Use this domain for general words referring to the amount or quantity of something.
Use this domain for general words referring to the amount or quantity of something.
Use this domain for words related to numbers. Every language has a word for 'one', and a word for 'two'. These two numbers often have special words. So we have included a separate domain for 'one' and 'two'. In addition the numbers form a series (one, two, three...). Most languages have more than one series of numbers (first, second, third...). So we have also included a domain for each series of numbers that most languages have. Your language may have other series of numbers. Put them in the domain 'Number series'.
Use this domain for words related to the cardinal numbers (one, two, three)--the numbers used to count.
Use this domain for words related to the number one. It appears that every language has a word for 'one' and 'two', but not every language has a word for the numbers higher than two. Many languages have several words that mean 'one'.
Use this domain for words related to the number two.
Use this domain for words related to the ordinal numbers (first, second, third)--the numbers used to indicate the order of something in a series, such as "the first child".
Use this domain for numbers that refer to the number of times something happens or is done. These numbers may be adverbs as in English (twice) or in some languages they may be verbs (to do something two times).
Use this domain for words related to multiples of something (single, double, triple).
Use this domain for words related to a group of a particular number of things or people (solo, duo, trio; alone, in threes).
Use this domain for the numbers that refer to a fraction of something.
Use this domain for other series of numbers that are different from those in the previous domains.
Use this domain for words related to counting--to say the numbers in order, or to use numbers to find an amount.
Use this domain for words related to mathematics and arithmetic--the study of numbers.
Use this domain for words related to adding two numbers together.
Use this domain for words related to subtracting one number from another.
Use this domain for words related to multiplying one number times another.
Use this domain for words related to dividing one number by another number.
Use this domain for words and affixes that indicate that there is more than one of something. Some languages, such as Indo-European languages, indicate plural with an affix. Other languages, such as Austronesian languages, use a separate word. Some languages also have words or affixes that indicate that there are two of something.
Use this domain for words indicating that there are many things or people, or that there is much of something.
Use this domain for words related there being few or little of something.
Use this domain for words that refer to a group of things.
Use this domain for words related to there being more of something.
Use this domain for words that indicate that the number or amount of something is less than the number or amount of another thing.
Use this domain for words related to something increasing in number or amount--to be more than before.
Use this domain for words related to something decreasing in number or amount--to be less than before.
Use this domain for words related to all.
Use this domain for words related to some--a number or amount of things or people when the number is not stated; an indefinite number or amount.
Use this domain for words that nothing, no one, never, and nowhere.
Use this domain for words referring to both of two things.
Use this domain for words related to most--more than half and less than all of something.
Use this domain for words related to the most--the largest number or amount; or the least--the smallest number or amount. Most/least may refer to the largest/smallest number possible or needed. If there are several groups being counted, most/least may refer to the largest/smallest group.
Use this domain for words related to a number or amount that is almost the same as another number.
Use this domain for words referring to only a particular number or amount of people or things--no more than one, or no more than a particular number or amount.
Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is exact--not more and not less.
Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is approximate.
Use this domain for words related to an average number.
Use this domain for words describing a whole thing--all of something with no parts missing.
Many things have parts. Use this domain for words referring to a part of something, and for words that express the idea that something has parts, that something is a part of something, or that link the whole with a part.
Use this domain for words referring to a part of something that has been broken or cut off.
Use this domain for words related to being or having enough--to have as much of something or as many of something as you need or want.
Use this domain for words related to having extra--to have more than enough or more than what you need.
Use this domain for words related to having insufficient--to not have enough.
Use this domain for words related to needing something for some purpose.
Use this domain for words related to the remainder of something--the part or amount of something that remains behind after the other parts have been taken away. Something can be left because everything else has been used or eaten, or everything else has been destroyed or burned.
Use this domain for words referring to a container being full of something.
Use this domain for words referring to being empty.