Change color

Use this domain for words related to changing the color of something.

  • What words refer to changing the color of something?
    color (v), color something in, blacken, bleach, denigrate, dye, discolor, emblazon, imbue, ingrain, paint (v), redden, shade (v), stain, tinge, tint, add color, mix colors, tone down, whiten,
  • What words are used of something changing color?
    change color, lose its color, blush, turn pale, pale, blanch,
  • What words refer to dye being washed out of cloth?
    wash out, run,
  • What words refer to the sun changing the color of something?
    fade, bleach,
  • What words describe something whose color has changed?
    colored, discolored, bleached, dyed, faded, mantled, painted, shaded, stained, tinged, tinted,
  • What words refer to things used to change the color of something?
    paint (n), dye (n), bleach (n), food coloring, stain (n),
  • What words describe a color that does not change?