
Use this domain for words referring to moving in a graceful manner.

  • What words describe someone who moves in a graceful way?
    graceful, coordinated, elegant, light-footed, light on your feet, lithe,
  • What words describe graceful movements?
    graceful, elegant, smooth, flowing, effortless, easy, with ease,
  • What words refer graceful movement?
    grace, gracefulness, poise, elegance, coordination,
  • Clumsy

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a clumsy manner.

  • What words describe someone who moves in a clumsy way?
    uncoordinated, awkward, ungainly, clumsy, gawky, inelegant, klutz, ungraceful, lumbering, have two left feet, gangling,
  • What words describe someone who is clumsy and often has accidents?
    clumsy, klutz, be all thumbs, accident-prone, ham-fisted, bungling, bumbling, bull in a china shop, butterfingers,