Use this domain for words describing something that is big.
Use this domain for words describing something that is big.
Use this domain for words referring to being small.
Use this domain for words related to being long. In many languages there is more than one system of measuring length. These systems may be used for different purposes or in different jobs. For instance measuring the length of an object may use different words than measuring the distance a person travels.
Use this domain for words related to being short in length.
Use this domain for words related to being tall--a word describing something that is big from the top to the bottom.
Use this domain for words related to being short in height.
Use this domain for words referring to being thick.
Use this domain for words describing something that is thin.
Use this domain for words describing a person or animal who is fat.
Use this domain for words describing a person or animal who is thin.
Use this domain for words related to being wide--a word describing something like a road or river that is far from one side to the other side.
Use this domain for words related to being narrow.
Use this domain for words describing a big area.
Use this domain for words referring to the volume of something.
Use this domain for words referring to the distance between two things.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is far from something else.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is near something else.
Use this domain for words that express the idea that something is high.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is low--in the air but not high above the ground.
Use this domain for words related to being deep or shallow--how far something such as a hole extends below the ground or other surface, or how far something is below the surface of the water.
Use this domain for words referring to something fitting--when something is not too big or too small, but just right.
Use this domain for words referring to being tight--when something is too small.
Use this domain for words referring to being loose--when something is too big.
Use this domain for words referring to being wedged in or stuck in a hole.
Use this domain for words related to measuring something--to find out the size, length, weight, or amount of something.
Use this domain for words related to weighing something.
Use this domain for words related to being heavy.
Use this domain for words related to being light in weight.