7.2 Move

Use this domain for intransitive verbs of movement referring to moving your whole body to a different location. There are many components of meaning involved in verbs of movement. They can include a source location (from), a goal location (to), a path (along), manner (walk, run), speed (race, crawl), direction
(forward, back, side, up, down, toward, away from), shape of the path (straight, curve, circle, angle), relationship to some object or objects (on, hang, against, between, across, through, into, out of, onto, off of, around), proximity (near, far), multiple movements (back and forth, return, bounce), inclusion with other objects or parts of objects (join, leave, collect, disperse, unite, separate), volition (go versus drift), intransitive versus transitive (move versus move something). Some verbs of movement do not involve moving from one place to another, but express bodily movement.

OMC Codes: 
481 Locomotion
Louw Nida Codes: 
15 Linear Movement
15A Move, Come/Go
16 Non-Linear Movement
  • What general words refer to moving your body to a different location?
    move, movement, change position, maneuver, jockey for position, budge
  • What words refer to beginning to move?
    stir, make a move
  • What words describe something that is moving?
    moving, be in motion
  • 7.2.1 Manner of movement

    Use this domain for general words referring to the way in which a person moves.

  • What general words refer to the way in which a person moves?
  • Walk

    Use this domain for words related to walking--moving slowly using your legs.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15C' Walk, Step x
  • What general words refer to walking?
  • What words refer to traveling someplace on foot?
    travel by foot, foot it, hoof it, leg it, tramp, strike off on foot
  • What words refer to walking quickly?
    speed walk, step out, stride, pace, rush
  • What words refer to walking slowly?
    walk slowly, stroll, amble, ramble, take a Sunday stroll, meander along, saunter, inch, lumber, plod, poke, slog, toddle, traipse, trudge
  • What words refer to walking carefully?
    walk carefully, watch your step, tread, pick your way, edge
  • What words refer to walking quietly or secretly?
    steal along, walk stealthily, sneak, pad, stalk, creep
  • What words refer to walking on your toes?
    tiptoe, walk on tiptoes
  • What words refer to walking loudly?
    stomp, clump
  • What words refer to walking like a soldier?
    march, parade, goose-step, in step
  • What words refer to walking in various manners?
    walk with a spring in your step, walk jauntily, swagger, flounce, mince, prance, saunter, strut
  • What words refer to stepping on something?
    step on, put foot on/in, tread on, stamp on, underfoot,
  • What words refer to a single step?
    step, footstep, pace,
  • What words refer to the length of your step?
  • What words refer to the way in which a person walks?
    gait, funny gait
  • What words refer to measuring the length of something by counting your steps?
    pace off
  • What words refer to someone who walks?
    walker, hiker, tramp, pedestrian, passer-by
  • What words refer to a place where a person walks?
    sidewalk, walkway, promenade, path, footpath, stepping-stone
  • What words refer to a mark on the ground left by a person's foot?
  • What words refer to the effect of walking on something?
    trample, wear a path
  • What words refer to the sound of someone walking?
  • What words refer to walking through water?
    wade, paddle, slosh
  • What words refer to a time when people walk for fun?
    go for a walk, take a walk, go for a stroll, parade, procession, stretch your legs, hike, go hiking, trek, walk around
  • What words refer to causing someone to walk?
    take someone for a walk, walk the dog
  • What words refer to a walking stick?
    walking stick, cane, crutch
  • Run

    Use this domain for words referring to running--moving fast on your legs.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15D' Run x
  • What general words refer to running?
  • What words refer to running slowly?
    trot, canter, jog, lope
  • What words refer to running quickly?
    race, gallop, dash, make a dash, tear (along), streak, double time, sprint, charge, dart, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scoot, stampede, bound, bolt
  • What words refer to how fast you are running?
  • What words refer to beginning to run?
    break into a run, set off on a run
  • What words refer to running faster?
    speed up, put on a spurt, kick
  • What words refer to a race?
    race, dash, marathon, long/short distance race, racecourse
  • What words refer to being in pain because of running?
    be out of breath, be winded, have a stitch (in your side)
  • Crawl

    Use this domain for words referring to crawling--moving on your hands and knees or on your stomach.

  • What words refer to crawling?
    crawl, walk on your hand and knees, on all fours, scoot, drag, creep
  • Jump

    Use this domain for words referring to jumping--moving your body off the ground by pushing hard with your legs.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15E' Jump, Leap x
  • What words refer to jumping up and down in one place?
    jump, jump up and down, bounce, leap, buck, bob, jump for joy
  • What words refer to jumping from one place to another place?
    jump up/down/off of/onto/out of the way, bound, spring, pounce, dive, jump overboard, somersault
  • What words refer to jumping over something?
    jump over, leap over, vault over, hurdle, clear, leapfrog
  • What words refer to jumping on one leg?
    hop, hop on one leg, hop around, skip,
  • What games involve jumping?
    hopscotch, leap frog, gymnastics, high jump, broad jump, pole vault, bungee jumping, sky diving, parachuting
  • What things are used to help people jump?
    skipping rope, trampoline, pogo stick, springboard, parachute
  • Move quickly

    Use this domain for words referring to moving quickly or slowly.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15A' Movement with Speed x
    15B' Goal-Oriented Movement
  • What words refer to moving quickly?
    move quickly, hurry, haste, hasten, rush, forge ahead, charge, barrel along, move like a bat out of hell, make a beeline for, boil, bolt, bustle, move along at a good clip, dart, double-time, fast, fire, flash, flat-out, fling, flit, fly, gallop, move like greased lightning, be really hopping, kick, lickety-split, plunge in, quick, race, rapid, rapidly, rapidity, run, rush, sail, scour, scud, shoot, move like sixty, skim, snappily, speed, stampede, streak, sweep, swift, swiftly, swing, tear, apace, tilt, vroom, whiz, wildfire, zip, zoom, at full speed, at top speed, express, make tracks, burn up the track
  • What words refer to moving more quickly?
    hurry up, speed up, pick up speed, increase your speed, accelerate, acceleration, (its) speed rose, step on it, step it up, snap it up, pick up the pace, give it some gas, look lively, quicken
  • What words refer to continuing to move without trying to speed up or slow down?
    coast, glide, float
  • What words refer to how fast something is moving?
    speed, pace, rate
  • What words refer to moving quickly for a short time?
    jerk, twitch, start, spasm, jump, snap, nip in, shoot, spurt, dash
  • What idiophones are used of moving quickly?
    zip, zoom, whiz, vroom, chop chop
  • Move slowly

    Use this domain for words referring to moving slowly.

  • What words refer to moving slowly?
    crawl, move at a snail's pace, creep along, inch forward, poke along, slowpoke, drag, mosey along, slow motion, plod, dawdle
  • What words refer to moving more slowly?
    slow down, slow up, decelerate, coast to a stop, (its) speed fell, ease off, reduce your speed, decrease your speed, come to a stop
  • What do you say to someone when you want him to slow down?
    Slow down! Whoa! (horse) Wait, wait! Wait for me! Wait a minute! Can we slow down?
  • What idiophones are used of moving slowly?
  • Wander

    Use this domain for words referring to wandering--to move slowly without any purpose or goal.

  • What words refer to wandering?
    wander, meander, ramble, roam, prowl, walk around
  • What words refer to a person who wanders?
    wanderer, vagabond, tramp, hobo
  • Graceful

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a graceful manner.

  • What words describe someone who moves in a graceful way?
    graceful, coordinated, elegant, light-footed, light on your feet, lithe,
  • What words describe graceful movements?
    graceful, elegant, smooth, flowing, effortless, easy, with ease,
  • What words refer graceful movement?
    grace, gracefulness, poise, elegance, coordination,
  • Clumsy

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a clumsy manner.

  • What words describe someone who moves in a clumsy way?
    uncoordinated, awkward, ungainly, clumsy, gawky, inelegant, klutz, ungraceful, lumbering, have two left feet, gangling,
  • What words describe someone who is clumsy and often has accidents?
    clumsy, klutz, be all thumbs, accident-prone, ham-fisted, bungling, bumbling, bull in a china shop, butterfingers,
  • Walk with difficulty

    Use this domain for words referring to walking with some difficulty such as stumbling--to miss your step because of hitting an object such as a stone, hole, or mud; staggering--to walk unsteadily because of weakness, illness, or drunkenness; or limping--to walk unevenly or with difficulty because of injury to a foot.

  • What words refer to stumbling?
    stumble, trip, trip and fall, slip
  • What words refer to causing someone to stumble?
    trip someone
  • What words refer to staggering?
    stagger, weave back and forth, reel, lurch
  • What words refer to limping?
    limp, hobble, shamble, shuffle, walk haltingly, walk with a cane, use crutches, get around
  • What words describe someone who cannot walk well?
    lame, disabled
  • What things do people use to help them walk?
    walker, cane, crutch, walking stick, wheelchair
  • Slip, slide

    Use this domain for moving across a smooth or lubricated surface.

  • What words refer to moving across a smooth or lubricated surface?
    slip, slide, glide, coast, skim, skate
  • What words describe a surface that something can easily slip on?
  • Steady, unsteady

    Use this domain for words that refer to balancing yourself or something--when someone or something is able stand or move without falling.

  • What words describe something that can move?
    movable, mobile, mobility, portable, loose, fluid, free,
  • What words describe something that cannot move?
    fixed, immovable, stuck, jammed, stiff, won't budge, can't budge something, can't move, immobile, paralyzed, stranded, entangled, caught, bound, permanent, rooted, entrenched, established, settled, set,
  • What words describe something that is easy to move?
    unsteady, shaky, easily moved, unstable, unsettled, rickety, tottering, wobbly
  • What words describe something that is difficult to move?
    steady, firm, stable,
  • Balance

    Use this domain for words that refer to balancing yourself or something--when someone or something is able stand or move without falling.

  • What words refer to balancing yourself?
    balance, keep your balance,
  • What words refer to balancing something?
    balance something, steady something,
  • What words refer to the ability to balance yourself?
    balance (n),
  • What words refer to losing your balance?
    lose your balance, totter,
  • What words describe something that is balanced?
    steady, poised,
  • What words describe something that is not balanced?
    unsteady, unstable, precarious,
  • What words refer to feeling like you are going to fall?
    dizzy, giddy, vertigo, dizziness, someone's head is swimming,
  • Move noisily

    Use this domain for words referring to making a noise while moving.

  • What words refer to making a noise while moving?
    bang, buzz, chug, clack, clang, clank, clatter, click, clink, clump, clunk, crackle, crash, creak, crunch, fizz, gurgle, hiss, howl, patter, ping, purr, putter, roar, rumble, rustle, screech, splash, splutter, squelch, swish, thud, thump, thunder, wheeze, whine, whir, zing
  • 7.2.2 Move in a direction

    Use the domains in this section for words referring to moving in a direction related to the orientation of the person's body (not in relation to the position of the destination).

  • What general words refer to moving in a direction?
    head (in a direction), go (in a direction)
  • What words refer to the direction in which a person is moving?
    direction, heading, way, course
  • Move forward

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a forward direction--in the same direction the person is facing.

  • What words refer to moving forward?
    move forward, advance, move ahead, go ahead
  • Move back

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a backward direction--the person is facing one direction, but moving toward their back--to move in the opposite direction from the direction the person is facing.

  • What words refer to moving backwards while still facing forward?
    move back, back up, move backwards, move in reverse
  • Move sideways

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a sideways direction--the person is facing one direction, but moving toward their side.

  • What words refer to moving sideways?
    move sideways, make room for, move aside, move out of the way, get out of the way, move over, budge, shift
  • Move up

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in an upward direction or to moving to a higher place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15I Come/Go Onto
    15J Come/Go Up, Ascend
  • What words refer to moving up?
    move up, go up, arise, hop up, lift yourself up, pull yourself up, jump, surge, go higher, get higher, levitate,
  • What words refer to moving up through the air?
    rise, ascend, gain height,
  • What words refer to moving up into the air quickly?
    fly up, soar, shoot up,
  • What words refer to climbing?
    climb, scale, clamber, shin up, shinny up,
  • What words refer to moving onto something?
    climb onto, get on, mount, embark, hop onto, jump onto,
  • What words refer to climbing over something?
    climb over
  • What words refer to the sun or moon moving up in the sky?
    come up, rise,
  • What words refer to an airplane moving up?
    leave the ground, take off, lift off, blast-off, launch,
  • What words refer to the act of moving up?
    rise (n), ascension, ascent,
  • What words refer to someone who moves up?
    climber, mountaineer, mountain climber, rock-climber,
  • What words refer to the sport of climbing?
    climbing, mountaineering, go climbing, rock-climbing,
  • Move down

    Use this domain for words referring to moving in a downward direction or to moving to a lower place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15K Come/Go Down, Descend
  • What words refer to moving down slowly or purposefully?
    move down, go down, lower oneself, climb down, jump down, descend, descent
  • Fall

    Use this domain for words referring to something falling--for something to move down under the influence of gravity.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15L Fall
  • What words refer to falling?
    fall, drop, fall on,
  • What words refer to accidentally falling from a high position?
    fall off, take a fall, tumble, be thrown,
  • What words refer to falling from a very high position?
    plunge, plummet,
  • What words refer to falling from a standing position?
    fall down, fall over, have a fall, fall flat on your face, collapse, topple over, keel over, go head over heels, fall headlong,
  • What words refer to almost falling?
    trip, slip, stumble, lose your balance, lose your footing, keep your balance, stay up,
  • What words refer to falling off of something?
    fall from, fall out, come off,
  • What words refer to the act of falling?
    fall (n), avalanche,
  • What words refer to slowly falling?
    sink slowly, float down, drift down, settle,
  • What words refer to something like rain or leaves falling through the air?
    fall, drop, come down, parachute,
  • What words refer to letting something fall?
  • What words refer to something falling onto its side?
    fall over, topple over, tip over,
  • What words refer to a building falling?
    fall down, collapse, fall in, cave in,
  • What words refer to causing someone to fall?
    knock down, push over, trip, knock someone to the ground, bring down,
  • What words refer to causing something to fall?
    knock over, upset, tip over, overturn,
  • What words refer to water falling?
    cascade, cataract, pour, precipitate, shower,
  • What words refer to falling into water?
    sink, fall overboard, plunge into, fall into, plop, plunk,
  • What words refer to the force that causes things to fall?
  • What words refer to keeping something from falling?
    hold up, prop up, brace,
  • Turn

    Use this domain for words referring to turning and changing the direction in which one is moving.

  • What words refer to turning?
    turn, change direction/course, deviate, go off at an angle, swerve,
  • What words refer to turning around and moving in the opposite direction?
    turn around, reverse direction, retreat, go back, retire to the rear
  • Move in a circle

    Use this domain for words referring to continually changing the direction you are facing in until you are once again facing in the same direction, e.g. moving in a circle, moving around something, or rotating.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15R Go Around, Surround
    15I' Roll
  • What words refer to moving around in a circle?
    move in a circle, curve, circulate, turn around, swing, cycle
  • What words refer to moving around something?
    move around, surround, encircle, revolve, swivel, pivot
  • What words refer to rotating?
    rotate, spin, wheel, twirl, whirl, gyrate, roll, gyrate, revolve, swivel
  • What words refer to rolling something?
    roll, turn, rotate, spin
  • Move back and forth

    Use this domain for words related to moving back and forth.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    16 Non-Linear Movement
  • What words refer to moving back and forth?
    move back and forth, rock, rock back and forth, wave, swing
  • What words refer to something moving back and forth quickly?
    flutter, shake, quiver, tremble
  • What words refer to shaking oneself?
    shake, shiver, wiggle, wriggle, squirm, writhe
  • Move straight without turning

    Use this domain for words referring to moving straight without changing direction.

  • What words refer to moving straight?
    go straight, in a straight line, direct, as the crow flies
  • 7.2.3 Move toward something

    Use this domain for words referring to moving toward, in the direction of, or near something or some place. The words in this domain should refer to moving in the direction of a place, but should not require that the person actually arrived. Some languages (such as German and Polish) distinguish 'go on foot' from 'go in a vehicle'.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15E Come Near, Approach
  • What words refer to moving toward a place?
    move toward, go toward, head toward, go in the (general) direction of
  • What words refer to moving near something?
    approach, move near, come near, move in on
  • What words refer to two things moving toward each other?
    converge, be on a collision course
  • What words refer to the place toward which a person is moving?
    destination, goal
  • Move away

    Use this domain for words referring to moving away from a place.

  • What words refer to moving away from something?
    move from/away/away from, go away, get away, retreat, back off, run away, come from
  • Go

    Use this domain for words referring to moving away from the speaker. In Australian languages many movement words are marked for direction toward or away from the speaker.

  • What words refer to moving away from the speaker?
    go (away), leave here/this place, get out of here
  • What do people say when they want someone to go away?
  • Come

    Use this domain for words referring to moving toward the speaker.

  • What words refer to moving toward the speaker?
    come, come here
  • What do people say when they want someone to come?
  • Leave

    Use this domain for words referring to moving away from a place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15D Leave, Depart, Flee, Escape, Send
  • What words refer to leaving a place?
    leave, depart, departure, go away, withdraw, take your leave, scram, skedaddle, beat it, set out, hit the road, quit (a place), absent yourself, slip away, vacate, make yourself scarce,
  • Arrive

    Use this domain for words referring to arriving at a place.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15F Come, Come To, Arrive
  • What words refer to arriving at a place?
    arrive, arrival, reach, get to, come to, attain, land, landing, advent
  • Move in

    Use this domain for words related to moving into something, such as a house or an area.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15H Come/Go Into
  • What words refer to moving into an area or space?
    move in, go in, go into, enter
  • What words refer to moving toward the center of something?
    move inwards,
  • Move out

    Use this domain for words related to moving out of something, such as a house or area.

  • What words refer to moving out of an area or space?
    move out, go out, come out, get out, emerge, exit, exodus, issue, leave,
  • What words refer to an opening where something can move out?
    exit, outlet, vent, mouth, opening, way out
  • Move past, over, through

    Use this domain for words referring to moving past, over, or through something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15C Pass, Cross Over, Go Through, Go Around
  • What words refer to moving past something?
    move past, move by, bypass, go around, go by, stop by, zoom by, zip by
  • What words refer to passing someone or something, which is moving in the same direction?
  • What words refer to overtaking someone of something, which is moving in the same direction?
    come up with, catch up with, overtake
  • What words refer to moving over something?
    move over, walk over, run over, overrun
  • What words refer to moving through something?
    pass through
  • What words refer to moving across something, such as a river, road, mountain range, or some other dividing line?
    move across, go across, cross, go to the other side
  • Return

    Use this domain for words referring to returning to a place--to go back to a place you earlier left.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15G Return
  • What words refer to returning to a place?
    return, come back, move back
  • 7.2.4 Travel

    Use this domain for words referring to traveling--to move a long distance. The words in this domain may imply that the person has to sleep somewhere other than his home.

    OMC Codes: 
    484 Travel
    480 Travel and Transportation
    485 Travel Services
    486 Regulation of Travel
    487 Routes
    488 Warehousing
    489 Transportation
    167 External Migration
    Immigration and Emigration
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15R Go Around, Surround
    15B Travel, Journey
  • What words refer to going on a journey?
    go on a journey, journey, trip, passage, tour
  • What words refer to moving from place to place?
    travel, move from place to place, move around, voyage
  • What words refer to moving from place to place and then returning to the first place?
    circulate, go on a circuit, circumnavigate
  • What words refer to going to an unknown place in order to discover what is there?
  • What words refer to going somewhere without intending to return?
    move away, leave forever, emigrate, immigrate
  • What words refer to traveling to another country?
    go abroad, go overseas
  • What words refer to a person who is traveling?
    traveler, passenger, tourist
  • What words describe someone who has traveled a lot?
    well traveled, cosmopolitan,
  • What words refer to a place where a traveler can stay or eat?
    hotel, motel, inn, campground, restaurant
  • Travel by land

    Use this domain for words related to traveling by land.

    OMC Codes: 
    490 Land Transport
    491 Highways and Bridges
    492 Animal Transport
    493 Vehicles
    494 Highway Transport
    495 Auxiliary Highway Services
    496 Railways
    497 Rail Transport
    498 Terminal Facilities
    499 Highway and Railway Construction
  • What words refer to moving by land?
    travel overland, overland,
  • What words refer to starting a vehicle?
    start, accelerate, pull out
  • What words refer to stopping a vehicle?
    stop, brake, park
  • Vehicle

    Use this domain for things used to move.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6I Vehicles
  • What kinds of vehicles are there?
    vehicle, car, auto, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, cycle, bus, taxi
  • What kinds of vehicles are used by children or for play?
    tricycle, scooter, skateboard, roller-skates, roller blades, ice-skates
  • What kinds of vehicles are pulled by animals?
    wagon, cart, chariot, carriage
  • What words refer to moving in a vehicle?
    drive, cycle, pedal, ride
  • What are the parts of a vehicle?
    chassis, body, engine, brake, gas pedal, brakes, gear, steering wheel, windshield, windshield wiper, horn,
  • What are the parts of a bicycle?
    handle bars, kick stand, bike bell, tire pump
  • What are the parts of a wheel?
    wheel, tire, rim, spokes, hub, axle,
  • Railroad

    Use this domain for words related to railroads.

  • What words refer to a railroad?
    railroad, railway, station
  • What words refer to a train?
    train, railroad car, engine, caboose, freight train, passenger train, locomotive, freight car, trolley, streetcar
  • What words refer to the tracks?
    tracks, railroad tracks, rail, tie, bed
  • What words refer to moving in a train?
    ride, ride the rails, go on the train
  • What words refer to a person who operates a train?
    engineer, conductor, station master
  • Travel by water

    Use this domain for words related to traveling by water.

    OMC Codes: 
    500 Water and Air Transport
    501 Boats
    502 Navigation
    503 Waterways Improvements
    504 Port Facilities
    505 Water Transport
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    54 Maritime Activities
  • What words refer to traveling on water?
    sail, ship (v), cross (the river, lake)
  • What words refer to getting into a boat?
  • What words refer to leaving in a boat?
    set sail, sail off
  • What words refer to arriving in a boat?
    land, make land, landfall
  • What words refer to getting out of a boat?
  • What words refer to a ship hitting the land?
    run aground, shipwreck, maroon
  • What words refer to the places a ship can go?
    waterway, sea-lane
  • What words refer to a place where a ship comes to land?
    harbor, port, landing, dock, wharf, water break
  • Boat

    Use this domain for words related to a boat.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6H Boats and Parts of Boats
  • What types of boats are there?
    ship, boat, canoe, raft, life raft, lifeboat, ship's boat, surfboard, submarine,
  • What are the parts of a boat?
    bow, stern, starboard, port, deck, gunwale, below decks, mast, spar, crow's nest, figurehead, rudder, helm, superstructure,
  • What equipment is used in a boat?
    oar, paddle, sail, rigging, plank, compass, signal flag
  • What words are used of operating a boat?
    row, paddle, sail, push a boat with a pole, pole a boat, bale out water
  • What words refer to a person who uses a boat?
    sailor, captain
  • Swim

    Use this domain for words related to swimming.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15H' Swim
  • What words refer to swimming?
    swim, dog paddle, stroke, kick, breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, swim underwater, tread water, wade
  • Dive

    Use this domain for words referring to moving under the water.

  • What words refer to diving into water?
    dive, plunge, belly flop, jump in
  • What words refer to sinking under the water?
    sink, go down, go under, submerge
  • What words refer to moving while underwater?
    run submerged, swim underwater
  • What words refer to coming to the surface of the water?
    rise to the surface, surface (v), float to the surface
  • What words refer to drowning?
  • Fly

    Use this domain for words related to traveling by air.

    OMC Codes: 
    507 Aviation
    506 Aircraft
    508 Airport Facilities
    509 Air Transport
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15G' Fly
  • What words refer to traveling by air?
    travel by air, fly, aviation
  • What types of airplanes are there?
    airplane, plane, aircraft, balloon, glider, kite
  • What words refer to a person who flies an airplane?
  • Where do airplanes land?
    airport, runway, airstrip, landing field
  • Travel in space

    Use this domain for words related to traveling in space.

  • What words refer to traveling in space?
    space travel, voyage, orbit
  • What words refer to a vehicle that travels in space?
    spacecraft, spaceship, rocket, space shuttle, space station, satellite, flying saucer
  • What words refer to a person who travels in space?
    astronaut, cosmonaut, spaceman
  • What words refer to a rocket lifting off?
    lift off, lift-off, blast off, launch, launch pad, countdown, mission control
  • What words refer to a spacecraft landing?
    land, reenter, reentry
  • Move to a new house

    Use this domain for words related to permanently leaving your home or country, and for words related to migrating--moving every year to the same places because of the weather and food supplies.

    OMC Codes: 
    166 Internal Migration
  • What words refer to moving to a new house?
    move, move in
  • What words refer to a celebration when moving into a new house?
  • What words refer to leaving home?
    leave, move out, leave home, run away, vacate
  • What words refer to moving to a new country?
    emigrate, immigrate
  • What words refer to migrating?
  • Way, route

    Use this domain for words related to the way or route that you take to go somewhere.

  • What words refer to the way to go from one place to another?
    way, how to get, route, directions,
  • What words refer to a short way of getting somewhere?
  • What refer to telling someone the way?
    tell someone the way, give someone directions, show someone the way, direct,
  • What refer to asking someone the way?
    ask someone the way, ask for directions,
  • What words refer to finding the way?
    find your way, navigate,
  • What do you say to someone when you want them to tell you the way?
    can you tell me the way to, do you know the way to, how do I get to, can you direct me to, is this the way to,
  • Lose your way

    Use this domain for words related to losing your way.

  • What words refer to losing your way?
    be lost, not know where you are, get lost, lose your way
  • Map

    Use this domain for words related to a map--a drawing of the world or part of the world.

    OMC Codes: 
    102 Maps
  • What words refer to a map?
    map, chart, atlas
  • What types of maps are there?
    road map, street map, contour map, geographical map, political map
  • What is a model of the earth called?
  • What words refer to making a map?
  • What words refer to using a map?
    read a map, look for something on the map, find something on the map, trace a route
  • What words refer to the symbols on a map?
    symbol, legend, contour line, longitude line, latitude line, parallel
  • What words refer to the relationship between the size of the map and the size of the real land?
    scale, large scale, small scale, projection
  • What other tools are used to find a place?
    compass, sextant
  • 7.2.5 Accompany

    Use this domain for words referring to moving with someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15T Follow, Accompany
    15S Come/Go With, Travel With
  • What words refer to moving with someone?
    go with, come with, come along, accompany, escort (v), travel with, journey together,
  • What words refer to someone you travel with?
    companion, traveling companion, fellow travelers/passengers, escort (n), tour group
  • What words describe how a person walks with another person?
    arm in arm, side by side, in step with, out of step with, single file
  • What words refer to a group of vehicles or ships moving together?
  • Go first

    Use this domain for words related to going first or going ahead of someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15O Come/Go Prior To
    15P Come/Go In Front Of
  • What words refer to going ahead of someone?
    go first, come first, precede, lead, lead the way, blaze a trail, be in the van, forerun,
  • What words refer to the person who goes ahead?
    leader, van, vanguard,
  • Follow

    Use this domain for words related to following someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15T Follow, Accompany
    15Q Come/Go Behind
  • What words refer to following someone?
    follow, follow someone around, tag along, follow on, come behind, come after, go last,
  • What words refer to following someone closely?
    be on someone's tail, be on someone's heels, tailgate, be right behind,
  • What words refer to following someone at a distance?
    follow at a distance,
  • What words refer to moving at the same speed as the person you are following?
    keep up, keep pace, stay up with,
  • What words refer to moving faster than the person following you?
    pull ahead,
  • What words refer to moving faster than the person you are following?
    gain on,
  • What words refer to moving slower than the person you are following?
    lag behind, fall behind, straggle,
  • What words refer to reaching someone that you are following?
    catch up with, overtake
  • Guide

    Use this domain for words related to guiding someone--to show someone where to go by going ahead of them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15S Come/Go With, Travel With
  • What words refer to guiding someone?
    guide, lead, show, usher, shepherd, take the lead, lead on, lead the way, show the way, show someone to a place, blaze a trail, conduct, escort, precede, go before, marshal,
  • What words refer to a person who guides?
    guide, leader, pilot, point man, usher
  • Move together

    Use this domain for words referring to more than one thing moving together.

  • What words refer to moving together?
    go together,
  • What words refer to many things moving together?
    crowd, flock, flood, hail, parade, pelt, pour, rain, roll, shower, stream, swarm, teem, throng, troop,
  • 7.2.6 Pursue

    Use this domain for words related to pursuing someone--to follow someone in order to catch them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15U Pursue, Follow
  • What words refer to pursuing someone?
    run after, chase, in pursuit, pursue, be on someone's heels, chase after, go after, give chase, come after, be after, hunt,
  • What words refer to following someone in order to find out where they go?
    follow, tail, shadow, stalk, track, trail, hound, trace,
  • What words refer to the act of pursuing someone?
    chase (n), pursuit,
  • What words refer to someone who is pursuing someone?
  • Catch, capture

    Use this domain for words related to catching someone who is trying to escape.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37F Seize, Take into Custody
  • What words refer to catching someone?
    catch, catch up with, capture, get, corner, hunt down, nab, seize, seizure, trap,
  • What words refer to catching someone and not letting them leave?
    capture, round up, take someone prisoner, recapture
  • What words refer to the police catching a criminal?
    arrest, get, take someone into custody, apprehend, detain,
  • What words refer to catching an animal?
    catch, trap, snare, capture, round up,
  • Prevent from moving

    Use this domain for words referring to preventing someone or something from moving.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37A Control, Restrain
  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving?
    prevent, immobilize, keep, restrain, control, quarantine, restrict,
  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving by holding them?
    hold, hold down, restrain, pin someone down, seize,
  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving by tying them?
    handcuff, shackle, tie up, bind, binding,
  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving by putting them in an enclosure?
    lock up, cage, confine, contain, corral, shut up, trap
  • What words refer to preventing someone from moving by getting in their way?
    block, check, hem in, blockade, get in the way,
  • What things are used to prevent someone from moving?
    handcuffs, shackles, restraint, cage, restraint,
  • What words describe someone who is being prevented from moving?
    be under restraint, bound, captive, in confinement, held, limited, restricted,
  • Escape

    Use this domain for words related to escaping from danger.

  • What words refer to escaping from a dangerous place?
    escape, get out, flee, make your escape, get away, get clear, abandon ship, bail out, evacuate, fly the coop, get free, get loose, run away, scarper, break away, break free, break loose, sneak out,
  • What words refer to escaping from prison?
    break out, make a break for it, bust out,
  • What words refer to escaping from someone who is chasing you?
    get away, give someone the slip, throw someone off the scent, slip through someone's fingers, shake off, make a clean getaway, elude, evade, avoid capture, dodge, sidestep, cover your trail/tracks,
  • What words refer to running away from someone?
    run away, run off, bolt, run for it, make a run for it, take to your heels, scatter, run for your life,
  • What words refer to escaping from a difficult situation?
    extricate yourself, talk your way out of,
  • What words refer to escaping with something you have stolen?
    get away with, make off with,
  • What words refer to helping someone escape?
    get someone out, spring, liberate,
  • What words refer to the act of escaping?
    escape (n), breakout, jailbreak, getaway, prison break, evasion, evacuation,
  • What words refer to someone who has escaped?
    runaway, fugitive, escapee, refugee,
  • What words describe someone who has escaped?
    escaped, be on the loose, be at large, be on the run, elusive, free,
  • What words describe something related to escaping?
    evasive (maneuvers), getaway (car),
  • What words refer to being unable to escape?
    can't escape, can't get out, trapped, be stuck, there is no escape, be imprisoned, be a prisoner,
  • Set free

    Use this domain for words related to setting someone free.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37J Release, Set Free
  • What words refer to setting someone free?
    set someone free, let someone go, let someone out, release, free, deliver, discharge, emancipate, excuse, liberate, loose, ransom, redeem, spring, unbind, unbridle, unchain, unfetter, unhand, unharness, unleash, unshackle, untie, set at liberty,
  • What words refer to the act of setting someone free?
    deliverance, liberation, redemption,
  • What words refer to the state of being free?
    freedom, autonomy, independence, liberty,
  • What words refer to someone who sets someone free?
    deliverer, liberator,
  • What words refer to someone who has been set free?
  • What words describe someone who has been set free?
    free, at liberty, be out,
  • 7.2.7 Not moving

    Use this domain for words referring to not moving.

  • What words describe something that is not moving?
    stationary, still, motionless, still
  • What words describe something that cannot be moved?
    immoveable, fixed, fast, set, permanent
  • What words describe something that is difficult to move?
  • Stop moving

    Use this domain for words referring to stopping moving.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    68D Cease, Stop
  • What words refer to stopping moving?
    stop, come to rest, halt, brake
  • Stay, remain

    Use this domain for words referring to not moving.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    85C Remain, Stay
  • What words refer to someone not moving?
    stay, stay behind, stay back, remain, remain behind, stay where you are, stay put, remain in place, hold your place, hold still, freeze, stationary, standstill, stand around, stand still, linger, tarry, abide
  • What words refer to something never moving again?
    permanent, final resting place
  • Wait

    Use this domain for words referring to waiting in a place, waiting to do something, or waiting for something to happen. The basic idea of waiting is for someone to not do anything for a period of time, because he expects something to happen that will cause him to do something.

  • What words refer to waiting?
    wait, wait for, wait up for, wait on, await, hang on, stand by, wait around, hang around, hold off, wait your turn, sit something out, cool your heels, bide your time, sit tight, sweat it out, hesitate, hesitation, wait and see, wait behind, lie in wait, waiting room, waiting list
  • How do you tell someone to wait?
    Wait! Wait up. Just a minute. Just a moment. I'll be right with you. Hold on. Hang on. Please hold.
  • What words refer to waiting in a line of people?
    line up, queue, stand in line, cut in line
  • What words describe how a person feels when he must wait?
    look forward to, expectant, (I) can't wait, patient, impatient
  • What words refer to making someone wait?
    keep someone waiting, make someone wait, delay
  • What words refer to a period of time when you have to wait?
    wait (n), delay (n)
  • What words refer to refusing to wait patiently and going ahead of other people instead?
    cut in line, cut in front of someone, cut someone off, jump the queue, push in
  • 7.2.8 Send someone

    Use this domain for words related to causing someone to go somewhere.

  • What words refer to sending someone somewhere?
    send, dismiss, transfer
  • What words refer to summoning someone to come to you?
  • What words refer to sending someone to do something?