2.4 Body condition

Use this domain for general words related to the condition of the body.

OMC Codes: 
147 Physiological Data
  • What general words refer to the condition of the body?
    condition, state, shape (as in 'to be in shape')
  • 2.4.1 Strong

    Use this domain for words that related to being strong, such as being able to lift a heavy object or being able to work hard.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79M Strong, Weak
  • What words describe a person who is strong?
    strong, powerful, muscular, well-built, strapping, steely,
  • What words describe someone who is strong and fat?
    stocky, burly, brawny, beefy, hefty,
  • What words describe someone who is strong and thin?
    wiry, sinewy,
  • What words describe someone who is strong and healthy?
    sturdy, robust, hardy, tough, resilient,
  • What words refer to a person's strength?
    strength, power, brawn, force, might, energy, vigor, toughness,
  • What words describe someone who can work or run for a long time?
    fit, physically fit, athletic,
  • What words refer to being able to work or run for a long time?
    be in shape, be in good condition, keep fit, stay in shape, keep in shape,
  • What words refer to the ability to work or run for a long time?
    stamina, staying power, endurance, physical fitness,
  • What words refer to a person who is strong?
    strong man, he-man, athlete,
  • What words refer to making someone stronger?
    strengthen, bolster,
  • What words describe someone who does many things quickly?
    energetic, full of energy, have lots of energy, active, vigorous,
  • 2.4.2 Weak

    Use this domain for words related to being weak.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79M Strong, Weak
  • What words describe someone who is weak?
    weak, puny, weedy, impotent,
  • What words describe someone who is weak because of being old or sick?
    feeble, frail, fragile, shaky, unsteady, infirm, anemic, debilitated, unsound,
  • What words describe someone who is weak and who can easily be hurt or get sick?
    vulnerable, defenseless, powerless,
  • What words refer to a person's weakness?
    weakness, infirmity, disability, vulnerability,
  • What words describe someone who cannot work or run for a long time?
    unfit, not be in shape, be out of condition, be out of shape,
  • What words refer to a person who is weak?
    weakling, wimp, invalid, weed,
  • What words refer to making someone weaker?
    weaken, debilitate, enfeeble
  • 2.4.3 Energetic

    Use this domain for words related to being energetic.

  • What words describe someone who is energetic?
    energetic, vigorous, be full of energy, bursting with energy, dynamic, hyperactive, tireless, boisterous,
  • What words describe someone who is energetic and happy?
    lively, vivacious, animated, be full of beans, bright and breezy, be a live wire, feel alive,
  • What words describe energetic activity or behavior?
    energetic, vigorous, tireless, lively, animated,
  • What words refer to the strength or ability to be energetic?
    energy, vigor, get-up-and-go, vitality, vim and vigor, oomph,
  • 2.4.4 Tired

    Use this domain for words related to being tired.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    23F Tire, Rest
  • What words describe someone who is tired?
    tired, exhausted, tired out, worn out, weary, shattered, drained, beat, dead beat, be dead on your feet, be ready to drop, bushed, pooped, tuckered out, knackered, run down, spent, dog-tired, haggard,
  • What words describe someone who is tired and doesn't want to work?
    lethargic, sluggish, languid,
  • What words refer to being tired and wanting to sleep?
    sleepy, drowsy, half-asleep, can hardly keep your eyes open,
  • What words refer to becoming tired?
    get tired, tire, flag, run out of steam, burn out,
  • What words refer to something making someone tired?
    tire out, wear out, exhaust, tire, do someone in, it nearly killed me, take it out of, weary, fatigue, drain, tax, wear someone down, work someone to death,
  • What words describe something that makes someone tired?
    tiring, exhausting, wearing, boring, draining, grueling, taxing, tedious, wearisome, wearying,
  • What words refer to the condition of being tired?
    tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, weariness, lethargy, jet-lag, sluggishness,
  • What do people do when they are tired?
    yawn, sigh, drag, droop, drop, faint, flag, pant, puff, stretch, wilt, wind down,
  • 2.4.5 Rest

    Use this domain for words related to resting.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    23F Tire, Rest
  • What words refer to resting?
    rest, take a rest, have a rest, lie down, put your feet up, relax, laze, take it easy, chill out, take a break, catch your breath, take a breather, take a respite, take a sabbatical, take it easy, unwind, take a vacation, recharge your batteries, repose, at ease, get your breath back, sit back,
  • What words describe a person who has rested?
    (feel) rested, energetic, have a lot of energy, refreshed, restored,
  • What words refer to a time when someone rests?
    rest, relaxation, break, tea/coffee break, siesta, time off, time out, holiday, respite, sabbatical, leisure time,
  • Where do workers rest?
    break room, lunchroom, in the shade,
  • What words describe a situation that helps someone rest?
    restful, relaxing,