4.1.6 Disunity

Use this domain for words related to disunity--when a group of people do not agree with each other and are fighting.

Louw Nida Codes: 
39A Opposition, Hostility
39B Division
  • What words refer to the disunity of a social group?
    disunity, division, discord, dissidence, dissonance, friction, incompatibility, variance, dissension, dissent
  • What words refer to dividing a social group or more than one social group?
    divide, sow dissention, set at odds, pit against, part company with, have a falling out, differ, clash, disagree
  • What words describe a group that is disunited?
    disunited, divided, divided in spirit, going in different directions, discordant, out of tune, on bad terms, dissenting, factious, at odds, at cross purposes, up in arms, embroiled, torn
  • What words describe a person, force, or influence that divides a group?
    divisive, disruptive
  • Unfriendly

    Use this domain for words related to being antisocial--when someone does not want to talk to other people or be friends with them.

  • What words describe someone who is unfriendly?
    unfriendly, cold, inhospitable, hostile, antagonistic, give someone the cold shoulder,
  • What words describe someone who does not like to be friendly and wants to be alone?
    antisocial, standoffish, distant, aloof, dour, reserved
  • What words describe a relationship that is unfriendly?
    unfriendly, cool, strained, frosty, turn sour
  • What words describe a place or situation where people are unfriendly?
    unfriendly, unwelcoming, inhospitable, impersonal, forbidding
  • Set self apart

    Use this domain for words related to setting yourself apart from other people and not relating to them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    34D Limit or Avoid Association
  • What words refer to setting oneself apart from others and not relating to them?
    isolate, set self apart, remove, disengage, estrange, reserve, withdraw, quit, resign
  • Alone

    Use this domain for words related to being alone.

  • What words describe a person who is alone?
    alone, on your own, by yourself, unaccompanied, marooned, isolated
  • What words refer to doing something alone?
    all by yourself, single-handed, solo, in isolation, self-made
  • What words describe someone who spends a lot of time alone?
    solitary, loner, recluse, keep to yourself
  • What words refer to the state of being alone?
    solitude, isolation, solitary confinement, privacy
  • What words describe someone who is alone and unhappy?
    lonely, lonesome
  • What words refer to feeling lonely because someone you love is not there?
    miss, want to see someone, feel lonesome, long for someone
  • Independent person

    Use this domain for words describing an independent person--someone who does things without other people's help.

  • What words describe a person who does things without other people's help?
    independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient, individualist
  • Private, public

    Use this domain for words describing something that is private--something that only concerns you, and for words describing something that is public--something that concerns many people.

  • What words describe something that only concerns you?
    private, secret, personal, innermost