9.4.6 Yes

Use this domain for words that affirm or agree with the truth of something, or that answer a yes/no question in the affirmative.

Louw Nida Codes: 
69A Affirmation
69 Affirmation, Negation
  • What words are used to affirm the truth of something?
    yes, yeah, yea, indeed, true, that's true, it is true, verily, agreed, certainly, of course, that's right, I guess so, that is so, a-huh, nod your head, affirmative, positive
  • What words are used to refer to the action of affirming the truth of something?
    affirm, affirmation, confirm, concur, agree, agreement
  • No, not

    Use this domain for words that negate or deny the truth of something, or that answer a yes/no question in the negative.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    69B Negation
    69C Negation Combined with Clitics
  • What words are used to negate the truth of something?
    no, none, not, nay, uh-uh, no one, nothing, never, nowhere, no indeed, by no means, certainly not, most certainly not, absolutely not, shake your head, negative
  • What words are used to refer to the process of denying the truth of something?
    deny, denial, negate, negation, disavow, disavowal, contradict, contradiction, repudiate, repudiation
  • What are the noun forms of these words?
  • Markers expecting an affirmative answer

    Use this domain for words indicating that an affirmative answer is expected to a question.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    69D Markers for an Affirmative Response to Questions
  • What words are used to indicate that an affirmative answer is expected to a question?
  • Markers expecting a negative answer

    Use this domain for words indicating that a negative answer is expected to a question.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    69E Markers for an Negative Response to Questions
  • What words are used to indicate that a negative answer is expected to a question?
    n't...are you,