3.2 Think

Use this domain for words related to thinking, thought processes, and kinds of thinking.

Louw Nida Codes: 
30 Think
30A To Think, Thought
  • What general words refer to thinking?
  • What words refer to thinking something?
    think (that), have a thought, come to, come to mind, enter your mind, enter your head, cross your mind, hit on, occur to, present itself, spring to mind, strike, wonder,
  • What words refer to a single thought?
    thought, concept, consideration, fact, idea, image, notion, opinion, sentiment, syllogism,
  • 3.2.1 Mind

    Use this domain for general words referring to the mind--the part of a person that thinks.

  • What words refer to the mind?
    mind, intellect, intelligence, reason, understanding, brain, head
  • Think about

    Use this domain for words related to thinking about something for some time.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    30 Think
    30A To Think, Thought
    30B To Think About, with the Implied Purpose of Responding Appropriately
  • What words refer to thinking about something for a period of time?
    think about, brood, cogitate, consider, give consideration to, contemplate, meditate, muse, mull over, occupy your mind, ponder, reconsider, reflect, reflection, ruminate, speculate, study, weigh, wonder, go around in your mind, do some thinking, keep your mind on, have something on your mind, deduce, deduction, induction, inductive, logic, apply yourself, pay attention, bethink, conclude, observe, process, reason, theorize,
  • What words refer to thinking carefully?
    attend, attention, beware, careful, caution, cautious, concentrate, concentration, concern, concerned, consider, consideration, foresight, guard, intentional, interest, occupy, precaution, provident, prudent, purposeful, refuse, regard, tend, think thoroughly, give thought, thoughtful, think hard,
  • What words refer to not thinking carefully?
    careless, casual, dismiss, disregard, incautious, neglect, overlook, shrug, wing it
  • What words refer to thinking about what is good for someone?
    be concerned about, care about
  • What words refer to thinking before making a decision?
    think about, look at, think over, consider, think something out, think twice, think of, take into consideration, take into account,
  • What words refer to a series of thoughts?
    line of thought, line of thinking, train of thought, reasoning,
  • What words refer to thinking about something again?
    think again, reconsider, change your mind, on second thought, on reflection
  • What words refer to the thoughts a person is thinking at a particular time?
  • What words refer to thinking about many things?
    mind is full
  • What words refer to the way a person thinks about something?
    attitude, logic, outlook, perspective, thoughtful, view
  • What words describe the way a person thinks?
    clear, cogent, concise, observant,
  • What words refer to trying not to think about something?
    ignore, try to forget, put out of your mind, empty your mind
  • What words refer to stopping thinking about something?
    drop (a line of thought), distract, distraction, take your mind off
  • What words refer to failing to think about what you are doing?
    unthinking, unintentional, thoughtless, mindless
  • What words refer to a person who thinks a lot?
    thinker, brain, intellectual, philosopher,
  • Imagine

    Use this domain for imagining things--to think about something that does not exist, or to think about something happening that has never happened.

  • What words refer to imagining things?
    imagine, conceive of, dream up, envisage, hypothesize, invent, picture (in your mind), form a picture, make up, see, suppose, think of, think up, visualize,
  • What words refer to imagining something that you would like to do?
    daydream (v), dream about, dream of, fantasize, live in a fantasy world,
  • What words refer to imagining things that do not exist?
    imagine, be in the mind, be in your mind, be seeing things, hallucinate,
  • What words refer to the ability to imagine?
    imagination, vivid imagination, fertile imagination, creativity, inventiveness, vision,
  • What words refer to a person who imagines?
    creative genius, dreamer, visionary,
  • What words describe someone who imagines?
    imaginative, creative (person),
  • What words refer to something that someone imagines?
    image, conception, conceptualization, creation, daydream (n), dream, fancy, flight of fancy, fantasy, fiction, figment of your imagination, hallucination, hypothesis, invention, make believe, picture, unreality, vision, visualization,
  • What words describe something that someone has imagined?
    imaginary, abstract, conceptual, creative (thought), fanciful, fictional, hypothetical, unreal, nonexistent, doesn't exist,
  • What words describe someone who does not imagine?
    unimaginative, uncreative,
  • What words describe something that cannot be imagined?
    unimaginable, inconceivable,
  • Intelligent

    Use this domain for words that describe a person who thinks well.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    32D Capacity for Understanding
  • What words describe someone who thinks well?
    intelligent, brainy, bright, brilliant, capable, clever, crafty, discerning, educated, ingenious, insightful, keen, knowledgeable, learned, literate, perceptive, philosophical, profound, rational, scholarly, sharp, shrewd, sly, smart, sophisticated, sound, wily, have a lot of sense, have a high IQ,
  • What words describe an intelligent child?
    bright, gifted, precocious, prodigy, whiz kid
  • What words describe someone who can think quickly?
    quick, sharp, whiz, be quick on the uptake, be on the ball, think on your feet
  • What words describe someone who is intelligent, well-educated, and thinks a lot?
    intellectual, academic, learned, brains, intelligentsia
  • What words describe someone who makes good decisions?
    wise, sagacious, prudent, sensible, good sense, sound judgment
  • What words refer to the ability to think well?
    ability, capacity, circumspection, cleverness, competence, cunning, discernment, discretion, discrimination, insight, intelligence, IQ, judgment, knowledge, philosophy, profundity, prudence, rationality, reasoning, sagacity, sanity, sense, sensibility, shrewdness, smarts, sophistication, understanding, wisdom, wit
  • What words refer to a person who thinks well?
    academician, genius, highbrow, illuminati, intellectual, literati, magus, philosopher, priest, prodigy, sage, scholar, scholastic, thinker, able thinker, wise man,
  • Stupid

    Use this domain for words that describe a person who does not think well.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    32E Lack of Capacity for Understanding
  • What words describe a person who does not think well?
    asinine, blind, brainless, crass, crazy, daft, delirious, demented, dense, dim, dizzy, doltish, dull, dull-witted, dumb, fanatical, fatuous, foolish, harebrained, idiotic, inane, ingenuous, insane, insensitive, irrational, lumpish, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, retarded, senile, senseless, silly, simple, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thick, thickheaded, undiscerning, unimaginative, unperceptive, unsound, witless, lacking in intelligence, mentally lazy,
  • What words describe someone who makes bad decisions?
    foolish, shortsighted, unwise
  • What words refer to not being able to think well?
    derangement, idiocy, imbecility, insanity, lunacy, madness, senility, stupidity,
  • What words refer to something someone says or does that is stupid?
    absurdity, nonsense,
  • What words refer to a person who does not think well?
    airhead, blockhead, dolt, donkey, dullard, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, dupe, fanatic, fool, idiot, imbecile, moron, numskull, scatterbrain, sucker,
  • Logical

    Use this domain for words describing logical thinking.

  • What words describe thinking that is logical?
    logical, sound, rational, reasonable, well thought out, well-founded, make sense, hang together, coherent, add up
  • What words refer to a logical way of thinking?
    logic, reasoning
  • What words describe thinking that is not logical?
    illogical, irrational, make no sense, not hold water, not stand up, not add up
  • Instinct

    Use this domain for words related to instinct--to know something without being told, to know what to do without taught how to do it.

  • What words refer to a natural ability to know what to do?
    instinct, instinctive, intuition, intuitive, sixth sense, gut feeling, just seem to know
  • 3.2.2 Learn

    Use this domain for words referring to learning something, acquiring information, gaining knowledge (whether done intentionally or unintentionally), or discovering the answer to some question.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    27 Learn
    27A Learn
  • What words refer to learning something?
    learn, acquaint, acquire, ascertain, conclude, dawn on, deduce, determine, discover, examine, experience, figure out, find, get (the answer), glean, grasp (mentally), gain (knowledge/understanding), look something up, master, obtain, perceive, pick someone's brain, pick up (a subject), question (v), realize, recognize, reflect, study, get an education,
  • What words refer to learning something no one else knows or something that is secret?
    discover, discovery, find out about
  • What words refer to someone who is learning?
    amateur, disciple, layman, student,
  • What words describe someone who is learning?
    ignorant, uneducated, unlearned
  • What words refer to someone who has learned?
    graduate, teacher, scholar,
  • What words describe someone who has learned?
    instructed, learned, well-taught,
  • What words refer to what is learned?
    learning, answer, solution, information, conclusion, discovery, discipline, education, initiation, instruction, training,
  • Study

    Use this domain for words referring to studying--to try to learn something.

    OMC Codes: 
    120 Research Methods
    121 Theoretical Orientation in Research and Its Results
    122 Practical Preparations in Conducting Fieldwork
    123 Observational Role in Research
    124 Interviewing in Research
    125 Tests and Schedules Administered In the Field
    126 Recording and Collecting In the Field
    127 Historical and Archival Research
    128 Organization and Analysis of Results of Research
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    27D Try To Learn
  • What words refer to studying something?
    study, analyze, check, concern yourself with, consider, determine, examine, experiment (v), follow, inquire into, investigate, learn, look into/for, look something up, probe, prowl, seek, search, research, study, test, trace, track, trail, try to find out about,
  • What words refer to the process of trying to learn something?
    evaluation, examination, experiment (n), investigation, inquiry, quest, study, search
  • What words refer to the subject that is being studied?
    subject, topic, question
  • What words refer to studying something a second time?
    review, revise (British)
  • What words refer to a person who studies something?
    astronomer, biologist, botanist, detective, investigator, linguist, mathematician, operative, reconnoiterer, scientist, scout, spy, undercover agent, zoologist
  • What words describe someone who likes to study?
    studious, inquisitive,
  • Check

    Use this domain for words referring to checking something--when you think something is true or correct, but you aren't sure, you do something to find out if it is true or correct.

  • What words refer to checking something to make sure it is true or correct?
    check, make sure, make certain, double-check, verify, confirm, check out, crosscheck, see for yourself, check up on,
  • Evaluate, test

    Use this domain for words referring to the process of determining the truth or falsehood of something, or for determining the nature or value of something.

    OMC Codes: 
    125 Tests and Schedules Administered In the Field
    208 Public Opinion
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    30G To Distinguish, To Evaluate, To Judge
  • What words refer to the process of determining the truth of something?
    adjudge, adjudicate, assay, assess, assessment, calculate, consider, decide, decision, determine, discern, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, examine, gauge, judge, judgment, judicious, question, regard, render, scrupulous, seek (truth), size, taste, test, testing, view
  • What words refer to the process of determining the value of something?
    appraisal, appraise, evaluate, weigh (the merits of)
  • What words refer to choosing which of two or more things is better?
    differentiate, differentiation, discriminate, distinguish, rank, rate, rating, separate, hold in esteem, hold up,
  • What words refer to the thing that is thought better?
  • What words refer to thinking something is not as good as something else?
    discount, disregard, devalue, dismiss
  • What words refer to the difference between two things?
    difference, distinction, distinctions,
  • What words refer to judging wrongly?
    indiscriminate, miscalculate, misjudge, overestimate, uncritical,
  • What words refer to a person who evaluates?
    referee, tester,
  • What words refer to a report of an evaluation?
    report, reputation, reward,
  • What words refer to being evaluated as better than before?
    move up, rise, climb, shoot up,
  • Guess

    Use this domain for words referring to answering a question when one is unsure of the answer.

  • What words refer to answering a question when you are unsure of the answer?
    guess, estimate, suppose, assume, theorize
  • What words refer to what is being guessed?
    guess, estimate, supposition, assumption, theory, intuition
  • Solve

    Use this domain for words related to solving something--finding the answer to something that is difficult to understand.

  • What words refer to solving something?
    solve, figure out, work out, clear up, find an explanation, answer, calculate, calculator
  • Realize

    Use this domain for words related to realizing something.

  • What words refer to realizing something?
    realize, occur to, dawn on, become aware that, strike, hit, sink in, wake up to the fact that, it clicked,
  • Willing to learn

    Use this domain for words referring to being willing to learn or unwilling to learn.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    27E Be Willing To Learn
  • What words refer to being willing to learn?
    willing to learn, open your mind, open-minded, open to new ideas, teachable,
  • What words refer to being unwilling to learn?
    unwilling to learn, close your mind, closed minded, refuse to learn, won't listen to reason, stubborn, hard heart, mind made up
  • What words refer to wanting to learn something?
    curious, interested
  • 3.2.3 Know

    Use this domain for words referring to the results of thinking.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    28 Know
    28A Know
    28B Known
  • What words refer to knowing something?
    know, understand, have information
  • What words refer to knowing how to do something?
    know how to
  • What words refer to not knowing something?
    not know, be ignorant, be unaware of
  • What words refer to knowing something slightly?
    be aware of, be acquainted with, know a little, know about
  • What words refer to knowing something thoroughly?
    knowledgeable, know (something) thoroughly, know well, know all about, familiar with
  • What words refer to what is known about a topic?
    information, body of knowledge, (what is) known
  • What words refer to what is not known about a topic?
  • What words refer to all the things a person knows?
  • What words describe something that can be known?
  • What words describe something that cannot be known?
  • Known, unknown

    Use this domain for words that describe whether or not something is known.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    28C Well Known, Clearly Shown, Revealed
    28D Able To Be Known
    28E Not Able To Be Known, Secret
  • What words describe something or someone that is known to someone?
    known, noted, familiar, obvious
  • What words describe something or someone that is known to many people?
    well-known, famous, infamous, fame, notorious, public knowledge
  • What words describe something or someone that is not known by many people?
    little-known, secret, secrecy, obscure, private, mystery, mysterious
  • What words describe something or someone that is not known by anyone?
    not known, unknown, undetected, undiscovered, unexposed, unmarked, unseen
  • What words refer to making something known?
    acquaint, bare, demonstrate, disclose, discover, divulge, exhibit, explain, expose, indicate, present, make public, publicize, reveal, show, uncover, unfold, unmask, unveil
  • What words describe something that is easily known?
    apparent, evident, obvious
  • What words describe something that is not easily known?
  • Area of knowledge

    Use this domain for words referring to an area of knowledge.

  • What words refer to an area of knowledge?
    area, field, world, domain, realm, sphere, branch, province
  • Secret

    Use this domain for words that describe whether or not something is known.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    28E Not Able To Be Known, Secret
  • What words describe something or someone that is known to someone?
    known, noted, familiar, obvious
  • What words describe something or someone that is known to many people?
    well-known, famous, infamous, fame, notorious, public knowledge
  • What words describe something or someone that is not known by many people?
    little-known, secret, secrecy, obscure, private, mystery, mysterious
  • What words describe something or someone that is not known by anyone?
    not known, unknown, undetected, undiscovered, unexposed, unmarked, unseen
  • What words refer to making something known?
    acquaint, bare, demonstrate, disclose, discover, divulge, exhibit, explain, expose, indicate, present, make public, publicize, reveal, show, uncover, unfold, unmask, unveil
  • What words describe something that is easily known?
    apparent, evident, obvious
  • What words describe something that is not easily known?
  • 3.2.4 Understand

    Use this domain for words referring to understanding a topic or the meaning of something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    32 Understand
    32A Understand
    32B Come To Understand
    32C Ease or Difficulty in Understand
  • What words refer to understanding something?
    understand, understanding, comprehend, have/gain insight
  • What words refer to coming to understand something?
    understand, perceive, realize, see, recognize, recognition, figure out
  • Misunderstand

    Use this domain for when a person does not understand a topic or the meaning of something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31B Hold a Wrong View, Be Mistaken
  • What words refer to misunderstanding something?
    misunderstand, understand wrong, fail to understand, misinterpret, interpret wrongly, miss the meaning, get it wrong, mishear, be mistaken, lose (someone), lack of understanding,
  • What words refer to understanding something differently than someone else?
    understand differently, give a different interpretation
  • Understandable

    Use this domain for words that describe something that is easy to understand.

  • What words describe something that can be understood?
  • What words describe something that is easy to understand?
    obvious, transparent, clear, easy to understand, evident
  • What words describe a clear connection between two things?
    relevant, pertinent, clear, clearly, obvious,
  • Mysterious

    Use this domain for words that describe something that is difficult to understand.

  • What words describe something that cannot be understood?
    not understandable, inscrutable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, inconceivable
  • What words describe something that is difficult to understand?
    vague, oblique, unclear, not well worded, cryptic, hard to understand, difficult to understand, puzzle, puzzling, riddle
  • What words describe an unclear connection between two things?
    obscure, shrouded in mystery, mysterious,
  • 3.2.5 Opinion

    Use this domain for situations in which a question or issues are being debated, more than one option is possible, and a person chooses to think in one way about the question or issue.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31A Have an Opinion, Hold a View
    31 Hold a View, Believe, Trust
    31D Acknowledge
    31G Accept as True
    31H Change an Opinion Concerning Truth
  • What words refer to taking a position toward a question or issue?
    take a position, lean toward, regard
  • What words refer to holding an opinion toward a question or issue?
    hold/have an opinion, hold a view, have a perspective
  • What words refer to the position a person takes toward a question or issue?
    position, view, outlook, perspective, leaning, opinion
  • Believe

    Use this domain for words referring to believing that something is true.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31F Believe To Be True
    31J Be a Believer, Christian Faith
  • What words refer to believing that something is true?
    believe, faith, trust, accept, confidence, give credence to, consider, count on, rely on, reliance, depend on, dependence, swear by, take for granted, bet on, bank on, buy, take at face value, store, stock, take someone's word for it, cling to, be convinced, be dogmatic, follow, heed, receive, think something is true
  • What words refer to believing that someone is truthful?
    believe in, have confidence in, have faith in, put your trust in, take your word for, pin your hopes on, give the benefit of the doubt
  • What words describe something or someone that can be believed?
    believable, convincing, indubitable, undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible, credible, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, to be depended on, probable, persuasive, plausible, authoritative, reliable, have a ring of truth, sounds right, certain, convincing, sure
  • What words refer to putting too much faith in something?
    presumption, credulous, gullible, superstitious, unquestioning
  • What words refer to believing something that other people do not believe?
    belief, superstition, old wives' tale
  • What words refer to believing something that is not true?
    illusion, fallacy, myth, delusion, mistaken belief, misconception, live in a fantasy world, swallow
  • What words refer to a person who believes?
    believer, follower
  • What words refer to something that a person believes?
  • What words refer to the reason a person believes something?
    evidence, grounds, basis
  • Trust

    Use this domain for words referring to trusting someone--believing that someone is honest and will not do something bad to you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31I Trust, Rely
  • What words refer to trusting someone?
    trust, believe in, put your trust in, have confidence in,
  • What words refer to the feeling that you can trust someone?
    trust, confidence, faith, blind faith,
  • What words describe someone that you can trust?
    trustworthy, responsible, trusted,
  • What words describe someone who usually trusts other people?
  • What words refer to not trusting someone?
    not trust, distrust, be suspicious of, be suspicious of, view someone with suspicion,
  • What words refer to the feeling that you cannot trust someone?
    distrust, mistrust, suspicion,
  • What words describe someone who cannot be trusted?
    untrustworthy, can't be trusted, not to be trusted,
  • What words describe someone who usually does not trust other people?
    distrustful, mistrustful,
  • Disbelief

    Use this domain for words referring to not believing something or someone.

  • What words refer to not believing something or someone.
    not believe, disbelief, unbelief, lack faith in, fail to believe, refuse to believe
  • What words refer to being unsure whether to believe or not?
    doubt, waver, undecided
  • What words describe something or someone that is hard to believed?
    hard to believe, unbelievable, doubtful, incredible, unconvincing, disputable, untrustworthy, unfaithful, undependable, improbable, unpersuasive
  • Doubt

    Use this domain for words related to doubt--not being sure if something is true or not.

  • What words are used of being unsure of the truth of something?
    doubt, doubt the truth of, have doubts, debate in your mind, be skeptical, mistrust, suspect, harbor suspicions, take with a grain of salt
  • What words are used of doubtful thoughts?
    doubt, suspicion, skepticism
  • What words refer to a person who doubts?
    doubter, skeptic, agnostic
  • What words refer to a person that you doubt?
    suspicious character,
  • Agree with someone

    Use this domain for when two people agree on something, think the same way about something, or agree on a decision.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33W Agree
    31C Agree, Consent
  • What words refer to when two people agree?
    agree, agreement, concur, accede, think the same, think alike, hold the same view, be of the same mind, be of like mind, like-minded, be in accord, be of one accord, be united, be in the same place, be together on something, be with someone, coincide in our thinking,
  • What words refer to two people coming to agreement?
    come to an agreement, come together, ratify a treaty
  • What words refer to the act or state of agreeing?
    agreement, like-mindedness, cooperation, unity, concord, be in congruity,
  • What words refer to a written document expressing agreement?
    written agreement, peace accord, peace treaty
  • What words refer to a gesture expressing agreement?
    shake hands, shake on it, kiss, holding hands, bow, nod in agreement
  • What words refer to changing your thinking so that you agree with someone else?
    accede, accession, accept, acquiesce, acquiescence, give assent, consent, yield, grant a point,
  • What words refer to two people compromising?
  • What words refer to when two people disagree?
    disagree, disagreement, think differently, dissent, contest (v),
  • Disagree

    Use this domain for when two people disagree about something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    31C Agree, Consent
  • What words refer to when two people disagree?
    disagree, disagreement, think differently, dissent, dissenting, contest (v),
  • Protest

    Use this domain for words related to protesting--to say publicly that you do not like something.

  • What words refer to protesting?
    protest (v), object to, remonstrate, speak out against,
  • What words refer to many people protesting?
    storm of protest, outcry against, outcry over, public outcry, boycott,
  • What words refer to someone who protests?
    protester, demonstrator, dissident, marcher, objector,
  • What words refer to something someone protests about?
    protest (n), objection, remonstrance,
  • What words refer to many people protesting in a group?
    protest, demonstrate, march, boycott, riot, in protest,
  • What words refer to when many people protest in a group?
    protest (n), demonstration, march, rally, riot, unrest, civil disobedience, peaceful demonstration, placard,
  • What words describe something done in protest?
    protest (adj),
  • What do people do when they are protesting against something?
    boo (v), boo (n), booing,
  • What do people say when they are protesting against something?
    Down with (someone/something)! No more (something)!
  • Philosophy

    Use this domain for words referring to a set of beliefs about truth.

    OMC Codes: 
    100 Orientation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    11E Philosophical
  • What words refer to a set of beliefs about truth?
    philosophy, orientation, frame of reference, worldview
  • What words refer to a person who attempts to define a set of beliefs?
    philosopher, sage
  • What words refer to a group of philosophers?
    Epicurean, Stoic, school (of thought)
  • Attitude

    Use this domain for words referring to a person's attitude--the way you think and feel about something.

  • What words refer to a person's opinions and feelings about something?
    attitude, mentality, way of thinking, outlook, worldview
  • Extreme belief

    Use this domain for words referring to an extreme belief--something that you believe, that most people think is not good.

  • What words describe strong opinions and beliefs, which most people regard as extreme?
    extreme, hard-line, far-left, far-right, idealistic, out in left field
  • What words refer to a person who holds extreme beliefs?
    extremist, hardliner, leftist, idealist, fanatic, zealot
  • Change your mind

    Use this domain for words related to changing your mind--to change what you think about something, or change your plans or decisions.

  • What words refer to changing a decision?
    change plans, change your mind, rethink, have second thoughts, backtrack, U-turn
  • What words describe a person who is willing to change his mind?
    open, open-minded
  • What words refer to changing your mind many times?
    vacillate, go back and forth between, waver
  • What words describe a person who keeps changing his mind?
  • What words refer to refusing to change your mind?
    stand firm, stand your ground, stick to your guns
  • What words describe a person who refuses to change his mind?
    closed, close minded, rigid, inflexible, entrenched, reactionary, diehard, intransigent, have fixed ideas, stick in the mud
  • Approve of something

    Use this domain for words related to approving of doing something--to think that doing something is good.

  • What words refer to approving of something?
    approve, meet with someone's approval, agree with, believe in, condone, endorse, be for, be in favor of, okay (v), give it your okay, pass, sanction, subscribe, sustain, think something is right, uphold, value (v), think something is right,
  • What words refer to approving of something very much?
    be all for, be all in favor of, be a great believer in, be an advocate of
  • What words refer to someone's approval?
    approval, approbation, advocacy, endorsement, sanction,
  • What words describe something that someone approves of?
    admirable, creditable, estimable, honorable, meritorious,
  • What words refer to not approving of something?
    not approve, condemn, critical, critique, deprecate, disapprove of, disapproving, disqualify, frown on, invalidate, reject, take a dim view of, have a low opinion of, think badly of,
  • What words refer to someone's disapproval?
    disapproval, disapprobation, disfavor, rejection,
  • What words describe something that someone does not approve of?
    abominable, blameworthy, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable, lamentable, reprehensible, unsatisfactory,
  • What words refer to saying that you disapprove of something?
    voice your disapproval, express your disapproval, register your disapproval, condemn, denounce, deplore,
  • What words refer to looking at someone in a disapproving way?
    give someone a disapproving look, give someone a dirty look, frown, look askance,
  • What words describe something said in a disapproving way?
    disapproving, derogatory, pejorative,
  • What words refer to when people start to disapprove of something?
    fall into disrepute,
  • 3.2.6 Remember

    Use this domain for words referring to remembering something you know.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    29 Memory and Recall
    29B Recalling from Memory
    29D Recalling and Responding with Appropriate Action
  • What words refer to remembering something?
    remember, recall, remind oneself, call to mind, bring to mind, think of, recognize, recognition, recollect, review, come (back) to, mindful, heed, think, in retrospect,
  • What words refer to memorizing something?
    memorize, commit to memory
  • What words refer to causing someone to think of or remember something?
    remind, bring up, prompt, jog someone's memory, jog your mind,
  • What words refer to something that reminds a person of something?
    reminder, note, memo, memorandum, cue, souvenir, memorial, remembrance,
  • What words refer to remembering things that happened in the past?
    reminisce, recall, think back on
  • What words refer to the things a person remembers?
    memory, recollection,
  • What words refer to remembering to do something?
    heed, mind, mindful, respond,
  • What words refer to remembering something good?
    cherish (a memory/thought), treasure
  • What words refer to remembering something bad?
    regret, rue the day
  • Forget

    Use this domain for words referring to forgetting something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    29C Not Remembering, Forgetting
  • What words refer to not remembering something?
    forget, didn't think of it, overlook, draw a blank, escape me, slip my mind, fly right out of your mind, lose your train of thought, lose track of,
  • What words refer to failing to remember to do something?
    neglect, omit, let something pass, slip, unmindful, miss
  • What words describe someone who has trouble remembering?
    forgetful, absentminded
  • What words refer to forgetting many things because of a head injury?
  • Recognize

    Use this domain for words referring to recognizing something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    27G Recognize
  • What words refer to recognizing something?
    distinguish, identify, know, place, realize, recognize, recognition, pick out, tell, not mistake
  • What words describe something that you can recognize?
    recognizable, familiar, unmistakable
  • What words describe something that you can't recognize?
    unrecognizable, unfamiliar, strange, changed beyond all recognition
  • Memorize

    Use this domain for words referring to memorizing something--to think hard about something so that you will not forget it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    29A Storing of Information
  • What words refer to memorizing something?
    memorize, commit to memory, make a mental note, record, remember, store,
  • Remind

    Use this domain for words referring to reminding someone about something--to make someone remember something.

  • What words refer to reminding someone of something they must do or something they should know?
    remind, jog someone's memory, refresh someone's memory, prompt, be a reminder, reminder,
  • What words refer to reminding someone of a person or something that happened in the past?
    remind, be a reminder, bring back memories, take someone back, drag up, rake up, evoke, evocative, make someone think of,
  • 3.2.7 Expect

    Use this domain for words referring to thinking about the future.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    30C To Think Concerning Future Contingencies
  • What words refer to how a person thinks about the future?
    expect, feel satisfied, feel dissatisfied, expect with certainty, expect uncertainly, be looking at, anticipate, await, suspense
  • What words refer to something that may happen in the future?
    expectation, prospect, possibility
  • What words refer to an expectation happening?
    come true, come about, be fulfilled, materialize
  • What words refer to an expectation not happening?
    not come true, fail to materialize
  • Hope

    Use this domain for words related to hoping that something will happen--to want something good to happen in the future.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25D Hope, Look Forward To
  • What words refer to hoping that something good will happen in the future?
    hope, look forward to, anticipate, eagerly await, bide, desire, dream, be optimistic, wish for, fulfill hope,
  • What words refer to something good that may happen in the future?
    hope (n), wish (n)
  • Hopeless

    Use this domain for words related to feeling hopeless--to thinking that nothing good will happen in the future.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25D Hope, Look Forward To
  • What words refer to feeling hopeless?
    hopeless, lose hope, cynical, cynicism, despair, fatalistic, fatalism, pessimistic, pessimism
  • Predict

    Use this domain for words referring to predicting the future--saying what you think will happen.

  • What words refer to predicting what you think will happen in the future?
    claim, forecast, foretell, predict, prognosticate, prophesy,
  • 3.2.8 Tendency

    Use this domain for words indicating that the speaker thinks that something tends to be a certain way.

  • What words indicate that the speaker thinks that something tends to be a certain way?
    tend, have a tendency, lean a certain way, apt to, prone to, proclivity, predilection, bent, bias, leaning, penchant, inclination, propensity, susceptibility, likelihood, liable to, trend, drift, conducive to, leads in the direction of, dispose, incline toward, gravitate toward, likely