing bad is happening.

  • What words refer to feeling relaxed?
    relax, rest, unbend, unwind, feel at home, feel at ease, be at ease, take it easy, take things easy, make yourself at home, loosen up, let your hair down, let yourself go,
  • What words refer to the feeling of relaxation?
    relaxation, comfort,
  • What words describe someone who feels relaxed?
    relaxed, at ease, calm, comfortable, laid-back, uninhibited
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel relaxed?
    relax someone, put someone at ease, make someone feel at home,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel relaxed?
    sedative, relaxant,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel relaxed?
  • Calm

    Use this domain for words related to feeling calm.

  • What words refer to feeling calm?
    feel calm, be at peace,
  • What words refer to the feeling of calm?
    calm (n), composure, presence of mind, equanimity, peace, placidity, poise, repose, serenity, tranquility,
  • What words describe someone who feels calm?
    calm (adj), calmly, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, peaceful, phlegmatic, quiescent, sedate, serene, staid, steady, tranquil, unruffled, not fazed,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel calm?
    calm someone, calm someone down, soothe,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel calm?
    calming influence, tranquilizer,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel calm?
  • What words refer to remaining calm in a difficult situation?
    keep your cool, keep your head, keep a stiff upper lip, maintain your composure, imperturbable, untroubled,
  • What words describe a person who is usually calm?
    placid, even-tempered, laid-back
  • What words describe a calm place?
    calm, quiet, peaceful
  • What words refer to becoming calm?
    calm down, cool down, cool off, compose yourself, steady your nerves, relax, quiet down,
  • What do you say to someone when you want them to be calm?
    Cool it. Take it easy. Calm down.
  • Surprise

    Use this domain for words related to feeling surprised--to feel something when something unexpected, unusual, or amazing happens.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25T Surprise, Astonish
  • What words refer to feeling surprised?
    be surprised, wonder, be in awe,
  • What words refer to the feeling of surprise?
    surprise (n), amazement, astonishment, awe (n), incredulity,
  • What words describe someone who feels surprised?
    surprised, amazed, astonished, incredulous, startled, flabbergasted,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel surprised?
    surprise (v), surprise (n), amaze, astonish, astound, awe (v), inspire awe, flabbergast, floor, startle,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel surprised?
    surprise (n),
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel surprised?
    surprising, startling, amazing, astonishing, incredible, wonderful, awe-inspiring, awesome, unexpected,
  • What do you say when you are surprised?
  • Interested

    Use this domain for words related to feeling interested.

  • What words refer to feeling interested in something?
    be interested in, show interest, express interest, find something interesting, take an interest in, be curious about,
  • What words refer to the feeling of interest?
    interest, curiosity,
  • What words describe someone who feels interested?
    interested, curious,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel interested?
    interest, get someone interested, entertain, stimulate, stir, appeal to, attract someone's interest, attract someone's attention, interestingly, hold your attention, rekindle interest, revive interest,
  • What words refer to something that is interesting?
    interest, curio, attraction, entertainment,
  • What words describe someone that is interesting?
    interesting, colorful, a character, entertainer,
  • What words describe something that is interesting?
    interesting, be of interest, entertaining, lively, stimulating, stimulation, unusual, have character,
  • What words describe a time when something interesting is happening?
    interesting, eventful, colorful, never a dull moment,
  • What words refer to becoming more interested in something?
    get interested, become interested, get into,
  • What words refer to becoming less interested in something?
    lose interest,
  • What words refer to making something more interesting?
    make something more interesting, liven up, jazz up, add variety,
  • What words refer to doing something often because you are interested in it?
    follow (a sport), be into, take something up,
  • What words refer to something you do because you are interested in it?
    hobby, interest, recreation,
  • Excited

    Use this domain for words related to feeling excited--to feel good when something good has happening or is about to happen.

  • What words refer to feeling excited?
    be on the edge of your seat, be on tenterhooks, be all agog,
  • What words refer to the feeling of excitement?
    excitement, thrill, exhilaration, hysteria, suspense,
  • What words describe someone who feels excited?
    excited, eager, thrilled, animated, exuberant,
  • What words describe a group of people who are excited?
    frenzy, fever pitch, hysterical, high spirits
  • What words refer to feeling very excited?
    exhilarated, overexcited, mad, wild, crazy
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel excited?
    excite, get someone excited, thrill, give someone a thrill, animate, stir up, exhilarate,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel excited?
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel excited?
    exciting, thrilling, sensational, sensation, exhilarating, heady, dramatic, nail biting, action-packed
  • What words refer to doing something in order to feel excited?
    do something for kicks, do something for the thrill of it
  • What words describe an exciting experience?
    thrill, adventure, excitement
  • What words refer to the most exciting part of something?
    climax, high point, high spot, highlight
  • What words describe a person who becomes excited easily?
  • What words refer to becoming more excited?
    get excited, excitement rose, go mad, go wild, go crazy, reach a climax, reach a fever pitch
  • What words refer to becoming less excited?
    calm down,
  • What words describe a person who does not feel excited?
    calm, unexcited,
  • Enthusiastic

    Use this domain for words related to feeling enthusiastic--to feel very good because you want to do something or you want something to happen.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25F Be Eager, Be Earnest, In a Devoted Manner
  • What words refer to feeling enthusiastic?
    be into something, be excited about, be raring to go, eagerly,
  • What words refer to the feeling of enthusiasm?
    enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal,
  • What words describe someone who feels enthusiastic?
    enthusiastic, enthused, animated, ardent, avid, eager, fervent, hot, motivated, zealous, have purpose, keen, mad about,
  • What words refer to feeling very enthusiastic?
    get carried away, be full of enthusiasm,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel enthusiastic?
    inspire, motivate, fire up, enthuse
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel enthusiastic?
    motivation, motivator,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel enthusiastic?
  • What words refer to someone who is enthusiastic about something?
  • What words refer to not feeling enthusiastic?
    not enthusiastic, unenthusiastic, lack of enthusiasm, half-hearted, lukewarm, muted, your heart's not in it,
  • Obsessed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling obsessed--to be very interested in something for a long time.

  • What words refer to feeling obsessed with something?
    be obsessed with, be fascinated by, can't get something out of your mind, have a thing about, have an unhealthy interest in, have a one-track mind,
  • What words refer to the feeling of obsession?
    fascination, obsession, mania, fixation, fetish, preoccupation,
  • What words describe someone who feels obsessed?
    obsessed, absorbed, captivated, engrossed, enthralled, fascinated, intrigued, mesmerized, spellbound, be all ears,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel obsessed?
    obsess, captivate, fascinate, intrigue,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to be obsessed?
    fascinating, intriguing, irresistible, absorbing, riveting, gripping, compelling, couldn't put it down,
  • Attract

    Use this domain for words related to attracting someone's attention to something. In a typical situation, a person sees something with an interesting quality. The person moves closer, pays close attention to the thing, and possibly does something to it.

  • What words refer to something attracting someone's interest?
    attract, tempt, seduce, pull, draw, bring in, lure, appeal to
  • What words describe something that has qualities that make people interested in it?
    attractive, tempting, appealing, irresistible, enticing, alluring, seductive
  • What words refer to something that is attractive?
    attraction, lure (n), temptation,
  • What words refer to the quality of something that is attractive?
    appeal (n), the lure of, charm, pull (n), draw (n)
  • Indifferent

    Use this domain for words related to feeling indifferent about something.

  • What words refer to feeling indifferent?
    not care, shrug it off, be on the fence, middle-of-the-road,
  • What words refer to the feeling of indifference?
    indifference, neutrality, apathy, unconcern, lack of concern,
  • What words describe someone who feels indifferent?
    indifferent, neutral, apathetic, unconcerned, unmoved, blasé, careless, lackadaisical, half-hearted, casual, offhand, nonchalant, gaily
  • What words refer to feeling very indifferent?
    not give a damn, couldn't care less, be past caring, for all I care,
  • What words indicate that you don't care, because you will be happy no matter what happens?
    don't mind, not be fussy, it doesn't bother me,
  • What words indicate that you used to care, but don't anymore because you are hurt or angry?
    be past caring, for all I care, not give a damn, couldn't care less
  • What words indicate that you don't care about someone else's problem?
    not my problem, not my concern, that's your problem, (that's just) tough
  • What expressions do people use when they don't care?
  • What words refer to not being aware of other people's feelings?
  • Uninterested, bored

    Use this domain for words related to feeling uninterested or bored--when someone is not interested in something.

  • What words refer to feeling uninterested in something?
    not be interested, lack interest, be bored (with), be fed up with, be tired of, don't care (about), can't be bothered, your heart's not in it, be cool towards, show no interest, express no interest, leave someone cold,
  • What words refer to the feeling of being uninterested?
    disinterest, lack of interest, boredom, apathy,
  • What words describe someone who feels uninterested?
    uninterested, disinterested, apathetic, bored, dull, lethargic, uncaring, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, lukewarm,
  • What words refer to feeling very uninterested?
    could care less, couldn't care less, be bored to tears, be bored stiff, be bored out of your mind, someone's eyes glaze over,
  • What words describe someone who is not interested in anything?
    bored, bored to tears, bored stiff
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel uninterested?
    bore (v), put you to sleep
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel uninterested?
    monotony, tedium,
  • What words refer to a person who is uninteresting?
    bore (n),
  • What words describe something that is uninteresting?
    uninteresting, not very interesting, boring, dull, tedious, uneventful, unexciting, humdrum, monotonous, repetitive, long-winded,
  • What words describe a place that is uninteresting
    dead, one-horse town, nothing ever happens, drab, featureless, dreary
  • What words refer to trying to find something that is interesting because you are bored?
    relieve the boredom
  • What words refer to something becoming uninteresting?
    the novelty wears off, lose interest, get tired of,
  • Confident

    Use this domain for words related to feeling confident--to feel sure that you can do something.

  • What words refer to feeling confident?
    feel confident, sure of yourself, think positively, secure in yourself
  • What words refer to the feeling of confidence?
    confidence, morale, positive thinking,
  • What words describe someone who feels confident?
    confident, assured, self-assured, assertive,
  • What words describe someone who is too confident?
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel confident?
    encourage, boost someone's morale, raise someone's confidence,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel confident?
    encouragement, boost, morale raiser,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel confident?
  • What words refer to feeling more confident?
    your morale rises
  • What words refer to feeling less confident?
    demoralize, shake someone's confidence, lose confidence
  • What words describe someone who is not confident?
    insecure, unsure of yourself