Use this domain for words related to the sky.
Use this domain for words related to the sky.
Use this domain for words related to the sun. The sun does three basic things. It moves, it gives light, and it gives heat. These three actions are involved in the meanings of most of the words in this domain. Since the sun moves below the horizon, many words refer to it setting or rising. Since the sun is above the clouds, many words refer to it moving behind the clouds and the clouds blocking its light. The sun's light and heat also produce secondary effects. The sun causes plants to grow, and it causes damage to things.
Use this domain for words related to the moon. In your culture people may believe things about the moon. For instance in European culture people used to believe that the moon caused people to become crazy. So in English we have words like "moon-struck" and "lunatic." You should include such words in this domain.
Use this domain for words related to the stars and other heavenly bodies.
Use this domain for words related to planets (large objects that circle the sun, looking like bright wandering stars in the sky), comets (objects that circle the sun, looking like a star with a tail), meteors (small objects that come from space and burn up when they hit the earth's atmosphere, causing a streak of light across the sky), and asteroids (small objects that circle the sun), planetary moons (large objects that circle the planets). Some cultures do not study the stars and will have few or no words in this domain. Others cultures that study the stars will have many words. There are only five planets that people can see in the sky--Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The others are only known from the scientific study of astronomy.
Use this domain for words related to the air around us, including the air we breathe and the atmosphere around the earth.
Use this domain for words related to causing air to move.
Use this domain for words related to the weather.
Use this domain for words related to the wind. Some words refer to when the wind begins and ends. The wind changes in speed, so some words refer to how fast the wind is moving. Try to rank these on a scale from very slow to very fast. These words may also be distinguished by what the wind does, since a fast wind does more things. These words may also be distinguished by how long the wind blows. Some words refer to the speed of the wind becoming faster or slower. Some words distinguish a steady wind from a wind in which the speed keeps changing. Some words refer to when the speed of the wind becomes faster for a short time. A steady wind moves in a particular direction, so there are words that include the direction of the wind. The direction of the wind may refer to the points of the compass, a neighboring geographical feature or area, or the direction in which the speaker is moving. Some words refer to a wind that moves in a small circle, making a pillar of dust or a funnel-shaped cloud. Some words refer to what the wind does, such as when it moves or damages something. People can feel the wind, so some words refer to how it feels. The wind makes noise, so there are words that refer to the sound of the wind. In some cultures there is a relation between the wind and spirits, so some words may refer to the activity of the spirits in the wind, or that the wind brings disease.
Use this domain for words related to the clouds.
Use this domain for words related to the rain.
Use this domain for words related to snow, ice, sleet, and hail.
Use this domain for words related to storms.
Use this domain for words related to lightning and thunder.
Use this domain for words related to floods.
Use this domain for words related to drought.