1.6.6 Animal group

Use this domain for words referring to groups of animals.

  • What words refer to a group of mammals?
    herd (of cattle), drove (of cattle), kennel (of dogs), pack (of dogs), pride (of lions), pod (of whales)
  • What words refer to a group of birds?
    flock (of birds), bevy, colony, covey, flight, flock, gaggle
  • What words refer to a group of fish?
    school (of fish), shoal
  • What is a group of insects called?
    swarm (of insects), plague of locusts
  • What is a group of small animals called?
  • What words refer to the leader of a group of animals?
    alpha male
  • What words refer to the followers in a group of animals?
  • What words refer to a group of baby animals?
    brood, clutch (of eggs), kit, litter (of kittens), farrow (of pigs)
  • What other words relate to groups of animals?
    herd instinct