9.1.2 Do

Use this domain for general verbs with a volitional subject (agent).

Louw Nida Codes: 
42 Perform, Do
42A Function
42B Do, Perform
  • What general words refer to someone doing something?
    do, act, actuate, behave, accomplish, achieve, attain, conduct, effectuate, engage in, execute, exercise, exert, function, give, go about, dabble in, implement, manage, perform, practice, progress, undertake, up to, use, utilize, work, operate, be involved in
  • What words refer to the thing that is done?
    deed, thing to do, something to do, what you do, act (n), action, activity, event, behavior, accomplishment, achievement, attainment, execution, exercise, function (n), job, implementation, measure, performance, practice (n), task, undertaking, work (n), workmanship, feat, exploits, operation
  • What words refer to the person doing something?
    achiever, actor, doer, performer, agent
  • What words describe someone who is doing something?
    active, in action
  • How do you ask someone what he is doing?
    What are you doing? What are you up to? What do you think you are doing?
  • Happen

    Use this domain for non-volitional pro-verbs.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    13D Happen
  • What words refer to something happening?
    happen, occur, take place, chance, befall, betide, supervene,
  • What words refer to something that has happened?
    event, experience, affair, occurrence, phenomenon, occasion,
  • React, respond

    Use this domain for words referring to reacting or responding to something.

  • What words refer to reacting or responding?
    react, respond,
  • What words refer to reacting to someone in the same way they treat you?
    reciprocate, give back,
  • What words refer to reacting too strongly?
  • What words refer to how someone reacts?
    reaction, response, feedback, backlash,
  • What words refer to the ability to react quickly to something?
    reactions, reflexes,
  • What words refer to reacting in a good way?
  • Create

    Use this domain for words referring to creating something--causing something to be that did not exist before.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    42C Make, Create
  • What words refer to inventing something?
    create, dream up, imagine, compose, contrive, design, devise, invent, conceive of, think up, make up
  • What words refer to something that has been invented?
    design, invention, conception, dream
  • What words refer to something that has been created?
    creation, creature,
  • What words refer to a person who creates?
    creator, inventor,
  • What words describe something that was created?
  • Design

    Use this domain for words referring to designing something--to decide and plan how something new will look and work.

  • What words refer to designing something?
    design, plan,
  • What words refer to the way something is designed?
  • What words refer to someone who designs things?
    designer, architect, planners
  • Make

    Use this domain for words referring to making something--joining things together to create something to be that did not exist before.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    42C Make, Create
  • What words refer to making something?
    make, build, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, form, generate, manufacture, prepare, produce, shape, bring into being,
  • What words refer to something that has been made?
    artifact, building, construction, manufactured goods, product, production
  • What words refer to a person who makes something?
    builder, maker, producer, manufacturer
  • What words describe something that was made?
    man-made, hand-made, manufactured, artificial, synthetic
  • Change something

    Use this domain for words referring to someone changing something.

  • What words are used to refer to changing something?
    change (v), change (n), revise, revision, revolutionize, revolution, reform, reformation, modify, modification, develop, development, make different, impact, process, transform,
  • What words refer to a person who changes something?
    revolutionary, reformer, radical
  • What words describe something that can be changed?
  • What words describe a big change?
    big, major, sweeping, radical, fundamental, revolutionary, monumental,
  • What words describe a small change?
    small, slight, tiny, minute,
  • What words describe a quick change?
    quick, fast, rapid,
  • What words describe a slow change?
    slow, gradual,
  • Event propositions

    Use this domain for words that indicate event propositions. Event propositions are similar in that they are normally expressed by a subject and a verb, possibly including an object, indirect object, or complement clause. However there are multiple ways in which a language can express an event, such as a passive construction, noun phrase, or subordinate clause. In addition each event type is different in its primary cases, and in the ways those cases are marked. Each event type has subtypes, such as intransitive, transitive, and bitransitive verbs. A great deal of research is needed in order to identify all the variations. Ultimately every verb must be investigated to determine how it behaves in each syntactic construction and how its case relations are marked. No two verbs are entirely alike.

  • What words indicate an event?
    -ing, -'s...-ing, -ing...of, to,