Start something

Use this domain for words referring to starting something, or for something beginning to happen.

Louw Nida Codes: 
68A Begin, Start
  • What words refer to starting something?
    start, launch, open, initiate, set in motion, get things moving, start the ball rolling, begin,
  • What words refer to officially starting something such as a new law or way of doing something?
    introduce, bring in, phase in,
  • What words refer to starting an organization?
    start, start up, open, set up, establish, found, inception,
  • What words refer to something starting a natural process?
    start, activate, set off,
  • What words refer to starting something again after it has stopped?
    restart, bring back, reintroduce, revive, restore, resurrect,
  • Beginning

    Use this domain for words referring to something beginning to happen, to beginning to do something, to cause something to start happening, or to cause people to start doing something.

  • What words are used to indicate that something has begun?
    begin, start, commence, initiate, to institute,
  • What words refer to the time when something begins?
    beginning, the start, commencement, inception, at first, initially, originally,
  • What do people say when they want someone else to start?
    go, dig in, have at it, let's go, let's do it, move it, let's get going, "on your marks, get set, go", "ready, set, go"
  • What is a person called who starts something?
    initiator, founder, originator, starter
  • What words indicate that some state has begun?
    achieve, appear, arrive, attain,
  • Stop something

    Use this domain for words related to the end of an action or situation.

  • What words (intransitive verbs) indicate that something has ended?
    stop, come to rest, halt, come to a screeching halt
  • What words (transitive verbs) indicate that someone is stopping something?
    end (something), stop (something), stanch (flow of blood), obstruct (justice), arrest (progress), halt (traffic), impede (progress), inhibit (flow), delay (someone/event), hold up (traffic), detain (someone), discontinue (product), suspend (action), terminate (someone's life), conclude (story), cease (hostilities), desist from (doing something), bring closure to (something), curtail,
  • What words refer to the event of stopping?
    halt, standstill, pause, discontinuance, stoppage, stay, closure
  • Where do things typically stop?
    stopping place, station
  • What things are used to stop things?
    brake, catch, skid
  • What do people say when they want someone to stop?
    Halt! Stay! Cease and desist! Belay that order! Avast!
  • What words describe something that you can't stop doing?
  • What words indicate that some state has ended?
    cease, finish, stop,
  • What words refer to something stopping gradually?
    fade away, wear off, go away, die away,
  • End

    Use this domain for words referring to the end of an action or situation.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    67C A Point of Time with Reference to Duration of Time: Beginning, End
  • What words refer to the end of something?
    end, finish, conclusion, consummation, culmination, denouement, expiration, finale, homestretch, last, outcome, termination, terminus, terminal, conclusion, time is up, that is all,
  • Until

    Use this domain for words that indicate that something will continue to happen until a particular time or until something else happens, and then it will stop.

  • What words indicate that something will happen until something else happens?
    (In written English a hyphen is used to indicate that something happens from one time until another time, as in "8:00-5:00" or "Monday-Friday".)
  • What words indicate that something will not happen until something else happens?
    until, wait until,
  • Since, from

    Use this domain for words that indicate that something will start to happen at some time and continue for some time.

  • What words indicate that something starts to happen after a particular time and then continues?
    starting, from, as from, after that,
  • What words indicate that something started in the past and continued until now?
    since, ever since, for, from, starting from, from that time on, thereafter,
  • What words indicate that something starts to happen now and will continue?
    from now on, from this time forward, starting now, starting from now, effective immediately, henceforth,
  • What words indicate that something will start in the future and continue?
    from then on, starting then,