1.6.3 Animal life cycle

Use this domain for words related to the life cycle of an animal.

OMC Codes: 
136b Growth Stages
  • What words refer to an animal giving birth?
    give birth, embryo, multiply, propagate, reproduce, calve, calving, drop, kid, lambing, lay, spawn, spawning grounds, whelp
  • What words refer to a young animal?
    young, puppy, cub, foal, kid, kitten, lamb, litter, chick, brood, fledgling, larva, roe
  • What words refer to the sexual behavior of animals?
    mate, harem, breed
  • What words refer to the life cycle of insects?
    cocoon, chrysalis, pupa, pupal stage, maggot, grub, larva, larval, caterpillar, nymph
  • What words refer to animals such as snakes, birds, and insects shedding their skin?
    shed (skin), molt (feathers)
  • What words refer to animals growing fur, feathers, or new skin?
    molt, shed, down, fledge,
  • Egg

    Use this domain for words related to eggs.

  • What words refer to an egg?
  • What types of eggs are there?
    bird egg, reptile egg, insect egg
  • What are the parts of an egg?
    shell, eggshell, yoke, white, membrane, embryo
  • What is a baby bird called?
    chick, baby bird, hatchling
  • What do birds do to eggs?
    lay, sit on, incubate, roust, turn, fertilize
  • Where do birds lay their eggs?
  • What is a group of eggs called?
  • How do baby birds get out of their egg?
    hatch, peck its way out of the egg
  • What words are used for opening an egg?
    crack, break, smash
  • What words are used to describe a bad egg?
    rotten, cracked, broken