3.2.5 Opinion

Use this domain for situations in which a question or issues are being debated, more than one option is possible, and a person chooses to think in one way about the question or issue.

Louw Nida Codes: 
31A Have an Opinion, Hold a View
31 Hold a View, Believe, Trust
31D Acknowledge
31G Accept as True
31H Change an Opinion Concerning Truth
  • What words refer to taking a position toward a question or issue?
    take a position, lean toward, regard
  • What words refer to holding an opinion toward a question or issue?
    hold/have an opinion, hold a view, have a perspective
  • What words refer to the position a person takes toward a question or issue?
    position, view, outlook, perspective, leaning, opinion
  • Believe

    Use this domain for words referring to believing that something is true.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31F Believe To Be True
    31J Be a Believer, Christian Faith
  • What words refer to believing that something is true?
    believe, faith, trust, accept, confidence, give credence to, consider, count on, rely on, reliance, depend on, dependence, swear by, take for granted, bet on, bank on, buy, take at face value, store, stock, take someone's word for it, cling to, be convinced, be dogmatic, follow, heed, receive, think something is true
  • What words refer to believing that someone is truthful?
    believe in, have confidence in, have faith in, put your trust in, take your word for, pin your hopes on, give the benefit of the doubt
  • What words describe something or someone that can be believed?
    believable, convincing, indubitable, undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible, credible, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, to be depended on, probable, persuasive, plausible, authoritative, reliable, have a ring of truth, sounds right, certain, convincing, sure
  • What words refer to putting too much faith in something?
    presumption, credulous, gullible, superstitious, unquestioning
  • What words refer to believing something that other people do not believe?
    belief, superstition, old wives' tale
  • What words refer to believing something that is not true?
    illusion, fallacy, myth, delusion, mistaken belief, misconception, live in a fantasy world, swallow
  • What words refer to a person who believes?
    believer, follower
  • What words refer to something that a person believes?
  • What words refer to the reason a person believes something?
    evidence, grounds, basis
  • Trust

    Use this domain for words referring to trusting someone--believing that someone is honest and will not do something bad to you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31I Trust, Rely
  • What words refer to trusting someone?
    trust, believe in, put your trust in, have confidence in,
  • What words refer to the feeling that you can trust someone?
    trust, confidence, faith, blind faith,
  • What words describe someone that you can trust?
    trustworthy, responsible, trusted,
  • What words describe someone who usually trusts other people?
  • What words refer to not trusting someone?
    not trust, distrust, be suspicious of, be suspicious of, view someone with suspicion,
  • What words refer to the feeling that you cannot trust someone?
    distrust, mistrust, suspicion,
  • What words describe someone who cannot be trusted?
    untrustworthy, can't be trusted, not to be trusted,
  • What words describe someone who usually does not trust other people?
    distrustful, mistrustful,
  • Disbelief

    Use this domain for words referring to not believing something or someone.

  • What words refer to not believing something or someone.
    not believe, disbelief, unbelief, lack faith in, fail to believe, refuse to believe
  • What words refer to being unsure whether to believe or not?
    doubt, waver, undecided
  • What words describe something or someone that is hard to believed?
    hard to believe, unbelievable, doubtful, incredible, unconvincing, disputable, untrustworthy, unfaithful, undependable, improbable, unpersuasive
  • Doubt

    Use this domain for words related to doubt--not being sure if something is true or not.

  • What words are used of being unsure of the truth of something?
    doubt, doubt the truth of, have doubts, debate in your mind, be skeptical, mistrust, suspect, harbor suspicions, take with a grain of salt
  • What words are used of doubtful thoughts?
    doubt, suspicion, skepticism
  • What words refer to a person who doubts?
    doubter, skeptic, agnostic
  • What words refer to a person that you doubt?
    suspicious character,
  • Agree with someone

    Use this domain for when two people agree on something, think the same way about something, or agree on a decision.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33W Agree
    31C Agree, Consent
  • What words refer to when two people agree?
    agree, agreement, concur, accede, think the same, think alike, hold the same view, be of the same mind, be of like mind, like-minded, be in accord, be of one accord, be united, be in the same place, be together on something, be with someone, coincide in our thinking,
  • What words refer to two people coming to agreement?
    come to an agreement, come together, ratify a treaty
  • What words refer to the act or state of agreeing?
    agreement, like-mindedness, cooperation, unity, concord, be in congruity,
  • What words refer to a written document expressing agreement?
    written agreement, peace accord, peace treaty
  • What words refer to a gesture expressing agreement?
    shake hands, shake on it, kiss, holding hands, bow, nod in agreement
  • What words refer to changing your thinking so that you agree with someone else?
    accede, accession, accept, acquiesce, acquiescence, give assent, consent, yield, grant a point,
  • What words refer to two people compromising?
  • What words refer to when two people disagree?
    disagree, disagreement, think differently, dissent, contest (v),
  • Disagree

    Use this domain for when two people disagree about something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31C Agree, Consent
  • What words refer to when two people disagree?
    disagree, disagreement, think differently, dissent, dissenting, contest (v),
  • Protest

    Use this domain for words related to protesting--to say publicly that you do not like something.

  • What words refer to protesting?
    protest (v), object to, remonstrate, speak out against,
  • What words refer to many people protesting?
    storm of protest, outcry against, outcry over, public outcry, boycott,
  • What words refer to someone who protests?
    protester, demonstrator, dissident, marcher, objector,
  • What words refer to something someone protests about?
    protest (n), objection, remonstrance,
  • What words refer to many people protesting in a group?
    protest, demonstrate, march, boycott, riot, in protest,
  • What words refer to when many people protest in a group?
    protest (n), demonstration, march, rally, riot, unrest, civil disobedience, peaceful demonstration, placard,
  • What words describe something done in protest?
    protest (adj),
  • What do people do when they are protesting against something?
    boo (v), boo (n), booing,
  • What do people say when they are protesting against something?
    Down with (someone/something)! No more (something)!
  • Philosophy

    Use this domain for words referring to a set of beliefs about truth.

    OMC Codes: 
    100 Orientation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    11E Philosophical
  • What words refer to a set of beliefs about truth?
    philosophy, orientation, frame of reference, worldview
  • What words refer to a person who attempts to define a set of beliefs?
    philosopher, sage
  • What words refer to a group of philosophers?
    Epicurean, Stoic, school (of thought)
  • Attitude

    Use this domain for words referring to a person's attitude--the way you think and feel about something.

  • What words refer to a person's opinions and feelings about something?
    attitude, mentality, way of thinking, outlook, worldview
  • Extreme belief

    Use this domain for words referring to an extreme belief--something that you believe, that most people think is not good.

  • What words describe strong opinions and beliefs, which most people regard as extreme?
    extreme, hard-line, far-left, far-right, idealistic, out in left field
  • What words refer to a person who holds extreme beliefs?
    extremist, hardliner, leftist, idealist, fanatic, zealot
  • Change your mind

    Use this domain for words related to changing your mind--to change what you think about something, or change your plans or decisions.

  • What words refer to changing a decision?
    change plans, change your mind, rethink, have second thoughts, backtrack, U-turn
  • What words describe a person who is willing to change his mind?
    open, open-minded
  • What words refer to changing your mind many times?
    vacillate, go back and forth between, waver
  • What words describe a person who keeps changing his mind?
  • What words refer to refusing to change your mind?
    stand firm, stand your ground, stick to your guns
  • What words describe a person who refuses to change his mind?
    closed, close minded, rigid, inflexible, entrenched, reactionary, diehard, intransigent, have fixed ideas, stick in the mud
  • Approve of something

    Use this domain for words related to approving of doing something--to think that doing something is good.

  • What words refer to approving of something?
    approve, meet with someone's approval, agree with, believe in, condone, endorse, be for, be in favor of, okay (v), give it your okay, pass, sanction, subscribe, sustain, think something is right, uphold, value (v), think something is right,
  • What words refer to approving of something very much?
    be all for, be all in favor of, be a great believer in, be an advocate of
  • What words refer to someone's approval?
    approval, approbation, advocacy, endorsement, sanction,
  • What words describe something that someone approves of?
    admirable, creditable, estimable, honorable, meritorious,
  • What words refer to not approving of something?
    not approve, condemn, critical, critique, deprecate, disapprove of, disapproving, disqualify, frown on, invalidate, reject, take a dim view of, have a low opinion of, think badly of,
  • What words refer to someone's disapproval?
    disapproval, disapprobation, disfavor, rejection,
  • What words describe something that someone does not approve of?
    abominable, blameworthy, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable, lamentable, reprehensible, unsatisfactory,
  • What words refer to saying that you disapprove of something?
    voice your disapproval, express your disapproval, register your disapproval, condemn, denounce, deplore,
  • What words refer to looking at someone in a disapproving way?
    give someone a disapproving look, give someone a dirty look, frown, look askance,
  • What words describe something said in a disapproving way?
    disapproving, derogatory, pejorative,
  • What words refer to when people start to disapprove of something?
    fall into disrepute,